Chapter 36: I Saw The Sign

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Lauren's POV:

"Thank you New York City, you guys are awesome! So, we want to sing one more song for you guys, are you ready?" Camila says walking to the center of the stage. I've been so unfocused lately, I've screwed up a billion times and I'm sure the girls hate me, even Camz. After the text I got last night I haven't been able to think about anything else. Camila starts singing "Me and My Girls" and I jump back to reality. I can't let this weirdo mess with my career too. Halfway through the song I see something the catches my attention. A guy in the first row lifts a sign that says "Camren will come out soon." When my part comes I can't sing, I just stare at the sign. Camila looks at me confused and sings my part. "Who the fuck are you? Why are you doing this?" I start screaming at the dude with the sign, I had never seen him before though. Dinah takes the microphone away from my hand and Normani holds me back, but I keep screaming. "You little mother fucker are going to pay. I swear to God I will make your life miserable. Stay away from me." I say trying to jump off stage. The girls take me backstage and Ally apologizes to the crowd. "Lauren what the fuck was that about?" Camila asks me angrily. "It was him Camz, he's here." I say holding my head. "Who's here? What are you guys talking about?" Normani asks us confused. "Hey, he's not here okay, you're just paranoid." Camila says holding my face and kisses my forehead. "No, Camila you didn't see him. He was holding a sign and I'm sure he's the one, please just fucking trust me." I say and I start to cry uncontrollably. "Its okay Lo, I know we're under a lot of pressure, but everything's going to be okay. No one can do anything to us here in New York, I swear no one is following us." She says and wipes the tears from my cheeks with her thumb. "Lauren we're a group, what you do affects all of us. That psycho show you just put on is going to screw the rest of the tour, well done." Normani says giving me a death glare. "Normani stay out of it, you have no idea what's going on." Camila tells her seriously. "Don't tell me what to do Camila, and open your eyes. I know your love is like the most epic romantic story ever, but she screwed us up and you have to admit it." She says and Camila walks over to her. "This is the last time I'm saying this. Stay the hell out of this Normani, its non of your fucking business." She says tightening her fists. "Camz she's right, I ruined it and I'm sorry." I say walking towards the bathroom. I glance at her telling her to follow me, I need to talk to her alone. When its finally just the two of us she gives me a weak smile flipping her hair. "I hate to see you like this Lolo." She says wrapping her arms around my neck. "You still don't believe me, do you?" I ask her staring into her big brown eyes. She sighs, that's not the answer I was hoping for. I take her hands away from my neck walk away from her. "Lauren wait." She tells me grabbing my arm and pulling me close again. "I love you, and you know that, but I think you may be a little paranoid Lolo, and I totally get why, we're under an enormous amount of pressure." She says putting her hands on my waist. "No Camila, you don't get it! I didn't want you to find out, but check the text I got this morning." I say taking out my phone. I really didn't want her to know about this, she's been through enough, but I'm 100% sure he followed us here. "Why didn't you tell me about this before Lo? We where supposed to be in this together." Camila tells me giving me my phone back. "I don't know, I didn't want to worry you." I answer softly. "Do you know what worries me? That now you're hiding stuff from me." She tells me staring directly into my eyes. "I'm sorry baby, but do you believe me now?" I ask desperately holding her hands. "I think you should get some rest Lauren, we'll do the meet and greet without you." She says sighing. "Camila please! Did you read the sign?" I ask on the verge on tears, I can't believe she doesn't trust me. "Yeah, some shit about Camren. People ship us Lauren, we know that, the sign doesn't mean anything. Take a break, go to the bus and we'll see you after the meet and greet, okay?" She says and starts walking where the other girls are. "Fuck you Camila!" I yell but she doesn't even turn around. "I love you too Lauren, get some fucking sleep." I hear her say and she disappears. I can't believe this is happening. That creep is out there, he could hurt her and there's nothing I can do.

Camila's POV:

Lauren is acting crazy. She can't just start screaming at a random fan for holding a freaking sign. I know this whole thing is messing with her head, but she can't react like that. Even though I hate to admit it, and I will always have her back and defend Lauren, Normani is right. We're a group and her actions affect all of us. Hopefully she just needs a break and she'll come back. I sit on the table of the meet and greet next to Ally and the fans start to walk in. "Is Lauren coming?" She whispers and I shake my head. "Is she okay?" Ally asks me concerned. "Yeah, she just has a lot going on." I say sweetly and start greeting some fans. This is probably my favorite thing in the world, but I can't take my mind off Lauren. "Hey Camila, I love you! Can you sign my shirt?" I hear a fan's voice and smile at her. "Sure, what's your name?" I ask trying to hide my concern. "Dani. Where's Lauren?" She asks me with a smile. "She's not feeling well, I'm sorry." I answer sweetly. "Oh, okay. Can you tell her my brother is in love with her? Here's his number." She says giggling and hands me a piece of paper. "Of course." I say smiling. Yeah right I'll give her his number. We continue meeting our fans for a while, but my mind is somewhere else. "Hey could you sign my sign please?" I hear a male voice. I raise my eyes from the table and see him, the guy Lauren was talking about. He puts the sign in the table in front of me. "Nice sign, did you make it?" I ask suspiciously. "No, some dude said he'd give me 50 bucks if I held it in your concert and got you to sign it, so can you do it?" He says impatiently. Holy shit, Lauren was right. "Who's him?" I ask biting my Sharpie. "I don't know him." He answers nervously. "I think you do, come on, tell me." I say with a flirty smile, this guy knows something he's not telling me. "I better go." He says grabbing the sign. "No, wait, let me sign that for you." I say and grab my Sharpie. "Hey asshole, stop fucking with us. Love, Camila." I give him his poster and he rapidly walks away. Lauren was right and I didn't believe her, I'm so stupid. We meet some more fans and then the girls go to have lunch, but I go to the bus. I need to talk to Lauren right now and apologize for not trusting her. I walk over to her bunk and hop in with her. "Hey Lo." I say softly laying my head on her chest, but she turns around making me face her back. "Lauren I'm sorry I didn't trust you, but please look at me. I feel like shit." I say running my fingers down her spine. "How the fuck do you think I feel Camila?" She says facing the wall. "I know, and I'm so sorry Lo." I tell her, but she ignores me. "He came to the meet and greet and asked me to sign his sign." I say getting closer to her. "He did?" She asks turning to face me. "Yeah, turns out someone payed him to hold the sign." I tell her putting my hand on her cheek. "I knew the sign had something to do with all of this." She says staring directly into my eyes. "I should've trusted you, I'm sorry." I tell her holding her hands. "This sucks, doesn't it?" Lauren says staring at me with her mesmerizing green eyes. I nod and she softly kisses my lips. "I'm still mad at you for treating me like a psycho, but I love you Camz." She tells me and I smile. "I love you more." I answer pecking her lips, and suddenly we hear a knock on our bus door. "I'll get it." I say getting out of the bunk and open the door. "Hey Mila." I hear a familiar male voice. "Austin, what are you doing here?"

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