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Later that night in the common room

Sister Esther walks into the common room and sees Sister Kate crying while cleaning up.

"He's gone! Willie is gone!" She says in between sobs.

"There was a medical emergency last night. I didn't even know he was sick." Kate continues.

"Why wasn't I informed!?" Sister Esther asks in a state of shock.

"Dr. Koop asked to take him directly to him." Kate says.

A furious Esther storms out of the common room and walks straight down to Dr.Koop's office to get answers.

She throws down her clipboard on one of the tables in Dr.Koop's office and says, "I demand you give me access to your laboratory."

"When the Monsignor brought me out of retirement, we made a gentlemen's agreement." Dr. Koop says.

"Curious because only one of you is a gentleman." Esther fires back.

"Please look at me when I speak to you." Esther says.

"I'm not one of your charges, Sister. Quaking in my boots." Dr. Koop says.

There was a long pause as Esther kept looking disgustingly at him.

"Do you have any idea what this is?" He asks.

"It's a plant. A little Elena." Esther says.

"It's particular strain has never existed before. I was created by bombarding the plant with gama rays. It is an affirmation of the power of science over nature." Dr. Koop says.

"Your little mutation doesn't change the fact that in order for this institution to thrive, I need to mange your operations." Esther says furiously.

"Sister, if you can manage to stay out of my business, I will stay out of yours." He fires back.

Dr. Koop walks away, but is followed close behind by Sister Esther.

"Let's discuss another matter. The patients. Four of them, including Willie last night, have disappeared under your supervision." Esther says.

"They died." He says.

"That's it? Period? No explanation." Esther says.

"Patients committed here not only suffer diseases of the mind, but if the body." He says.

"Where are the bodies?" Esther asks.

"Cremated. Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. Cause of death documented in their death certificates." He says.

"I fine it interesting that all the patients that have died since you've been here have no family. No one to grieve or to ask questions. I think you're lying." Esther says angrily.

"And whatever it is that you're hiding, will one day see the light of day. There are no bigger monsters than you, Dr.Koop." Esther says walking away.

"Let me give you a fair warning." Esther says turning around to face him.

"I'll always win against the patriotic male." She says starting to walk away again.

"Woohoo for you." Dr.Koop says closing the door behind her.

What Dr.Koop was really doing with the bodies was feeding them to the other metal ill patients down in the secure holding rooms.

Now that Sister Esther was on to him, he was wondering how much longer her can keep his experiments a secret and if he should change to a different plan.

This chapter was kind of short sorry! But maybe a double update since I didn't update last night?🤔 We'll see😬 but for now I hope y'all are enjoying this book!

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