Chapter 45: Hold On

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Camila's POV:

Houston was our last show before going back to L.A. and it was freaking awesome! I'm not going to lie though, I can't wait to go back home. Yeah, I'll miss performing, and meeting the fans, and sharing a tiny bunk, and waking up with Lauren's hair all over my face. Of course I'll miss all of those things with my life. But I also miss sleeping in my bed, going to the studio, having an actual bathroom, and its not like we'll never go on tour again. "So, girls, bad news. We'll have to stay in Houston until tomorrow morning, weather issues. You don't have to sleep in the bus though, we'll take you to a hotel." Our manager says walking into the bus. Its just one more day, right? The other girls walk to their bunks and Lauren sits next to me on the couch. "I didn't sleep last night, like at all." She says laying her head on my lap. "Yeah, you did! I was up most of the night and you were sleeping." I answer and she lifts an eyebrow. "Really? Because when I was up you were snoring like a sloth." She tells me and I giggle. "Do sloths snore anyway?" I ask and Lauren starts laughing. "You're a dork!" She says smiling. "But luckily for you I'm into dorks, especially cute, sexy, and smart dorks like you." She adds getting closer to my face and then she kisses my lips passionately. Suddenly we hear someone clear her throat and we pull apart as quickly as we can. "Hey Mani, what's up?" I say fixing my hair. "Umm sorry for interrupting, but we have to go to the van so they'll take us to the hotel, we've been calling you for the past five minutes." She says crossing her arms. "Oh we're sorry! We'll be right there." Lauren says with a smile, but Normani only rolls her eyes and walks away. As soon as we're alone again we look at each other and burst into laughter. "Oh my God!" I say holding my face and Lauren tries to hold back her adorable laugh. "Lets get out of here dork, before Normani comes here again." She says giggling and we walk together out of the bus. When we are finally sitting in the van, and we start to go to the hotel, I feel Ally's eyes set on me. "Is everything okay Allycat?" I ask sweetly and she nods. "Yeah, I was just thinking, why in the world was there a recording of your room in my house yesterday?" She asks confused. "I have no idea." I lie, but Lauren hits my arm with her elbow. We haven't told the girls about my stolen phone and the cameras, and all of the threatening texts we've been getting. But maybe its time we do, they deserve to know what's going on and maybe they can even help us out. I give Lauren an affirmative nod and she sighs. "Well girls, that's no exactly true." She starts saying. "Before we left L.A. we found some cameras in our room, and from then we've been getting texts and notes from some mysterious guy who knows about us and is planning on publishing the videos of us, you know, together. And he even followed me to my house when we were in Miami and he must've broken into your house Ally so he could put the videos there. He's really dangerous and its like he's everywhere. I'm sorry we didn't tell you guys about him before, we didn't want you to be at risk too." Lauren finishes saying. "Oh my gosh! Guys, why don't you call the cops?" Dinah asks us. "He warned us not to, and we have no idea what he's capable of doing." I answer. "And do you have any ideas who he could be?" Normani asks turning around to face us. "Well I'm convinced it Austin." I answer but Lauren interrupts me. "And I'm sure its Cole, the bartender." She says glancing at me. "But then again the last letter I got had a girl's handwriting, so it could be anyone." I add softly and Lauren puts her hand on my leg. "Yeah, we just want this to be over." She says laying her head on my shoulder. After a while we finally get to the hotel, and we all walk to the elevator. "So do you guys have any plans for tonight?" Dinah asks us smiling. "Not really..." I start saying but Lauren cuts me off. "Actually we do." She says holding my waist. "We do?" I ask confused and she giggles. "None that you know of, but yeah we do." She adds smiling. "Awww that's sweet! Where are you guys going?" Normani asks Lauren. "Its a surprise." She answers lifting her eyebrows and them we get to our floor. "I'll see you guys later!" I say as we walk to our room, but Normani grabs Lauren's arm and whispers something in her ear. "I'll be there in a second Camz." She says smiling and I shrug walking to our room alone.

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