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Mitch was sitting in the common room looking at the window remembering what Sister Esther and Dr.Koop had did to him.

Trying to remember everything that happened.

Trying to forget everything that happened in that room at the time.

He keeps having flashback to Sister Esther putting the rings on his head and being electrocuted by Dr.Koop.

Those images he couldn't shake out of his head.

They will forever be there in his mind.

Mitch keeps writing stuff down on this piece of cardboard he found and was reminding himself not to forget anything from his experience here.

Just in case he gets out some how.

Mitch then hears the door open and sees a aggravated Scott walk into the room.

Scott walks over to Kirstie who is sitting by herself waiting for Scott to come back with news on how his meeting with the new doctor Avi Kaplan went.

"So did you do what I told you? Did you throw your shit at him?" Kirstie asks curiously.

Scott just shakes his head no.

"Did you at least spit on him?" Kirstie asks.

"I can't do it. I can't fake crazy. What I need to do is escape this place now before he files a report then I'm screwed." Scott says.

Mitch quiets his thoughts so he can hear everything that Kirstie and Scott were talking about.

"There is no escaping here. I gave you your ways." Kirstie says.

"No I can't. Think hard. There's gotta be a way out of this place." Scott says looking deep into Kirstie's eyes.

"Nope." Kirstie says quietly.

"What about the bakery? Aren't there delivery vans?" Scott asks.

As Scott and Kirstie were talking, Mitch wrote important details down on in the small piece of cardboard he had.


"Sister Esther." Avi says catching up to Esther.

"I'm doctor Avi Kaplan." He says walking next to her.

"Ahh yes. The new appointed psychiatrist. You seen our killer of women yet?" Esther asks.

"What's it gonna be? Will you spare the tax payers the expense of a trial or will I have a bed opening up?" She continues walking down the corridor.

"I haven't made a determination yet. May we speak privately about the conditions yet?" Avi says.

"Conditions here? What conditions?" She asks sassily.

She says something under her breath before Avi cuts her off to say something about the conditions he is so to speak of.

"In the short time I've been here, I've witness appalling things." Avi says seriously.

"Abuse. Malpractice. I'm shocked." Avi continues.

"We run a mad house, doctor. Whatever did you expect?" Esther asks walking up the stairs.

"I expected some form of treatment. Therapy! Sister, no hospital uses electric shock therapy to cure homosexuality. It's barbaric! Behavior modification is the new standard." Avi says furiously.

"Tomato, tomoto." Esther says continuing to walk up the spiral stair case.

"You know, Doctor Kaplan, let me remind you that your job here is to write a recommendation regarding the sanity of ONE patient. So I suggest you do your job and let me do mine." Esther says turning around to look at Avi again before continuing to walk up the stairs.

Esther is met by Sister Kate and another person upstairs.

"Now if you'll excuse me, there's another unfortunate family that needs help."

Yay finally an update on this story! Sorry if this chapter is kind of short. I'm waiting my music tech class to start so I thought I'd finish writing this chapter since I already started it😬

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