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They hand Scott off to the nurses and the nurses quickly take him inside to the showers to rinse him off of his 'evil' and 'filth'.

Scott screams in pain from the hose and shower head that are blasting every inch of him with steaming hot water.

They then throw powder on him to give him a clean smell and to rid him of his sins.

They take him to a room and try to strap him down to the bed. Scott keeps fighting with all his force so that he can't be tied down like some kind of caged animal.

The nurse gives him a shot in his thigh to calm him down so it's easier for the men to strap him to the bed without a fight.

The next thing Scott knows, he's tied down to a bed with Sister Esther by his side talk to him about his 'crimes' that's he has committed.

"It's a hard deal. I know, but it's our check-in process." Esther says.

When Scott realizes this isn't a dream and is really tied to a bed he starts to freak and tries to get up to escape.

"Can't imagine what you put your victims through." Esther says.

"Sister, I didn't kill anybody." Scott says in between breaths.

"The courts have given you over to my care. Not for correction, but for storage while they determine your fate." Esther says.

"This is not a meat locker. Here you will repent for your crimes to the only judge that matters. The almighty God." Esther continues.

"There is no God. God couldn't create the things I saw." Scott says.

"Your story about little green men? No. that won't do here." Esther says.

"They weren't human. They were monsters." Scott says.

"All monsters are human. You're a monster." Esther says getting up and leaving the room.

"I wonder. Did her dark meat skin slid off the bone easier than any other victims?" Esther asks rudely.

Scott just looks at her and spits in her face.

"You're gonna wish you hadn't have done that." Esther says leaning down poking at him.

Esther takes Scott to his office and gives him a couple of whips on the back and sends him off to the common room for the today.

As Scott walks into the common room, he sees a bunch of people talking to themselves, playing games with themselves and dancing along to the same song playing on the record player over and over again.

"Oh Sister Esther is on the war path today!" Rachel says looking at the marks on Scott's back from his whippings.

"Hey! Stop it!" Scott says smacking Rachel's hand away from his back.

Rachel keeps pushing Scott to notice her and talk to her until she finally gives up.

Scott continues to look around the room at everyone in a disgusted way.

"I can't take it." Scott says walking over to the record player to turn the song off.

"Don't touch that." A short girl by the name of Kirstie says blocking his hand from the record player.

"Anyone of them can send you out. They get a piece of candy. You get another five welts on your back. As long as this common room is open, this song plays." Kirstie says to Scott.

"There's a rule for everything here. I learned them all the hard way. Trust me." Kirstie continues.

"Why should I trust you?" Scott asks.

"Because I'm not crazy." Kirstie says looking into his eyes.

"Hey, Bloody Face. You're him right? You must be the most dangerous man here! I heard the last one was a dark girl. I guess you didn't like her." Jeremy says before Scott punches him in the chest sending him flying across the floor.

Then Jeremy gets back up and punches Scott in the jar sending him to the floor.

Jeremy picks him up and punches him into the record player causing the record to stop playing which caused the other patients to go crazy.

"Get off of him!" Kirstie says jumping on Jeremy's back causing him to fall to the side.

Finally Scott managed to pin Jeremy to the ground getting a few punches in before Sister Esther came in with a few male nurses blowing her whistle.

Esther looks around at everyone as she walks over to the record player to turn it back on.

"He started it." Scott says pointing at Jeremy who is now hiding in the corner out of view.

Sister Esther just nods at the nurses and they pick Scott up and bring him to the solitude rooms.


While Scott is in this small little room in a straight jacket, all he could think about is his wife Stephanie and how much he missed her and wondered what happened to her.

"Hey, you gotta eat." Kirstie says sliding a plate of food through the slot underneath the door.

Scott gets up and walks to the door to talk to Kirstie as she lights a cigarette.

"How'd you get back here?" Scott asks looking at her through the caged window on his door.

"Kitchen detail." Kirstie says blowing smoke out of her mouth.

"I volunteered. Here." Kirstie says holding the cigarette through the caged window so Scott can take a puff.

"Why you being so nice to me?" Scott asks.

"Whatever you put out into the world comes back to you." Kirstie says.

"So what did you put out into the world to get locked up in a place like this?" Scott asks.

"They say I chopped up my family." Kirstie says.

"Are you gonna ask?" Kirstie asks.

"Did you?" Scott asks.

"No. did you murder your wife?" Kirstie asks.

"No. and I'm not crazy." Scott says quickly.

"That's unfortunate. If they decide you're sane, you're gonna go some place worse than this." Kirstie says.

"What can be worse than this place?" Scott asks.

"You think it's bad not a chair. Just wait until what they strap you into." Kirstie says looking into Scott's eyes.

There was a long pause before Kirstie heard the door at the opposite end of the hallway creak open.

"I gotta go. I'll try to come back later." Kirstie says getting ready to leave.

"Wait. What's ya name?" Scott asks.

"Kirstie." She says with a smile running away to leave before anyone sees her.

Yay an update! I'm gonna try to update every night. I messaged some of you about your characters in the story so check your inboxes if we've talked about you being in this story!

Stay scary💃🎃💋

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