Chapter 39: Atlanta, Atlanta

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Camila's POV:

I turn to face the wall and close my eyes praying. This is the end, I'm getting murdered. I feel a warm breath on my neck and my heart starts to rush. This is not how I had pictured my death, murdered by a psycho stalker who's been following me around the country. I feel every drop of my blood turn cold, my chest hurts and I can barely breathe. Suddenly I feel a soft kiss on my cheek. "Camz, are you up?" I hear a husky whisper on my ear. "Lauren! Oh my God, what are you doing here?" I say jumping out of my bunk and hugging her. "I'm doing the right thing." She answers and crashes her lips on mine. I can't believe she came back. "Dude what the heck is going on?" Dinah says popping her head out of her bunk. "Lauren! You're back!" She yells hugging her and waking up the rest of he girls. "I'm so happy you're here Lo!" Ally says yawning. "We missed you." Normani tells her with a smile. "I missed you too girls, you have no idea." She answers and winks at me. "But we have a show tomorrow, go to sleep guys!" Lauren tells them happily, I guess she's just excited to be back. The girls go back to their bunks and Lauren walks to the bathroom. I lay down with a stupid smile on my face, I can't believe she actually came back. "Hey, mind if I crash here tonight?" Lauren says playing with the curtain of my bunk. She's wearing black PJ's shorts and a white tee and she looks smoking hot. "Yeah actually, I don't feel like sharing tonight." I tell her with a smirk and she jumps laying next to me. "Well too bad I don't care." She says and kisses my lips. "I missed you Lauren." I tell her staring into her mesmerizing green eyes. "I missed you too babe, I really did. I hope you understand why I had to leave." She says with her hand on my cheek and I nod. "But you're back, and that's all that matters Lo." I say smiling and she pecks my lips. The peck turns into a passionate kiss, the kind of kiss that leaves you out of breath after just a couple of seconds. The kind of kiss that makes your heart rush and slow down at the same time, and makes you forget there's something else in the world. Its hard to explain actually, its like your body stops working the way it should because of how deeply your soul is connected to another soul. "I'm so in love with every little thing about you Camz." She says staring into my eyes. "Then please don't leave me again Lolo, I can't do any of this without you." I answer and she nods. "I promise." She says smiling and lays her head on my chest. I softly run my fingers through her silky hair, these are the little things I'll never, ever get tired of. "Good night Camzi, sleep tight." She says yawning. "Good night Lo, thank you for coming back." I say kissing her head and close my eyes. My mind drifts away with the scent of her hair, and I slowly fall asleep.

Lauren's POV:

It feels so good to be back! I missed waking up to Camila's messy hair and morning voice, I missed sleeping with her arms wrapped around my waist, I just missed her. And I'm so glad she's okay, after the last text I got I didn't know what to think. I wasn't going to let anyone put a finger on her, she's everything I've got. "Good morning Lo!" Camila says cheerily and pecks my lips. "Morning sunshine! Someone had a good night sleep." I say giggling. "Oh yeah, I had an amazing dream and you were in it." She answers smiling. "Really? What did you dream?" I ask tilting my head. "I'm not supposed to tell, if I do then it won't come true." She tells me grinning. "Oh, come on! Since when are you the mysterious type?" I ask and she giggles. "Let's just say it didn't involve much clothing." She whispers in my ear and gets out of the bunk. "Aren't you going to have breakfast?" She asks me walking to the kitchen of the bus. "Oh, I want to have you for breakfast." I say hugging her from behind and I kiss her neck. "Girls, not in the kitchen." Dinah says walking towards us and sits with a bowl of cereal. "I'm sorry DMac, my bad." I say smiling and Camila grabs my ass softly. "We'll continue later." She whispers in my ear and then sits next to Dinah. After a while we all finish with our breakfast and start to get ready for today's show. I missed this kind of life, and I'm super excited to perform again.

"Thank you Atlanta, you're awesome! We'll see you at the meet and greet. Thanks again for coming, we love you!" Dinah says and we walk out of stage. I didn't screw up and I'm so happy! At first I was freaking out, but everything turned out fine. We sit on the meet and greet table, and Camila is the first and I'm the last one the fans will meet, so it sucks to be apart, but whatever. We talk to a lot of people, and they're all happy that I'm back. The Harmonizers mean the world to me, I would still be in my house watching Game of Thrones if it wasn't for them. After a while of meeting some of the most amazing people ever, a really cute guy walks to me. "Hey Lauren, I'm glad you're back." He says smiling. "Thank you, I'm glad we have fans like you." I answer signing a picture for him. "Actually there's something I wanted to give you." He says and hands me a piece of paper before disappearing. I open it and read it. "Welcome back Jauregui, but if you thought that the fact that you're here will stop me, you're completely wrong. Where is Camila anyways? Look around Lauren, I'm closer than you think." I put down the piece of paper and look over to Camila's seat, but she's not there. Fuck, where is she? "Hey Dinah, have you seen Camila?" I ask softly and she shakes her head. Where the hell is she? "I'll be right back." I tell Dinah and start walking around, but I don't see her anywhere.

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