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The hallways in the building are dead silent.

All the patients have been put to bed for the night, except one.

She won't fall asleep.

After how she thought she seen Sister Kate earlier in the evening, she hasn't been the same.

Now she stays in bed rocking herself back and forth saying the same prayer over and over again in Spanish.

She then sees her door open as Sister Kate walks into her room.

Kate closes and locks the door behind her as she walks closer to the frightened woman.

"Why are you so fearful my child?" Kate asks.

The woman shakes her head and says, "go away, Satan."

Kate walks closer to her beside and slaps the woman's cross out of her hand.

"I can't imagine what you are so afraid of. Get on your knees and we'll pray it all away." Kate says with an evil smile on her face.

"No." The woman says almost crying.

Kate looks at her for a moment as the woman didn't do as she was told.

"On your knees!" Kate roars in Spanish.

The woman surrenders and gets off the bed and onto her knees next to her bed.

"The devil! The devil! Spare me!" The woman cries.

Kate steps on her hand as the woman crawls to get her cross of the ground.

Kate kicks it away and picks the woman up by the back of her shirt and turns her around so she's kneeling against the bed.

"Repeat after me." Kate says in Spanish to the woman.

Kate begins to stay the first few lines of a prayer and the frightened woman repeats after her.

Kate the stand up behind the woman and stabs her in the neck with a sharp pair of scissors.

She watches in awe as the blood squirts out of the woman's neck as she becomes lifeless.

Kate then stabs her in the chest to make sure she dies so she couldn't tell anyone else about what was going on.


Kate has the body of the woman wrapped up in a blanket in a wheelbarrow outside and is heading for the woods.

She dumps the body by where she feeds Dr.Koop's creatures at night and waits for them to eat the woman.

Soon one of the creatures show themselves to Kate.

Kate looks at it amazed as it walks closer to the lifeless body on the ground.

"Who is it?" Dr.Koop says as he hears a knock at his office door.

"You wanted to see me?" Kate asks walking into his office.

"Hello, Sister. My ray of sunshine." Dr.Koop says with a smile.

He gestures Kate over to one of the seats in his office has he gets up to greet her.

"So, tell me, how are you doing?" Dr.Koop asks.

"I did a feeding last night. The creatures are getting hungrier!" Kate says concerned.

Dr.Koop bows his head and nods.

"I'm worried, doctor. What happens when it's freezing? And now this storm." Kate says.

"We only have to get them through the winter." Dr.Koop says.

Dr.Koop looks up at Kate and places his hand on her knee.

"I can't tell you how much you care about these creatures means to me." Dr.Koop says.

Kate looks up with an evil look and looks Dr.Koop right in his eyes.

"Oh please! You know you only call me in here so you can undress me with your eyes!" Kate says out of the blue.

Dr.Koop is taken aback by Kate's sudden words.

"Just imagine what it would be like between us right here right now." Kate says walking towards Dr.Koop.

"Don't talk like that!" He whisper yells.

"I'm not devoted to the lord, but to the power of sex...and lust." Kate says.

"Stop it!" Dr.Koop says pushing her off of him.

"You can fight all you want to, doc. Just give it to me!" Kate says lying on Dr.Koop's desk.

Dr.Koop just slaps Kate across her face and says, "Shut your filthy mouth!"

Kate begins to laugh an evil laugh as if she were insane.

"Who knew you were such a boner killer." She says still laughing.

"Get out of my office!" Dr.Koop yells with anger in his eyes.

Kate laughs and hops off his desk.

She turns back to look at him with evil in her eyes and continues to walk out of the office.

Dr.Koop starts to freak out and panic after he hears the door close and tries to think about what just happened.

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