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The next day

Dr.Koop walks into the infirmary to see Sister Kate sleeping in one of the beds.

He admires her as he watches her sleep peaceful.

He reaches down to pull down her skirt, as he thought she was showing too much skin.

Kate then suddenly awakes as she feels Dr.Koop touch her.

"Oh! I'm sorry, Sister. I didn't mean to frighten you I was just trying to protect your modesty." He says startled by her waking up suddenly.

"Oh, it's alright. You can never frighten me, Doctor. You make me feel safe." Kate says with a small smile.

"I...umm...I heard about your fainting spell. I wish I could've been there." Dr.Koop says.

"I did ask for you. I know how busy you are saving lives." She says.

"Yes. Well, I'm here now. With strict instructions; rest and relaxation." Dr.Koop says with a small smile as he helps Kate lay back down.

"But what about the creatures?" Kate asks.

Dr.Koop just stares at Kate in awe.

"Forgive me. It's a bit weird seeing you out of costume." He says looking away.

"Oh! I'm sorry, Doctor. I would hate to distract you from your work of the day." Kate says pulling the blanket up.

"Don't worry. The human body to me is nothing more than a complex machine. Like a clock full of gears and springs." He reassures.

"Now, you try to get some rest and I'll check back in with then nurse in a few hours." He continues.

Dr.Koop waves goodbye to Kate as he leaves the infirmary to go to his office.

Kate lies back down with the covers still pulled up to her chest and then forcefully throws the blankets off of her.


Mitch sits waiting in Esther's office smoking a cigarette looking around the walls.

Esther walks in and taking the cigarette and puts it in a glass of water on her desk.

"Are you going to cane me? If so, can we get on with it?" He asks with bit of sass in his voice (shocker)

Esther throws her keys in the desk turns to Mitch who is watching her.

"Now why would I came you?" Esther asks.

"I've learned to assume the worst." Mitch says.

Esther sighs and paused for a moment leaning back on her desk.

"It was a long night....for all of us." She says.

"Trying to overcome the power of Satan. It was a hell of a night for some of us. Until last night, I considered you to be a corrupt opportunist, but God always surprises me." Esther admits.

"I know what it took for you to call the authorities. It must've been hard, but you did it anyways and for that you deserve something special." Esther continues.

"Open the door. Go ahead! Open the door and see your treat." Esther says gesturing to the door.

Mitch hesitates for a moment before standing up to walk towards the door.

He opens it and watches Scott and Kirstie being manhandled through the door.

"Bring them in." Esther commands.

"These two didn't show your power and wisdom and will be punished. Your reward is to not." Esther says.

"You are so twisted."

"Don't make me change my mind, Mitchie."

Esther walks towards her cane closet and opens it up to grab her cane of choice for Scott and Kirstie's punishment.

"Which of these would you like to see on our Kirstie's behind and which one would you like to see on our James Dean copy cat?" Esther asks Mitch.

"This one." Mitch says quietly grabbing a small cane.

"Oh come on, Mr.Grassi! Live large!" Esther says.

Mitch looks at her and grabs the biggest cane in the closet and hands it to Esther.

Esther smirks and takes the cane from Mitch and walks over to Scott and Kirstie who are leaned over the desk.

"I'm so sorry, Kirstie." Mitch says.

"Shove it up your ass." She spats at Mitch.

Esther gets ready to beat Kirstie, when Scott speaks up.

"Stand up, Kirstie. Stand up." Scott says standing up.

"It was all my fault, Sister. She's not the one that deserves to be punished I am." Scott says.

"He seems to think you one big scoop of melting strawberry ice cream." Esther laughs talking to Kirstie.

"Go stand over there." Esther commands Kirstie.

Kirstie walks over to the walk and watches what Esther does next.

"So that was twenty lashes each? So that makes forty for you." Esther says to Scott.

Scott just stares at Esther and bends back over the desk to get his punishment for trying to escape last night.

Kirstie and Mitch watches as he receive his first lash.

Kirstie looks away after the second hit as she can't take the site of Scott in pain.

Mitch continues to watch and rethinks about Scott being the woman killer Bloody Face.

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