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Sister Kate walks out to the forest behind the build late at night with a flashlight and a bucket in her hands to feed Dr. Koop's 'experiment' that lives out there.

As she looks around, she keeps hearing weird noises coming from the bushes and keeps jumping at every sudden noise she hears.


"Do you hear them? It's sounds like they're getting hungrier and hungrier." Kate says to Dr. Koop.

"It's to be expected. The weather is changing. It needs its meat." Dr. Koop says.

"What are they?" Kate asks.

"Do you trust me?" He asks.

Kate just gives a small nod.

"Good." Dr. Koop says with a smile.

*End of flashback*

As Kate approaches the creature, she starts to see shadows of it and is startled by it when I actually pops out of the woods.

She quickly sets the buckets of meat down and runs back for the asylum where she knows she'll be safe.

As she's running, Mitch pops out from behind one of the trees with a cigarette in hand.

"What's the rush, Sister?" Mitch asks sarcastically.

"Why are you out so late at night?" Mitch asks.

Kate looks at her out of breath and says, "please don't tell Sister Esther."

"What is that? Some kind of animal?" Mitch questions.

"Come on we can't stay here! We have to go!" Kate says grabbing Mitch's arm taking him with her.


Scott lays restless in the straight jacket they put him in and on the small uncomfortable mat on the floor.

He rolls over to try and eat some food that Kirstie slipped him earlier, but spits it back out when he tastes how bad it is and thinks why would anyone eat that.

He crawls in the corner and tries to keep himself awake.

At this point of not eating for the past twenty four hours, he's shaking and it every pale in the face when you look at him.

He hears someone walk down the hallway and then he hears his door creek open.

"Kirstie?" He says expecting her to be standing there.

Do to him not seeing the light in so long, his eyes can't adjust to the light and the person standing in the door way.

"It's okay, son. You don't belong her." Dr. Koop says leaning down and sticking a long syringe in Scott's neck.

"Not when there's so much to learn." Dr. Koop says.

**Fast forward back to the future**

Leo's arm falls inside of the room he had his arm in and Theresa tries to help by stopping the bleeding.

"Am I bleeding out?" Leo asks drifting in and out of consciousness.

"We have to get you back into town." Theresa says panicking.

She tries to lift him up off the ground so they can leave and run back to the car.

"We're only five miles away. Leo. Leo! Down fall asleep!" She says grabbing him by his face.

After she tries picking him up, she starts dragging him down the hallways as fast as she can before anything else happens to them.

"Where's your phone? Leo! Wait here I'll go look in the car." She says running down the hall way.

Leo just lays there in a daze and doesn't know what's going on anymore.

As she gets to the front door, Theresa discovers that someone put chains and locks on the door so they couldn't escape the asylum.

She tries every way she can to get out when she comes to a door which leads to a dark tunnel under the asylum.

She looks around and finally sees a place where she can get out and go get help.


Kate leads Mitch down the 'death shoot' and back into the asylum.

"Come on this way." Kate says whispering to Mitch.

"What is this place?" Mitch asks.

"It's my short cut from the woods." Kate says speed walking down the tunnel.

They finally come to a door that leads them into what appears to be a storage room of some sort.

"What were you feeding out there?" Mitch asks.

Kate ignores the question and covers up the door with a mattress and a medium size desk.

"I guess I'll just have to ask Sister Esther." Mitch says and Kate stops in her tracks.

"Why? Why would you do that?" Kate asks.

"She scares you doesn't she? She scares you to death." Mitch says.

Kate continues to hide the door when Mitch steps in.

"You let me look around here and I won't tell Sister horrible about your night time adventures. Or your secret tunnel." Mitch says with a hopefully smile on his face.

Mitch and Kate exchange stares for a moment before Kate looks away in thought.


Dr.Koop has Scott strapped to a table and is wheeling he down to his laboratory so he can conduct some 'tests'.

He stops in the middle of the room and puts Scott under this huge light that's hanging from the ceiling. He goes around and is gathering his tools so he can begin his tests.

Dr.Koop locks the door and looks Scott in the eyes.

Scott tries to move so he can get up and run away, but the straps are just too strong to break.

"Hello, Mr. Hoying. I'm Dr. Darrien Koop. I run this institution." He says looking down at Scott.

"I thought Sister Esther ran this place?" Scott says.

"So does she." He says with a fake smile.

I have 6 more parts available if anyone wants to be apart of the story!

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