Chapter 41: Welcome to Miami

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Lauren's POV:

The humid air, suffocating heat, countless palm trees, I'm finally home! I'm in Miami bitch! I'm so excited to see everyone, and perform in front of my friends and family. "Aren't you excited to be home Camzi?" I ask her getting out of the bus and she nods with a half smile. We haven't really been the same since the whole Cole drama. I mean, we're still together, and I love her, but things are different, she's been distant. "You don't seem excited at all baby." I say hugging her from behind. "I'm just tired." She answers and pecks my lips. I need to bring her back into my life, things need to be the same. I miss what we had so much, it's like she doesn't want to be with me anymore, but she's afraid to tell me, or maybe she doesn't want to break my heart, I don't really know. But there's definitively something going on in her head, and it kills me that she's not talking to me about it. I'm sure Cole is the one making our lives miserable, but she doesn't see it and I don't know how to prove it. "So what are your plans girls?" Ally asks us. We're staying in Miami for a couple of days before going on with the tour, and I can't believe this is almost over. It feels like yesterday when we arrived at Boston and saw our bus for the first time. And now we only have a couple of shows left and then we go back to L.A. to finish our album. "I have a party at a friend's house, you guys should come! I'd love you to meet my friends." I say excitedly. "Yeah, that would be awesome!" Dinah says as we walk to hair and make-up before our show. "Totally, we'll be there." Normani says smiling. "What about you Camz?" I ask her sweetly. "I don't know, I was thinking about spending time with my parents, I don't really feel like partying." She says walking away from me. "Come on babe, Alexa and Vero are dying to see you again." I say following her. "Besides Paul will be there and I don't want to deal with him alone." I tell her and she immediately turns around to face me. "What do you mean your ex is going to be there?" She asks lifting her eyebrows. I guess my tactics worked. "He's friends with my friends Camz, of course he's going to the there." I say with a smile. "You know I don't like him Lauren." She says giving me a dead serious look. "Yeah, but there's nothing I can do baby, I want to see my friends." I answer as she walks closer to me. "I don't want you to see him, he's a douche." She tells me staring into my eyes. She's being extremely protective, why? "Don't you trust me Camila?" I ask rubbing her cheek. "Of course I do Lo, but I don't trust him." She answers softly. "Then come with us, we'll have a good time." I say smiling and pull her closer by the waist. "Alright, but just to keep an eye on that jerk. And to see Alexa, she's my fave." She tells me and I kiss her lips. "Thank you Camz, I love you!" I say and kiss her again. "And after the party we can go somewhere more private and, you know, we haven't really had Camren quality time in a while." I whisper in her ear and she giggles rolling her eyes. "I have to sleep at my place tonight Lolo, my parents would kill me if I don't." She tells me putting a strand of hair behind her ear. "We'll work something out, I really miss you Camz." I say and she smiles. "I miss you too Lolo." But, does she really? It feels like she doesn't even care about me anymore. But anyway, maybe a normal teenage night is what I need right now to take my mind away from all of this drama. "Girls its time." Our manager says and we get ready to go on stage. This is one of our lasts shows and everyone I know is here, so I'm kind of really nervous, and so is Camila apparently because she doesn't stop pacing around. "Hey Camzi, relax! Everything will be alright." I say rubbing her arms and she smiles. "Thanks Lo, I really needed that." She answers staring at my lips. Too bad I can't kiss her again until the show is over and we're alone, but at least I can feel her being sort of into me again, and I really like that.

Camila's POV:

Performing in Miami was epic! I cried, I literally cried. Seeing my family and my friends in the crowd was extremely overwhelming. It made me realize how all of my dreams finally came true, how I went from being this shy girl stuck in her bathroom singing karaoke to this confident singer, and I'm so proud of myself right now. After the show I walk over to my parents and run to hug them. It's been so long since we've been all together, and I missed them so much. Then I go to greet my friends and cousins and thank them for coming. It's crazy how much they have supported me all along. I see Lauren hanging out with her friends after the show and they're all so pretty, its annoying how beautiful they are. I don't get why someone like Lauren loves me, she could have anyone in the world. But the bond between us is so special though, and no one can deny that. We are so different, but so alike at the same time. Lately I feel like I'm a burden in her life, and I don't want that, I don't want her to be worried about me all the time. How is she ever going to be happy if she lives thinking about all of the things that could happen to me? That's why I haven't been as close to her this past few days, I don't want her to be on edge all the time. I feel like everything is my fault for telling Austin, and even though Lauren trusts him, I fucking don't. He's definitively responsible for this somehow, I'm sure. "Hey Camz, come here!" Lauren yells at me waving. I walk over to her group of friends and she grabs my waist and I hold her hand without realizing there are other people there, I guess we're just used to it. "Camila!" Vero yells hugging me excitedly. "Hey! Its nice to see you again!" I say smiling. "Yeah, you're coming to my house tonight, right?" Alexa asks me and I nod. "I had to convince this little nerd, but she's coming." Lauren says laughing and I smile awkwardly. Was that really necessary? I get she's all preppy and popular and I'm a book rat, she doesn't have to remind me in front of her friends. "Hey girls, come on, we have to go to the meet and greet." Normani says walking towards us. "Hey Mani, come meet my friends!" Lauren says proudly. "Hey guys, I'm sorry I have to take these two away, we have work to do." Normani says smiling and pulling my arm. I'm the only one who knows all of Lauren's friends because we hung out together all time when we were on break. "Sure, but we'll see all of you tonight, right?" Alexa says putting her arm around Lauren's shoulder. "Of course babe, we'll be there." Lauren answers and kisses her cheek. "Lets go Camren, they're waiting for us." Normani says giggling and we go with her. "Bye sisters, I love you!" Lauren says waving and blowing kisses. I'm scared of Miami Lauren, I mean, not scared, but she's a completely different person, and the fact that maybe Miami Lauren doesn't like me scares me. "They seem nice." Normani says as we walk to the meet and greet table. "They're the raddest!" Lauren says smiling. I get they're super cool, and exciting and shit, she doesn't have brag about it all the time. Fuck, what's wrong with me? Am I jealous of her friends? Really Camila? I don't even know what I'm thinking about. We start meeting the fans, but my mind is someplace else. I don't fit in her real life, its like we're from different worlds in the same city. I don't want to go to this freaking party, but I have to do it for Lauren, I'm not letting her anywhere near that jerk Paul. And there it goes again, Camila the jealous freak. But its funny, at the same time I'm being extremely distant. I don't know how she puts up with me, I'm a mess. I need to keep it together and stop being a stupid bitch, things have to go back to normal.

After the meet and greet we go back to the bus to get ready. Lauren seems to be so excited about tonight, and its nice to see her happy, but I have a bad feeling about this whole thing. I don't fit in, I'm going to embarrass her, I'm sure. "Hey Camz, can I borrow your plaid crop top?" Lauren asks wearing shorts and her bra. "Sure." I answer staring her down. Damn, I really miss the alone time we had in L.A. She smiles at me going through my clothes, and I walk up to her and hug her from behind. "So, about the Camren quality time after the party, I think we kind of need it." I say nibbling her ear. I can't be distant and cold with her anymore, I don't want to lose her. "Yeah, that'd be cool." She answers biting her lip. "Perfect." I say and kiss her cheek. I put on a blue and red striped dress and some heels, and get ready for the party. "Looking hot babe." Lauren says grinning. "Thanks, you too!" I answer and blow her a kiss. Maybe things will get back to normal after all. The other girls get ready too and we got to the party at Alexa's house. Her house is freaking huge! We walk in and see all this people dancing around with red cups and I feel like I'm in a teenage movie, this is definitively not my scene. "Lauren! Oh my God, hi!" A girl screams and hugs Lauren. "Hey!" She says smiling and keeps walking and saying hi to people. I feel like such an outsider, but suddenly Lauren holds my hand as we make our way through people and I feel so much better. "Girls! You made it!" Alexa, holding a red cup, says soon as she sees us and hugs us. She's stunningly pretty. "Hey bitches! What are we drinking?" Lauren asks and Vero gives her a cup too! "I'm not sure baby, just drink up!" She says smiling. "Damn it I missed Miami!" Lauren screams after chugging her mysterious drink. It looks like she's having fun, maybe I should too. "Hey Vero, can you hand me one?" I ask and she gives me an evil smile. "I didn't know you were a party girl." She says giving me a drink. "Maybe I am." I answer lifting an eyebrow and drink the mysterious substance too. This is going to be one crazy ass night.

Lauren's POV:

Where the hell is Camila? The last time I saw her she was talking to Vero, then I went to the bathroom, and when I came back they were gone. I know Vero has always had a thing for Camz, so I'm not sure what to think. Or maybe I've just had too much to drink and my imagination has gone wild. Anyway, I can't fucking find her anywhere. I start walking around on my own, I'm a little bit tipsy, and my heels are killing me. Suddenly I see Alexa dancing with her boyfriend, maybe she knows where they are. "Hey Alexa, have you seen Camila or Vero?" I yell over the loud music. "Lauren, oh my God! Come dance with me!" She says grabbing my arm. She's completely wasted, and even I can tell. "I can't dance, I need to find Camz, have you seen her?" I say as she twirls around me. "Just let her be Lauren, she's not yours. Now dance with me little bitch." She says moving her arms. "Actually she is fucking mine and I need to know she's okay. We both know Vero likes her way too much." I say loudly, but she's not listening to me anymore. "Just have fun Jauregui, enjoy the night." Alexa tells me handing me another drink, but I can't handle anymore alcohol. How am I supposed to enjoy the night when Camila is nowhere to be found? I keep on looking for her all around the house, so I decide to look in a room and I accidentally walk in a threesome. "Shit, I'm so sorry." I say slamming the door behind me. That was awkward. I walk into another room, but no one's here. I start to walk out when I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Hey you, long time no see, stranger." I hear a familiar male voice. "Paul, you're here." I say turning to see him. "Of course I am, and I'm glad I found you Lauren." He says grinning and holds my hand. "Sadly I can't say the same." I answer taking my hand away. "What's with the attitude Lo? You were way more cheery when we were together, weren't you?" He says closing the door behind him. "I don't have time for your shit Paul, I need to go." I say but he blocks the door with a smirk. "Why the hurry, love? Let's catch up!" He says putting his hand on my waist. "I'm serious, I'm looking for someone and I have to get out of this fucking room Paul, cut the crap." I say pushing him away from the door, but I can't. "Who? One of your famous boyfriends? Are you too good for a simple Miami boy now that you're a star?" He says grinning. "You're a douche, now let me go before I start screaming." I tell him and he chuckles. "I still have feelings for you Lauren, I'll always do. You were my first love, and I'm pretty sure I was yours, we can try to make this work." He says approaching me, but I take a step back. "I'm with someone Paul, and I'm in love." I say and smile, but he doesn't. "Look me in the eye and tell me you won't feel anything if I do this." He says putting his hands on my lower back and pulling me close to his body. I feel his muscular arms around me and my heart starts to beat faster. "Paul, please stop." I say trying to get away from his grip, but he doesn't let me go. "Or if I do this." He says kissing me just next to my lips. I'm not strong enough to push him away, or maybe I don't want to. I don't know, I'm not myself when I drink and I can't control how slutty and stupid I get. "Lauren? What the fuck?" I suddenly hear Camila's voice and quickly push Paul away from me. "Camzi wait!" I yell following her, but she slams the door in my face.

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