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Monsignor Kevin along with a male nurse are trying to strap the boy Jed down to a bed so the exorcism can begin.

"Please!? Stop! No! What are you doing!?" He pleads as he tries to get out of the hand and ankle restrains.

"Close the door! It's time to begin!" The priest in the wheelchair says.

As Avi and Kevin are hold onto the restraints, the priest begins by saying a prayer to get the demon inside of Jed awake.

"Oh my god! This boys pulse is almost nonexistent!" Avi yells as he checks the struggling boys wrist for a pulse.

The demon then make hisself known to everyone in the room by taking over the boys body and making a loud roar.

"The good book, Sister!" The priest says to Esther.

Esther quickly goes to the table in the corner of the room and back to hand the Bible to the priest.

"Your work here is done my daughter. Now go sit with the parents! This is no place for a woman." The priest demands.

Esther gives the priest a look of hurt and says, "I'm stronger than you think."

"His parents will be needing some of that strength." The priest says focused on the boy.

"Please leave, Sister Esther." Kevin says politely.

"Yes, Father." Esther says before leaving the room hurt by the fact she is not allowed in the room during the exorcism.

The boy starts to speak in Latin at Kevin while he watches Esther leave the room.

The priest keeps saying the same prayer over and over again trying to get the demon to confess his name.

Esther tries to stay a few seconds longer, but the priest closes the door with his hand on her.

Esther watches a few more second through the caged window and walks away defeated.


Dr. Koop is lighting candles on a table in the kitchen for his dinner for two.

The doorbell rings as he goes to answer for his date is now there.

"Hello." The woman says seductively with a smirk on her face.

She is wearing a very short animal print dress with a fur scarf draped across her shoulders with red heels.

He walks her over to the dining area and offers to take her coat for her.

"Thank you." She says in return with a small smile.

"Are we having dinner? You only booked me for an hour and a half." She says looking at Darrien.

"Actually, I find the anticipation for the act more erotic than the act itself." He says.

The woman laughs and sits down as Darien pulls the chair out for her.

"I find a big cock even more erotic." She says laughing.

Darien looks down at her in disgust and sighs.

"If you are going to speak vulgar, I suggest we don't speak at all." He says walking to his chair.

"I'm sorry. I can be classy if you want? It's just most men like to hear me talk dirty." She admits.

"Out of all the composers of the momentous era, I like this one." He says pointing towards the record player.

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