Chapter 40: Old Friends

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Lauren's POV:

"Camila? Camz? Where the hell are you?" I yell walking through the mass of fans standing outside our bus. "Hey Lauren, can I take a pic?" "Lauren I love you, can you sign this?" "Lauren?" "Lauren I'm so happy you're back!" I hear all of this people talking to me, but I can't focus, I need to find her. "Hey guys please let me through, I need to go into the bus." I say making my way through the people, but I can't walk by. "Fuck, guys please!" I yell but they keep on grabbing my arms. After struggling for a while I finally manage to get in the bus and lock the door behind me. "Camzi are you here?" I say looking through the bunks, but no one answers. Suddenly my phone buzzes. "Camila where the fuck are you? I was worried sick!" I say catching my breath after picking up my phone. "Hey Lo, chill, come to the meet and greet table, someone wants to see you." She says giggling and hangs up. Oh my God, I'm so happy she's okay. Who the hell is she with anyway? I walk back to the meet and greet table and I see her standing up talking to a guy. Why would he want to see me? I don't even know who he is. I approach them and Camila waves at me. "Lauren hi! Look who's here!" She says excitedly. The guy turns around and I recognize his face. "Oh my God, Cole! Hi, how are you?" I ask hugging him. "Hey Lauren!" He says smiling. I had forgotten he was that hot. I hadn't seen him since he served us drinks in the club and then he took the girls home and I ended up in jail and I lost my virginity. Wow, that was a night to remember. "What are you doing here?" I ask rubbing his arm and Camila gives me a jealous glare, but I don't really care. "I was visiting some family and when I heard you guys where here I had to come and see you." He answers with his hands in his pockets. "Its nice to see you, I mean you basically saved my life." Camila says with a flirty smile. Is she trying to make me jealous too? Well its not working, I know I'm the only one in her heart. "Do you guys want to come to dinner with me tonight? We can, you know, catch up." He asks me smiling and then looks at Camila. "Yeah, that'd be cool, right Lo?" She asks smiling. Cole is one of the few people who knows we are together, I kind of told him when I was drunk in the bar. "Sure, I'll tell the others." I answer and start walking away, but he grabs my arm. "Actually, I was thinking about having dinner just the three of us." He says staring directly into my eyes without letting go of my arm. What the hell? I look at Camila, but she's smiling like an idiot. "Oh, actually I just remembered I had promised Dinah to go to this sushi place down town, weren't you coming with us too Camz?" I ask glaring at her, but she looks at me confused. "Not really Lo." She says smiling. Fuck, I'm not liking where this is going. "Then you can have dinner with me." Cole says putting his arm around Camila's shoulder. "Yeah, sounds cool!" She says giggling. "Camz we should go back to the bus now, the girls are waiting for us. Bye Cole, nice to see you." I say holding Camila's hand and walking away. "Bye girls, Camila I'll call you later." He says smiling and Camila waves at him. "You can't go to dinner with him." I whisper as we walk away. "Why not Lo? He's a nice guy. He took me home when you didn't." She answers lifting an eyebrow. "Don't bring that back up, please, just don't go to dinner with him." I say grabbing her by the waist. "Lauren, I love you, but you can't tell me what to do." She says holding my face and pecks me lips before entering the bus. Why the fuck is she acting like that? There's something weird about Cole. He just happens to be in the same city as us? And then just after I got the note Camila disappears and she was with him? This is too suspicious. "Camila I need you to be safe, and I don't trust Cole." I say walking behind her. "But you trusted him to take me home that night?" She asks lifting her eyebrow. "You're being annoying, and I just want to protect you." I say pulling her closer by the waist. "And I love you, but I want to have dinner with Cole, so you either come with us or not." She answers pushing me away softly. "How does he even have your number Camz? Did you give it to him?" I ask and she rolls her eyes. "I don't know Lauren, stop over analyzing everything. He's a good guy, we know that." She says picking out clothes. Why am I the only one noticing how strange this whole thing is? "Then I'm coming with you, there's no way I'm letting you alone with him." I tell her crossing my arms. "Wait, Lauren Jauregui are you jealous? Is that what this is about?" She says smirking with her back against the wall. "What? No! Are you kidding? Why would I be jealous? I just don't want anyone to hurt you Camz." I say wrapping my arms around her neck. "It would kill me if I never got to see those beautiful eyes again. Or taste your beautiful lips." I say planting a soft kiss on her full red lips. "You're smooth Jauregui, but nothing's going to happen to me, okay? Just come with us, it'll be fun." She says putting her hands on my waist. "Alright, but I'm not letting you out of my sight." I say and she smiles. I have a terrible feeling about this, I really do.

Camila's POV:

"So, have you guys eaten here before?" Cole asks us from across the table. "We've only been here for like a day Cole, but of course you already knew that, right?" Lauren asks sipping on her drink. "No, I don't know what you're talking about." Cole answers smiling. What the hell is wrong with Lauren? "Have you been here before?" I ask Cole politely. "Not really, a friend recommended it." He answers showing his amazing white teeth. "A friend? I thought you were here visiting family." Lauren says holding her chin. "Yeah, I am, but I have a couple of friends here too." He answers looking at his phone, he has been doing that all the time. "Excuse me ladies, I need to take this." He says standing up and walks away. "Lauren what the fuck? Why are you being such a bitch?" I ask angrily. "I'm not comfortable around him Camz, he's hiding something." She answers playing with her food. "You're being paranoid, again. Just give him a fucking break." I say and hear him walk towards us again. "Just play nice Lo." I tell her softly and she nods. "I'm working on it, don't you worry about it." I hear him say before hanging up his phone. He sits back down and we start eating in silence. What if Lauren's right though? She's always right. "So you girls are still a thing?" He asks softly leaving his phone on the table. I open my mouth to answer, but Lauren cuts me off. "I think we should get going, its pretty late." She says standing up. "Don't be a buzz kill Lauren, lets have some more drinks." He tells her grinning. "Thank you for everything Cole, we'll see you around." She answers putting her hands on my shoulders. "Lets go Camz." Lauren tells me softly and I stand up. I don't want to leave, but I guess I have to, I don't want to start a fight with Lauren either. "Goodbye Cole, it was nice to see you." I say smiling and walk behind Lauren. I hate the scene she's making, Cole's supposed to be our friend and she treated him like crap. When we're finally back in the bus I stop her before getting in. "You had no right to act like that Lauren, it wasn't cool." I say grabbing her arm. "Camila can you just fucking trust me? He's hiding something! What if he's the one sending the texts? What if he stole your phone and recorded us having sex? We can't trust anyone baby." She answers staring deeply into my eyes. "I just don't want you to get hurt." Lauren adds putting a strand of hair behind my ear. "We can't go through life like this Lolo, we can't be scared of everything and everyone. You're over reacting and I'm done with all of these drama." I answer holding my head. "You know what? You're right! Just do whatever the fuck you want. But just know that if something happens to you I won't be able to live with myself." She says angrily walking into the bus. "Lauren, stop!" I say following her, but she ignores me and lays in her bunk. "Are you going to sleep there tonight?" I whisper looking at her, but she doesn't answer. "You want to be a big baby? Alright! Goodnight Lauren, have a nice fucking night." I say laying down and turning my back to her. "I'm just trying to keep you safe Camila." She answers after a while. "I never asked you to save me all the time." I answer coldly and I hear her sigh. I just want this damn thing to be over already, this is starting to tear us apart.

Hey guys! I felt like publishing another chapter today because I've been extremely bored lately haha hope you like it:)

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