Chapter 31: It's Gone!

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Lauren's POV:

"Goodbye Lauren, please take care." My mom says hugging me at the airport. "I will mom, don't worry. I'll be home in a couple of weeks, okay?" I answer and she smiles. "I'm so proud of you, and I love you Laur." She says kissing my cheek. "I love you too mom, thanks for coming." Even though I want to be able to be with Camila again, it makes me sad to see her go. I love my life and my career, but I miss my family so much. Camila says goodbye to her mom and Sofi and then my mom goes to talk to her and hugs her before leaving. We walk back to my car and start to go home. "I'm going to miss them so much!" Camila says laying her head against the window. "Yeah, me too." I sigh. But my mind has only thought about one thing. Why would my mom talk to Camila like that? It seemed pretty serious and she's been acting weird since this morning. "Hey Camz, is everything okay?" I ask resting my right hand on her thigh. "Yeah, why?" She asks tilting her head. I can see it in her eyes she's not being completely honest. "Are you sure?" I say smiling at her and she nods. "Okay then." I set my eyes back on the road. "Why do you ask Lo? Is everything okay with you?" She says holding my hand. "Yeah, yeah. I just, I don't know. Never mind." I answer softly. "Lauren talk to me, what's going on?" Camila asks me intertwining our fingers. "Nothing Camz, don't worry." I answer with my eyes set on the road and put both my hands on the starring wheel. I keep on driving in silence, glancing at Camila every once in a while. There's definitively something on her mind, but maybe I'm just overthinking everything and they were just saying goodbye. I should just ask her and get this over with, I've always been able to talk to her about anything. But, maybe there's nothing to talk about, I'm sure she would tell me if there was. "I can't hide stuff from you Lo, I'm sorry." I suddenly hear her voice taking me out of my thoughts. "What happened baby?" I ask resting my hand back on her thigh. "I'm not supposed to talk to you about this, but I can't lie to you anymore. Your mom said something to me last night." She says staring into my eyes. "What did she say?" I ask and Camila sighs. "Please promise me you won't freak out, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this earlier, I just... I don't know, I should've said something before, I'm sorry." She says and I hold her hand. "Its okay baby, don't worry about it, just tell me what happened." I say and she nods. "Umm... Okay, last night I couldn't sleep so I went to the kitchen and your mom was there too. Out of the blue she told me something like she's glad I made you happy and I didn't know how to react." She says and I look at her confused. After a short silence she continues. "Long story short she knows about us Lo, and she asked me not to tell you she knows because she wants to hear it from you when you're ready to tell her." She says softly squeezing my hand. "Fuck!" I say banging the starring wheel with my fists. Why can't we just be together with all of this shit happening to us? I can't believe my mom knows I'm dating a girl, I'm not ready for her to fucking know. I was supposed to tell her when we were ready, but we are not and this could ruin everything. I'm about to have a nervous breakdown, my hands are shaking and my head is a mess. "Lauren calm down, she's totally cool about it and I'm sure she won't tell anyone until she hears it from you." Camila says resting her hand on my shoulder. "You don't get it Camila! My life is fucking ruined! Don't tell me to calm down because you have no idea what this means." I snap at her but she keeps on rubbing my shoulder. "We are in this together, and you're right, I don't get it. But I am here for you and I won't let you shut me out of your life, okay? I love you Lauren, and I want to be here for you. I know this frustrates you, but look at the bright side, your mom is okay with this whole thing. I have no idea how my mom will react, and that's fucking driving me crazy. I just... I can't deal with this anymore, I'm sorry." She ends up saying and her voice cracks. Tears start streaming down her face as she leans against the window. "I'm sorry." She says again wiping the tears from her cheeks. Could things get any worse? "Camz don't cry, please." I say parking my car in front of our apartment, she gets out of the car and slams the door behind her. "Camila wait!" I say trying to catch up with her, but I can't. "Baby please don't do this to me." I say as we get into the into the elevator. "You can't run away from me Camz, I'm sorry I snapped at you before." I say grabbing her by the waist and pulling her closer. "I don't know what to do Lo, I hate lying to people and to my mom, and this constant fear of getting caught is really starting to get to me." She says hugging me and I rub her back. "Everything's going to be fine baby, trust me." I tell her running my fingers through her hair and the elevator door opens. "I do Lauren, I will always trust you, but I just can't handle this." She says walking into our room and I close the door behind us. She lays down in her bed and I sit next to her. "We've had some intense couple of days with the whole Austin deal and our moms, maybe we just need some time to relax." I tell her rubbing one of her legs. "That's probably it, I'm just really tired and my head hurts. I'm sorry I'm acting like a crazy little bitch." She says holding my hand. "And I'm sorry I didn't tell you about your mom sooner, I'm just really overwhelmed about this whole thing and you should be the one having this break down, but I just..." I shut her up with the most passionate kiss we've had.

Camila's POV:

I don't know what the hell happened to me earlier. I was fine, I was happy that Lauren's mom was cool with us, and out of the blue I had this nervous breakdown and I'm glad Lauren was there to help me. "Hey sleepy head, how are you feeling?" Lauren asks me as soon as I open my eyes. "I'm okay Lo, thank you. Did you get some sleep?" I ask yawning. "Not really, I'm not tired." She answers smiling. She's so beautiful, and I'm lucky as hell to have her. "What time is it? I have no clue." I say giggling and Lauren takes out her phone. "7:00 pm, we were about to go to dinner with the girls." She says playing with my hair. "Lets go then." I tell her getting out of bed. We get ready and drive to a nice restaurant with Dinah, Ally and Normani. We walk to our table and sit down, and ask for some drinks. "So, how were all of your Valentine's Days?" Lauren asks holding my hand. "Great, I actually think I'm getting back together with Arin." Normani says giggling. "That's great Mani!" I tell her with a smile. "Yeah! What about you guys?" Normani asks us and Lauren sighs. "Oh, you know, I had to cancel the super date I had planned because we had to go to dinner with our moms." I says and Lauren puts her hand on my leg under the table. "That sucks, but you can still have your date another day right?" Ally asks us and I nod. "Its just not the same you know?" I say rubbing Lauren's hand with my thumb. "Come on Camzi, anything with you is perfect." She says sweetly and I rest my head on her shoulder. "You guys are the cutest couple ever." Dinah says from the other side of the table and we giggle. We have dinner and then drive back to our apartments. "Do you guys want to come to our place and watch a movie? I feel like we haven't had bonding time in a while." Ally says and we nod. I slept all afternoon so I'm not really tired, but I bet Lauren is exhausted. Maybe tomorrow we can finally have our date, we need to spend that kind of quality time together, and I hope she likes it. Maybe I should talk to Dinah about it, she's great with this kind of things. I call her over to my room for a second while the others look for movies. "What's up Mila?" Dinah says closing the door behind her. "I have something planned for Lauren, and I need your advice." I say sitting on my bed and she sits next to me. "Sure, I'm the best at these things." She says smiling. I take out my phone, I have everything I need there. I start reading all of the steps of our date, and then I read her the letter I wrote. "Wow Camila that's perfect, she's going to love it. I didn't know you were such a hopeless romantic girl. The letter is beautiful and the "find the treasure" game is the cutest thing ever." Dinah says giggling. "Thanks D. I just need to print everything and set up the clues." I say proudly. It was so hard to plan this whole thing, I had to stay up a whole night, but Lauren deserves something like this. And I hope she doesn't think the letter is cheesy. I mean, it sort of is, but I meant every single cheesy word I wrote. We walk back to where the girls were watching the movie and I sit next to Lauren. "Hey babe, I missed you." She whispers and kisses my head. "Me too! What do you think about having our date tomorrow?" I ask softly snuggling next to her. "I would love that, that's exactly what we need Camzi." She says and I nod. "I love you Lo, thanks for bearing with me today." I tell her and she smiles. "I love you too baby, I would do anything for you." She answers and lays her head on my shoulder. After a couple of minutes I realize she had fallen asleep. Poor thing, she must be really tired. "Hey Lo, lets go to bed." I tell her softly kissing her head and she wakes up. "Okay." She says with her sleepy voice and I say goodbye to the girls walking to our room. "I'm sorry I fell asleep, I was tired." She says squinting her beautiful eyes. "Don't worry about it, lets go to bed." I tell her and softly kiss her lips. We put on our PJs and Lauren snuggles next to me in my bed. "I'm so happy we can do this again baby." She says yawning and I kiss her forehead. "Goodnight Lo, sleep tight." I say turning off the lights and closing my eyes. I missed sleeping like this, I missed having her in my arms, I missed every little thing about her so freaking much. Tomorrow's our date and I'm excited, I just hope everything works out.

Lauren's POV:

A strange sound wakes me up. I slightly open my eyes and someone closes our door. What the fuck? Was someone in here? "Camz? Camzi wake up please." I say shaking Camila's shoulder. "What happened Lo?" She answers with a sleepy voice. "I think someone was here." I say breathing heavily, my heart starts to rush. "What? Are you sure?" Camila says turning on the lights. "Yeah, pretty sure. Someone just closed the door." I say holding my head. "Shit! My phone is gone!" She suddenly says looking at her nightstand. "Are you serious? Is anything else missing?" I ask her and she shakes her head. "You have to be fucking kidding me. I had everything I needed for our date tomorrow on my phone and now its gone." She says holding her head. "Its okay baby. We need to call the police though, someone broke into our apartment." I tell her and she nods. "Wait... Fuck! Camz the pictures, Austin's pictures!" I say and she gasps. "Oh my God, that little son of bitch is going to delete them and I don't have any copies, what are we going to do?" Camila asks staring into my eyes. "I don't know babe, but we'll get through this, I promise." I answer and hug her tight. I really don't know what the fuck we're going to do. Austin has the power to bring us down, and I'm sure he won't hesitate to do it.

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