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Scott comes running back to Mitch and Kirstie after going back to lock the doors after Rachel never showed up.

"We've waited as long as we could. We have to go now! Soon they're gonna notice that we're not back at the movie if they haven't already!" Scott says to Mitch and Kirstie.

"We'll get her out! Her and everybody else in this place as soon as e expose every sick thing that's been going on here!" Mitch says.

Scott looks at him and then back to Kirstie with worried eyes.

Kirstie nods and says, "let's go!" As she grabs Scott's hand and runs off.

Mitch follows behind them outside and into the pouring rain outside.

Once outside they all yell for joy that they are finally outside of that place.

"I don't think I could ever feel this good again! And I hate rain!" Kirstie yells.

Kirstie hugs Scott as they can't believe they finally are out.

"Come on! We have to get as far away from here while we still can!" Scott yells.

"This road is a couple of miles this way! If we make it there we'll be good!" Mitch yells.

"Don't trust her. Once we get to the road, that's as far as you go with us!" Kirstie yells over Mitch.

Kirstie runs off, while Scott and Mitch just look at each other and then run after Kirstie.

Meanwhile all the patients are still in the common room watching the movie.

Then Avi notices that Mitch, Scott and Kirstie are still missing from the common room.

"Excuse me? There are some patients missing, do you realize that?" Avi asks the guard by the movie projector.

The guard looks at the three empty seats and realizes he let three patients get past him without his knowledge.

"Oh shit!" The guard says.

"Can I bathroom?" Jenise asks the guard.

"Yeah go!" The guard says running out of her way.

"Excuse me, Sister, I think we may have a problem." The guard says to Sister Kate.

"Now?" Kate asks.

"But the Christians are about to be eaten!" She says with an evil smile on her face.

The guard backs away and let's Kate watch the movie.

As soon as he walks away, Sister Kate gets up and walks to the back of the room.

"I was just going to the infirmary!" Rachel yells at Dr.Koop as he pushes her into his office.

He locks the door and turns around to face a very frighten Rachel.

"I think I'm gonna vomit!" Rachel says trying to lie to Dr.Koop.

"Go ahead. We can play doctor right here." Darrien says as he undoes his bow tie.

"I'm not in the mood." Rachel says looking down at the ground.

Dr.Koop laughs.

"You're always in the mood!" He says.

"That's not true." Rachel says still looking at the ground trying not to make eye contact with Dr.Koop.

Dr.Koop pushes her around his office and makes mean remarks to her as he does so.

Finally, Rachel has had enough!

"I want to go back to the movie!" Rachel says Hopi g he'll let her go.

Pentatonix: AsylumWhere stories live. Discover now