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"Feathering your love nest?" Sister Esther says as she walks into Darrien's office.

Esther and Darrien exchange glances at each other for a brief moment.

"The radio said the bridge would be washed up from the storm. Thought I would spare myself and spend the night." Dr. Koop says.

Dr. Koop walks over to grab a pillow off of his desk. Esther's stare burning into the side of his head as he walks back and forth.

"Sister Esther, I've had a very long, particularly strange day. Whatever it is that you wanted, I'm sure it can wait until tomorrow." Darrien says.

"Ravish me red?" Esther says as she walks towards Darrien with the lipstick she got from Sister Kate earlier that day.

Thunder booms as Darrien turns to look at Esther.

Darrien then turns back around to fix the sheets he has set up for himself for the night.

"Sister Kate told me everything." Esther continues.

Darrien looks back at Esther again and then back at the sheets.

He sits down on the arm of the couch in his office and sighs running his hand through his hair.

"I admired her purity. Her innocence!" Darrien cries.

"I never had any. Even as a boy. Now it's gone! It's been taken from her." Darrien continues.

It was silent between the two for a few seconds before Esther breaks the silence.

"Are those tears?" Esther spats.

"Sister Kate has been corrupted by this place and those patients! And lonesome Rachel! If there's-"

"If she's been corrupted, it's because of you. Your ears are quiet transparent! She's a sensitive child and whatever you opened inside of her she can't even begin to understand!" Esther interrupts.

"My feelings for her are nothing but entirely pure! She can in her and propositioned me! Exposed herself to me like a whore!" Darrien says of Sister Kate.

"I see through your game! You're trying to drive me from my position so you can take over!" Esther says.

"First the newspaper and now the lipstick!?" Esther continues.

She throws the lipstick across the room and stares back at Darrien.

"It's not going to work. What you think you know, you don't really know." Esther says.

"You're coming apart at the seems, Sister. Perhaps it would be best if you took a leave of absence." Darrien says with raised eyebrows.

Esther laughs a little at Darrien's comment.

"I'm on to you." Esther says as she leaves the room and thunder booms again.

Sister Esther is in her office praying while looking out the large window.

The thunder booms and scares the crap out of Esther.

Just then, the phone in her office starts to ring.

"Briarcliff Manor." Esther says as she answers the phone.



"Who is this?" Esther says in annoyance.

"You just left me there!" A little girls voice says from the other end of the phone.

Esther pauses for a moment with a scared expression on her face.

"Who...who is this?" Esther says in a frightened tone.

"You never even bothered to get out of the car!" The girl says.

Esther then starts to have flashbacks to when he had the car accident so many years earlier.

Esther puts her hand over her mouth and starts to cry on the phone.

"I'm sorry....I'm so sorry." Esther says.

The line goes dead and Esther hangs up the phone.

She stands there crying for a few minutes and then looks down at her desk to see something that wasn't there before.

The broken glasses from the little girl she killed in the car accident.

"No! No!" Esther says as she starts to cry uncontrollably.

She sits down and picks up the glasses from the desk.

Esther continues to cry for the next few minutes and then she lies her head down on the desk.

She sets the glasses down and reaches for the wine Sister Kate had left on her desk earlier in the day.

I'm back and will be doing daily updates again!🖤

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