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Mitch was sitting back in the commons room smoking a cigarette and watching Kirstie and Scott sitting on the other side of the room smoking.

Kirstie sees Mitch wait them, so she stares back to make him uncomfortable.

Mitch turns his attention to the male nurse walking by and waits until he's gone to write something down with the pencil he taped under the table in front of him.

"You're asking for it." Kirstie says sitting down next to Mitch who was about to write something down.

"I have to write it down to remember it." Mitch says.

"Tell me now, Mitch. Tell me now where the tunnel is before you forget." Kirstie begs.

"No." Mitch says.

He then looks at Scott and back at Kirstie.

"If we go, we go together. That's the only way and not a word to him. That's my deal." Mitch says.

Scott walks down the center of the room and hears the door open.

He quickly reacts by taking the piece of paper Mitch wrote on and stuffs it in his pocket and acts casual as police officers walk into the room.

"What the hell are you doing?" Mitch asks.

Kirstie just sits there looking at Scott and the police smoking her cigarette.

"Okay everybody listen up! Sister Esther wants everyone to get an extra goodnight sleep, so the common room is closing early." The officer says to all the patients in the room.

"Thank you. Now can you give me back my notes." Mitch says to Scott.

"Why? Don't you trust me?" Scott asks.

The officer is trying to get everyone to rush to their rooms for the night as Scott and Mitch exchange a few words between each other.

"No one should trust you." Mitch says.

"C'mon up and at 'em!" The officer yells.

"Hey! They can't find these on me." Scott says walking out of the room.

The male nurses and officers push of the women down the corridor and into their rooms forcefully causing some patients to freak out at how rough they are being.

The nurses and officers show no remorse for any of them and keep roughing them around.

Kirstie and Mitch exchange glares at each other before being shoved into their separate rooms.

The guards shut all the cell door and lock them up for the night.

Scott then looks at Mitch, who was looking at him through his cell caged window, and sits down on the bed and reads what Mitch wrote down.

Sorry for the short update, but at least I updated again and didn't wait a month to do so😬 enjoy this chapter✌️ love yall❤️

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