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"What was that all about?" Avi asks.

"She's bat shit crazy." Mitch says to Avi.

Avi and Mitch sit in silence and watch the movie for a little while before Mitch turns to Avi to ask him something.

"Did you speak to Austin?" Mitch asks.

"I tried to phone, but there was no answer so I went to check on her." Avi says.

"I rang the bell, but the door was unlocked so I just walked in." Avi continues.

"I don't mean to alarm you, but I think something happened to your friend."

"What do you mean?" Mitch asks concerned.


"Is anyone here?" Avi calls out as he enters the house.

"Mr. Macédo?"

Avi walks around and makes his way to the bedroom.

"Austin?" Avi calls out.

Avi turns out of the bedroom back to the hallway and sees that the window is wide out.

He walks towards the window and finds blood on the floor right under the window.

**end of flashback**

"There were...certain similarities between Austin's disappearance and the other Bloody Face murders." Avi says.

Mitch sits there and just stares at Avi for a moment.

"What are you saying, Dr. Kaplan?" Mitch asks more worried.

Avi looks back at Scott and then back at Mitch.

"I've got-"

"Shhh!" Kate says from the front row of chairs.

Mitch and Avi go silent for a few seconds before they speak up again.

"I have some concerns about the police. Concerns that they think they already catch their killer that they won't investigate the case any further." Avi says looking into Mitch's eyes with worry.

The male nurses struggles with a patient as Scott and Kirstie watch them carry the patient out of the room.

"But they have caught him haven't they?" Mitch asks.

Avi just looks down and then back up.

"Honestly, I'm not so sure anymore." Avi admits.

Kirstie then walks up to the guard and distracts him so Scott and Rachel can leave the common room.

"Make it quick and don't make me came after you." The guard says.

"Thank you." Kirstie replies as he follows behind Scott and Rachel.

Mitch just sits there and possesses everything Avi has just told him.

He then looks back to Scott how is no longer sitting in his seat along with Kirstie and Rachel.

Mitch then turns his attention back to the movie and Avi.

"It's really not appreciate for me to be seeing this right now considering my condition. Sister Esther will understand." Mitch says.

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