Chapter 23: One Hell of a Night

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Lauren's POV:

"What are you wearing tonight Camz?" I ask her laying in my bed while she is looking for clothes in her closet. "I'm going to put my best dress on, of course!" She answers giggling. "Okay, enough with the song references." I tell her and she looks at me smiling. "I'm sorry, my jokes keep getting worse, I can't help it." She says walking to my bed. She starts to crawl on top of me biting her lip. "But, you still think I'm funny, don't you?" Camila tells me kissing my neck. "No, and I think it may be contagious. Get away before my jokes start sucking too." I say giggling and she starts to tickle me. "Oh yeah? Well, I'm going nowhere so our jokes will have to suck together." She answers putting a strand of my hair behind my ear and then she kisses my lips. "We have to get ready Camzi." I say gently pushing her and she groans. "I don't even know why we are going if we could stay like this all night." Camila answers kissing me again. "Because we need to get out of this room and have a life Camz." I answer and peck her lips one more time before sitting up straight. "Okay, but don't wear anything too sexy." She tells me rubbing my leg and then she walks back to her closet. I get off bed and go to pick out my clothes. I end up choosing ripped short jean shorts, a tight black shirt and some heels. I change clothes and walk to the bathroom to do my hair and make up. Camila walks behind me wearing a tight light blue dress. "You look hot, way too hot." She says resting her chin on my shoulder and kisses my cheek. "Thanks Camzi, so do you!" I answer smiling. "You're lucky I'm not the jealous type, if I were you'd have to change into sweats and my Crocs or something." She tells me hugging me and I smile. "But I want you to look and feel beautiful." She adds winking at me. "Why are you such an amazing girlfriend?" I ask her and she smiles. "Girlfriend? I thought this was an open relationship. I'm seeing other people, like this guy called Austin, you might've heard of him..." She says giggling. "Really funny Camila." I tell her rolling my eyes and she kisses my cheek. "I know, that's why you like me so much." She says and I wrap my arms around her neck. "Oh baby, I like so many things about you, but your jokes are definitively not the reason I love you." I tell her kissing her lips and she laughs. "Now that's true love, you love me despite of my lame ass jokes." Camila says giggling and kisses me again. "Girls, are you ready?" We hear Dinah yelling and knocking on our door. "We'll be right there!" I yell back and kiss Camila's beautiful lips one last time. "Are you ready Camzi?" I ask staring deeply into her eyes. "Lets have some fun... Yeah." She sings softly making me laugh. "You love my jokes, just admit it." Camila says giggling walking towards the door. "I love everything about you babe." I answer and walk with her. She opens the door and we see Dinah, Ally and Normani waiting for us. "Daaaang, you guys look good!" Dinah says and I blush. "Are you looking to find a replacement for Austin, Mila?" Ally says giggling and Camila looks at me. "Not really. I like the way things are right now." She says smiling at me and I smile back winking at her. Her hand gently touches mine, and I sparks fly. "Lets go then!" Normani says cheering and we walk to my car. "I call shotgun!" Camila yells and jumps in the front seat. "Thanks for doing this for me baby." I say softly and she smiles. "This is going to be an amazing night!" Ally screams from the back seat, we turn on some music and drive to the club. The last time I went dancing things didn't go as expected, lets hope tonight is different.

"So, what are you lovely ladies drinking tonight?" The bartender says winking at me. He looks like he's about 18, maybe 19 years old. His brown eyes stare directly into mine and a soft smile reveals his amazingly white teeth. "I want some vodka." Dinah says from across the bar. "Then vodka it is." Camila tells him smiling and he nods with a grin. He goes to look for the bottle and comes back with five glasses. "Um, I'm driving tonight." I say and push the glass away. He pours drinks for everyone else and then he looks back at me. "Do you want some water then? A soda?" He says sweetly and I nod. "Water would be perfect." I tell him and he brings me a bottle. So what's your name, beautiful?" The mysterious bartender asks me leaning on the bar. "Lauren." I answer drinking. Camila is next to me talking to Normani and Dinah. "Nice to meet you, Lauren." He says taking my hand, he's really strong. "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name." I say blushing and he smiles. "I'm Cole, Cole Edelman." He replies with a smirk. "Lauren Jauregui." I say lifting my glass and he smiles again. "So, how old are you?" He asks me. "Not old enough to be here, but shh." I reply and he laughs. "Well, I'm not old enough to work here either, so this will be our little secret." He says winking and I blush again. We talk for a while, until I feel Camila's hand on my thigh. She had been talking and laughing with Normani and Dinah this whole time, so she didn't even notice I had made a new friend. "Lets dance!" She whispers on my ear and I nod. I wave at Cole and he winks at me smiling, it was nice to meet someone one. Camila takes my hand and we walk to the dance floor. Dinah and Normani have had way too much to drink, so they're dancing like idiots. Ally is talking to some guy on one of the couches, and Camila and I are dancing next to DJ and Mani. I'm not drinking tonight, but Camila seems to be a little tipsy. "Do you know how badly I want to kiss you right now?" She asks me dancing seductively. "I wish you could Camz, I'm dying to taste your lips." I answer and she bites her bottom lip. We continue dancing really close for a while, until two dudes walk up to us. "Hey girls, do you want to dance with us?" The tall cute one asks holding Camila's hand and his not so cute friend takes mine. "Sure!" Camz says smiling and we start dancing with these two guys. "I like your hair, it smells nice." My dancing partner says and I smile awkwardly. I look at Camila and she's totally flirting with the cute one. "I'm sorry, I have to go to the bathroom." I tell my guy and pull Camila out of the dance floor. "What the hell Lo?" She groans angrily. "You tell me! Why are you flirting with that douche?" I tell her crossing my arms. "God, are you jealous right now? Just loosen up!" She says walking back to the dance floor, but I grab her arm. "Camila you're drunk, lets go home." I tell her, but she laughs at me. "The last time I checked you weren't my mom, or my dad, or anyone important for that matter, so just leave me the hell alone and let me have some fun." She says walking back to the dance floor. "Screw you Camila, I hope you remember this in the morning." I yell and she doesn't even turn around. I've never seen her act like this before, what's wrong with her? I walk back to the bar and sit on the same place I had seated before, Cole walks up to me and I sigh. "Why the frown pretty eyes? Tough night?" He says smiling sweetly. "I don't know, I need a drink." I say looking at Camila and the cute one dancing. "I thought you were driving tonight." He tells me lifting his eyebrows. "You are working here illegally, lets not get judgmental, okay?" I answer and he nods. "Okay, what do you want? This one's on me." He says winking. "Tequila would be nice." I say and he serves me a shot. "So, tell me about you Cole, you're so mysterious." I say taking my shot and he chuckles. "Well, I'm working here so I can pay for college tuition. I'm a freshman." He tells me grinning. "Nice, I'd love to have your life." I say sighing. "What about you Lauren? Are you in school?" He asks with his beautiful smile. "Not really. I'm in a girl band, Fifth Harmony." I say proudly and he grins. "Are you for real? My sister adores you! All she ever talks about it Camren, but I never understood what that was." He replies excitedly. "Give me another shot and maybe I'll tell you about it." I answer with a flirty smile. I look back to find Camila, but she disappeared. "Okay then, I'm listening." He says handing me a shot. This is going to be a long night.

Camila's POV:

Where the fuck is Lauren? Holy shit, she left me alone, I'm drunk and this dude won't get off me. He keeps on trying to make out with me, his hands are all over my body and I can't push him away. "Hey, I need to go." I tell him and he shakes his head. "Don't go, lets go back to my place." He says kissing my neck. "I can't, I have to go home right now!" I yell but he keeps on grinding his body against mine. Suddenly someone grabs him by the shoulder and pushes him away. "Dude I think she told you to back off." The bartender who served us earlier says angrily. "Who the fuck are you? Walk away before I knock off all of your teeth." The creepy guy answers and the bartender punches him knocking him to the ground. "Security, please take this asshole out of this place." My savior says and two huge dudes carry him away. "Thank you so much!" I say hugging the bartender. "Don't worry! You're Camila, right?" I nod and he smiles. "I'm Cole, Lauren told me about you." He says charmingly. "What did she tell you? I mean, do you know...?" I start asking and he nods. "Yeah, but I promised not to tell anyone, your secret is safe with me." He says and I stare at him thinking about every stupid thing I had done that night. "So, anyway, Lauren asked me to make sure you guys got home safe. I'm sober, I promise." He tells me with a smile and I nod. "I'm going to go look for the girls, thank you Cole." I tell him and start looking for the girls. I find Normani and Dinah dancing with some guys and Ally laughing his ass off with some dude. When we are finally all together I walk up to the bar. "Are you ladies ready to go?" He asks us smiling and I nod. "They're really drunk, don't expect them to talk much." I answer and he laughs.

"She really cares about you, you know?" Cole tells me with his eyes set on the road. Normani, Dinah and Ally blacked out on the back of his truck and I'm sitting next to him. I'm kind of sober now, and I realize how stupid I was. "I know, and I'm an asshole." I reply resting my head against the window. "Where is she anyway? She's not answering my texts." I ask and he looks at me with a smile. "She took a cab home like an hour ago, she had some shots and I didn't let her drive." He answers and I sigh. "I'm the worst girlfriend in the world." I say to myself and close my eyes. When we finally get to our apartment Cole helps me carry the girls to their room and then he walks me to my room. "My sister would freak out if she knew you're not the good girls you pretend to be." He says with I smile. "Oh, we are messed up, you have no idea!" I answer and he laughs, he always laughs at my jokes. "When I first saw you guys I thought you were beautiful, but you and Lauren caught my eye inmidiately. You ignored me, so I started talking to Lauren, and then she told me you were together. I've never failed so miserably trying to pick up a girl." He says putting his hands on his pockets and I chuckle. "You're a great guy Cole, you'll find an amazing girl." I tell him and kiss his cheek. "I really appreciate what you did for us, thank you so much." I add and walk to my door. "You're welcome, take care of your drunk friends." He says smiling and walks away with a wave. I stand outside my door for a while thinking about what to tell Lauren. She must hate me with her life. I walk into our room, but Lauren isn't here, that's odd. I call her cellphone, but she doesn't answer. Fuck, where is she? This is all my fault! My phone starts to buzz, Unknown Caller? I answer my phone as quickly as I can. "Hello?" I say anxiously. "Camzi, hi! I'm so happy you answered!" I hear Lauren's raspy voice and I can finally breathe again. "Lauren, oh my God! Where the hell are you? Why aren't you picking up your phone? I was so worried!" I say pacing around the room. "I need you Camz... Please don't freak out, but I messed up!" She says and her voice cracks. "Shit, what happened? Where are you? Are you okay?" I say and she interrupts me. "I'm in jail." My heart stops beating.

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