Chapter 13: Yes, I'm sure

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Lauren's POV:

"Hello? Is there anybody there? Please help me, I'm stuck! Please someone save me!" Camila has been screaming and banging the door for the past thirty minutes. I'm sitting on the floor with my back against the wall and my head is killing me. "Please I'm begging you, get me out of here! I can't breathe, I'm having a panic attack!." She continues yelling. "Camila can you please stop? Seriously, you've been doing that for the last thirty minutes and the only thing you've acomplished is giving me a headache." I scream at her and she looks at me scared. "And you're not having a panic attack, just calm the fuck down." I add holding my head. "What do you expect me to do Lauren? I don't want to be here for the rest of my life." She says looking at the floor. "You don't want to be here with me, I get it, but there's nothing we can do. The girls will come back soon and we'll get out of here. Just sit down and stop screaming." I say and lay my head against the wall. "Don't do this right now Lauren, we can't... Just stop." She says staring into my eyes. "Do what Camz, talk? Have an actual conversation? Because we sure as hell haven't done that in a while. And maybe you don't even care, but I miss you to death Camzi." I respond biting my lip. Camila looks at me for a second and then turns around. "Fuck Lauren, do you really think that?" She says and kicks the door. "Shit, my foot, I think I broke it! God, could things get any worse?" Camila says on the verge on tears. I stand up and help her. "Are you okay?" I ask and she stares directly into my eyes while we sit on the floor. "Of course I'm not okay Lauren, I've been miserable for the past two months. I can barely wake up in the mornings because I feel too weak. The only thing I can think about is how stupid I was, and I seriously can't keep on living like this, I'm dying here Lo." She responds crying like a baby and my heart breaks. I hug her with all the strength I had left and I start crying too. "I fucked everything up Lauren, and I'm so incredibly sorry, you have no idea." She adds sobbing and I feel terrible. All of this time I only thought about my feelings, without realizing Camila was going through the same horrible time. "I'm the one who's sorry Camz, I shouldn't have brought the kiss back up, I was being selfish and I put you on a hard spot. But, I can't continue on living without you Camz, I need my best friend back." I tell her trying to hold back my tears, but I can't. "I have always been here Lauren, and I'll always be. I just thought you hated me with your life..." Camila says wiping the tears off her face. "Hate you? Camz I love you! And you know that." I can't believe she seriously thought I hated her. "I love you too Lo, and I missed you. I'm absolutely nothing without you." She adds hugging me and I can finally breathe again. Her hair smells amazing, as usual, and I can't help but smile. I don't care if she only wants to be my friend, just having her with me is more than enough. We stare at eachother for what felt like an eternity. Her lips look so amazing, I fight with every inch of my body not to kiss her. I can't be that stupid again. But, damn it I want to, I really do. "So, I guess we..." Camila interrupts me by placing her hand softly on my leg. She bites her lip. Why is she so fucking beautiful? "I'm so sorry Lo." She whispers and then her lips crash mine. She holds my face and starts kissing me passionately. I push her gently and she stares directly into my eyes. "Are you sure?" I ask softly and she nods smiling. Then we start kissing again. Our lips become one. She rubs her tounge against mine and my heart starts to race. She puts her legs around my waist, I grab her from the floor and lean her against the wall. Camila rests her hands on my chest and they slowly make their way down playing with my shirt. She takes it off, throws it to the ground and bites my bottom lip making me moan softly. I start kissing her neck, then her collarbone and she breaths heavily. "Lauren..." She says and I smile. "I love you, always have, always will." She adds in between breaths and her hands start touching my bare waist. I can't believe this is really happening right now. I remember about my dream, I guess that was the moment I realized Camila was more than just a friend to me. Suddenly we hear steps. "Camila, Lolo? Where the heck are you guys?" We hear Ally's voice getting closer and closer. "Shit, the girls are back." I whisper and we pull apart. "Where the fuck is my shirt? Shit, we're screwed." I start to freak out. "Hey Lolo, calm down." Camila says putting her hand on my shoulder. I stare into her beautiful eyes and everything seems to slow down. She smiles at me and hands me my shirt. I put it on quickly and she winks at me. "Just so you know, I had been wanting to do that for a long time." She adds and I smile like an idiot. "But, what about Austin?" I ask, after all he's still her boyfriend. "Mila? Lauren? We are so sorry we left guys, but where are you?" We hear Normani scream and we laugh. "We can talk about that later Lo. Maybe we shouldn't tell anyone until we sort everything out." She adds and I nod. She has a point, and all I care about is being with her. "Okay, then its our secret." I say winking and she giggles. Suddenly the door opens and Ally, Dinah and Normani walk in running. "Oh my Gosh guys, are you okay?" Ally says screaming and hugs both of us. "Yeah, we are fine, don't worry!" Camila anwers smiling. "What in the world happened to you hair Lauren?" Dinah asks, I look at Camila and we both start laughing. "Umm, nothing... It must've been the wind." I answer giggling and Camila winks at me. "Yeah, right..." Dinah says and we start laughing again. Hiding this from the girls is going to be really hard. "So, are you guys okay now? That's awesome! Finally!" Normani said and we both nod smiling. "Yeah, we just needed some time to talk." I answer and Camila smiles sweetly at me. Damn it I missed that beautiful smile. "Can we go grab something to eat now? I'm starving." Camila screams and we all laugh. I don't understand where does all the food she eats go, her body is literally perfect. We walk together to the van and I hold Camila's hand intertwining our fingers. We smile at eachother and I realize my life is amazing again. I had missed happiness so much.

Camila's POV:

Its so good to be happy again. Like seriously, I literally can't stop smiling. My life finally makes sense again. And, damn, that moment with Lauren rocked my world. I have made out with Austin a billion times, but he has never made me feel like that. That girl knows exactly how to drive me crazy. We had dinner at a pizza restaurant, and thank God I got my appetite back. I ate like three pizzas by myself, no kidding. Lauren sat next to me on the table and every once in a while she placed her hand on my leg, making me smile every single time. Its amazing to have her back, I can't be thankful enough. Now we're in the van on our way back to our apartments. Lolo and I agreed not to move back together yet because the girls would know something is up, and that would ruin everything. Lauren is sitting next to me on the back of the van, and the girls are sitting together infront of us. Lauren lays her head on my shoulder and I start rubbing her leg softly. "I'm so happy Camz, I missed you baby." She whispers in my ear making me shiver. I missed her calling me baby, its feels so good to hear that again. "I missed you too Lo, and I love you." I add kissing her head softly. I look at her and realize she had fallen asleep like an angel, but she is more beautiful than one. My phone buzzes pulling me out of my thoughts.

From: Austin

Hey baby girl, are you okay? You haven't answered any of my calls or texts. I'm worried. Btw I saw you on TV, and you were amazing. That dress looks beautiful on you babe. Please answer me, I miss you<3

Fuck, I had totally forgotten about Austin. I need to break up with him as soon as possible. But, not right now and not by text, he deserves better. He's an amazing guy, I'm sure he'll find someone who loves him. I decide to answer his text.

To: Austin

Hey Mahomie, I'm sorry! I had no signal, long story. Can we meet tomorrow? We need to talk. Thank you for the compliments, you're amazing. I'm really tired right now, talk to you tomorrow. Good night:)

Sent. I hope I wasn't too friendly. I hate to think about breaking his heart, but I'm in love with Lauren and I want to be with her, and only her.

From: Austin

Alright baby, goodnight to you too, sleep tight. I love you so much, you are the best girlfriend in the world and I could never live without you. Thank you for everything babe, thank you for making me a better man.

Awww, why is he so sweet? I feel like the biggest bitch in the world. He has no idea I almost lost my virginity with my best friend today. Sometimes we are making out on his bed and things get kind of wild and clotheless, but I guess I never felt ready for doing it, and he completely understood and respected me. With Lauren things were different, I just wanted to rip off all of her clothes and love her like she has never been loved. The van parks infront of our apartment, we are finally home. "Hey Lo, wake up, we are already here." I whisper softly and kiss her head. She slowly wakes up and looks at me with her beautiful sleepy eyes. "Thanks Camz, I hadn't slept in weeks." She says getting up and stretching her arms. We walk to the elevator and then we are finally able to go to sleep. "Bye girls, sleep tight." Ally says walking with Normani and Lauren to their apartment. Dinah walks into ours, and I stand by the door. "I'll be right in." I tell her and she nods closing the door. Lauren does the same and we're standing alone in the hallway that separates our places. "Goodbye baby, today was a great day." Lauren says pulling me by the waist. "Yes, it was." I answer giggling and she smiles looking directly into my eyes. Those beautiful eyes are my weakness, I could stare at them forever. She kisses my lips softly and I feel like I'm in heaven. "Goodnight Camz, I love you." Lauren whispers in my ear and hugs me. "Goodnight Lo, I love you too." I whisper back and then we walk into our rooms. Being away from her sucks, I want us to move in together as soon as possible, but I guess that's the way things will have to be for now, and I can't really complain, I'm the happiest girl in the world. I put on my onsie, get into bed and close my eyes, falling slowly asleep with Lauren's beautiful eyes and smile on my mind.

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