Chapter 7: Dare...

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*Later that night*

Camila's POV:

I haven't really talked to Lauren for a while now. She's sitting on her bed with her laptop and her headphones on. I have to admit it, I really miss her. Why did I get mad at her anyways? Other than the occational death glare, we haven't interracted at all over the past few hours, and it kills me. Suddenly she takes off her headphones and picks up her phone. "Hello?... Hey George, how are you?... I'm great, missing you a lot lately..." She says and looks at me with a smirk on her face. Typical bitchy Lauren. "Yeah, just meet us at the restaurant at 8:00... Okay baby, goodbye." She hangs up and puts her headphones back on. Did she call him baby? I hate him! And I've never even met him, but I hate his guts so much. "Hey Lo?" I say but she doesn't listen. "Lauren?" I say a little louder but she's still not listening. I can't take this any longer. I jump on top of her and take her headphones off. "Ouch! Camila, what the hell?" She yells at me and I give her my best smile. "I'm sorry about my reaction Lo, I have no idea what took over me. I'll do my best to make George feel comfortable, I promise!" I tell her and she finally smiles at me. "Aww Camz, thanks! I hate fighting with you." She answers and hugs me. "I'm sorry I was acting like a little bitch too, I was just mad." She tells me avoiding eye contact. I don't know what to say to her, even if I tried I couldn't explain why I acted like I did because I don't know. "You can talk to me Camzi, I'll always be here to listen to you." She says after a while and then our eyes connect one more time. I'm lost, even though I try to fight it I'm completely lost in her beautiful eyes. "Then, I guess there's something we need to talk about..." I start saying, but a knock on our door interrupts us. "Hey girls, are you ready? The car is waiting for us" We hear Dinah yell from the other side and we both stand up. "We can talk about whatever's on your mind later baby, I promise." She whispers and hugs me again. "Thank you." Is all I'm able to say without my voice cracking. I take a deep breath and we leave our room holding hands like we normally do.

Lauren's POV:

We're finally at the restaurant and I'm excited to see everyone. We look for our table and we sit there waiting for everyone to arrive. Austin is the first one to come in. He walks up behind Camila and covers her eyes. "Hello beautiful." He whispers at her ear. That was kind of cute, but it made me incredibly angry for some reason. "Hi handsome, I missed you!" She tells him and kisses him softly on the lips. She looks so happy, but I'm having a really hard time right now. "Everyone, this is Austin. Austin, these are Dinah, Ally, Normani and Lauren." Camila introduces us and the girls wave at him politely. When Camila says my name he stares at me longer than usual. His eyes sure are pretty, I can't deny it. "Nice to meet you ladies." He says smiling and then takes a seat between Camila and I, how convenient. An awkward silence was interrupted by Troy and Siope making an entrance. Ally and Dinah jumped out of their seats and hugged them as soon as they came in. They're so cute! When they're all settled in the conversation continues. Austin is playing with Camila's hair and holding her hand, I try to look away, but I can't. They whisper things at eachother and giggle and do all this adorable shit and I start to feel dizzy. "I'll be right back." I excuse myself and walk to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror and take a deep breath away from all the drama. Its 8:45 pm and George hasn't gotten here yet, what the hell? I decide to walk back to our table and sit. A waiter shows up and asks for our orders. "I guess we'll start with drinks." Ally suggests and I nod, nothing sounds better right now. "Shots on me!" I yell and everyone claps and laughs. Lets get this party started! After 15 more minutes George shows up wearing a blue collard shirt, and he looks smoking hot, lets see what Camila has to say about this. As soon as I see him walking towards us I stand up and go hug him. "Hey pretty girl. I haven't seen you in a while!" He says and kisses my cheek. Why didn't he kiss me on the lips? Camila was watching. We walk to the table and I introduce him. Camila looks at me and gives me a thumbs up smiling. Shit, why isn't she just a little tiny bit jelaous? I need to make a move. I hold George's hand and start kissing his neck, but he stops me. "Maybe later, okay? I'm talking to Siope about last week's game." He says and then completely ignores me. He's a a dick, but I need to pretend that I like him all night. I guess I'll need more alcohol. After a couple of hours and tons of Tequila we are finally done eating. "So, I say we should continue with this party at the girls' place." Troy suggests with his arm around Ally. "I second that! We brought a couple of bottles with us, they're in the car." Siope says and kisses Dinah's hair. "Want to come?" I ask George. He hugs me from behind and kisses my head. "I would love to!" He answers. He's even more drunk than I am right now. "What do you say Camaustin? Are you joining us?" Dinah asks them and Camila nods smiling. "Uhh I don't know baby, it's pretty late." Austin tells Camila. "Oh, come on! Don't be such a pussy!" I tell him and he looks around uncomfortable. Camila gives me a death glare and I just shrug, I guess bitchy Lauren is back. "What the hell, count us in." He finally says looking at me defiently and I lift an eyebrow accepting his challenge.

Camila's POV:

What the hell has taken over Lauren? She's acting bitchier than normal. I take a ride with Austin because he's the only one who hasn't been drinking. "I'm sorry about her, she's drunk." I try to excuse my friend and he smiles at me. "Don't worry about it baby, I get it." He winks at me and looks back at the streets. Baby, baby, baby... It doesn't sound right when he says it.
Well, I'm kinda drunk too but I'm not acting like a stupid little bitch. I lean my head against the window and Austin starts touching one of my legs. "I'm having a great time Mila, please stop worrying." He adds and I smile at him. He's great. We finally arrive at our place and walk to our apartment. We enter our room and Lauren is all over George. She was right when she said he was hot, he's is smoking! I clear my throat and Lauren looks at us. "The lovebirds actually showed up!" She says laughing, but I don't think its funny. "Hey Troy, can you hand me a drink?" Austin says and I look at him confused. "I thought you weren't going to drink." "Yeah, but whatever. Do you want one?" I look at Lauren kissing George's neck and I nod, I absolutely need a drink. Of course I'm burning in jelaousy, but I can't let Lauren or Austin know, I don't want to ruin everything. "Who's up for a game of truth or dare?" Siope says and we all sit in a circle on the ground. "Okay, since I was the genius who had the idea I start." Siope says and Dinah laughs like an idiot. Everyone is so drunk right now, things could go horribly wrong. "Austin, my man, truth or dare?" Austin looks at me and smiles so sweetly I just melt. "I'm a faithful man so I'll take truth." He finally says and kisses my head. "Okay then, what's the farthest you've gone with a girl?" Siope asks and I want to hear his answer, we haven't talked about this yet. He thinks about for a second and then he answers smiling. "All the way bro, all the fucking way!" He ends up yelling and high fiving Siope and Troy laughing like an animal. I thought he was different, but I guess he's a pig like all of them. He tries to hug me, but I push him away with a gentle "fuck you" smile. "My turn!" Dinah says and gives us a naughty look. "Ally, truth or dare?" "I'm going to pick dare." She answers confidently and Dinah lets out an evil laugh. George is sitting next to Lauren and his hand is all over her ass. I look away, but now that I've met him I can say I really hate the guy. "Okay Allypooh, I dare you to... Lick Siope's armpit!" Everyone goes "ewww" and Siope takes off his shirt. "Lets do this!" Ally says and she does what Dinah told her to do. Dude, that was freaking gross, but we all laugh it out. "Now's my turn, right?" George asks and we all nod, is he stupid or something? "Alrighty, Camila, truth or dare?" I look at him and think about it for a second. "Truth!" I finally say. "I thought you had no shame Camz..." Lauren tells me smirking. "I thought you didn't like it when people called you Camz..." Austin whispers on my ear and I start to get overwhelmed. Lauren looks at me lifting her eyebrows and bites her lip. "Okay, then I pick dare!" I finally change my minds and Lauren smiles triumphantly. "So Camila, I dare you to... Kiss Lauren." I chuckle, no big deal I kiss her all the time. "That's it? That's your big dare?" I ask laughing. "I kiss Lauren all the time!" I finally add and Austin looks at me confused. "I don't think you understood my dare. I dare you to kiss Lauren, on the lips, with tounge." George says. I look at Lauren into her beautiful green eyes, then I look back at Austin and I don't know what to do. "Don't be a chicken Camila, and we all want to see this." Troy adds and Ally laughs, I guess she's too drunk to care. Lauren shrugs and bites her lip and I finally nod. Its just a dare, right? This doesn't really mean anything. I lean over and so does Lauren. Our noses are almost touching, her eyes look amazing right now. "I love you." She whispers and smiles, and I went for it. Our lips became one. My heart was rushing like it never has before. Her lips are so soft, her tounge is so gentle, and I think I'm kind of enjoying this. After a couple of seconds we part away and everyone around us is cheering and laughing, everyone but Austin, who seems way too uncomfortable. "I love you too." I whisper back and we both smile. "Okay, who's next?" George asks and Lauren and I sit back on our spots. "Hey, I think I'm going to go, goodnight Camila." Austin tells me and walks away pissed. "Austin wait up!" I yell, but he's already gone. I look at Lauren and she's sitting there with a blank look in her face. I can't believe we just kissed. It was the most amazing thing in the world. But, I'm sure she didn't like it like I did and it sucks. Oh, and I'm pretty sure Austin won't talk to me, ever again... Fuck my life. "Hey guys, I'm sorry, but I'm extremely tired and this is my place so I'm going to have to ask you to leave." I announce, I really don't feel like being with people anymore. They all groan, but after a while they leave. Its just me and Lauren again, and I have no idea what to say. "Well, that was fun." Lolo says taking off the clothes and putting on her PJs. "Yeah, I guess it was." I answer waiting for her to say something about our kiss, but she just gets in bed and turns to the other side. "Hey Camz?" She says and my heart starts beating fast. "Yeah?" I answer. "Could you turn off the lights when you're ready? I love you!" She adds and then she doesn't say another word. I put on my PJs, turn off the lights and get in bed. My head is a freaking mess right now. I feel tears stream down my face, but Lauren is already asleep and I don't feel like waking her up. "I love you too Lauren." I whisper softly and then I close my eyes hoping everything is okay when I open them again.

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