Chapter 28: Timing

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Lauren's POV:

A kiss on my neck wakes me up. It's still really dark, why is Camila awake? I feel her hand move up and down my waist. "Hey baby, why are you up?" I ask her holding her hand. "Oh I'm sorry I woke you." I hear Normani's voice and I freak out. I turn around and see her laying next to me. "Mani what the fuck are you doing here?" I ask turning on the lights. "I wanted to sleep with you." She answers winking at me. "What? Where's Camila?" I'm so confused right now. "She left the group, don't you remember?" She says rubbing my leg. "No, you're lying! Get away from me!" I tell her jumping out of my bed. "Lolo are you okay? Lauren?" I hear Camila's voice in the distance. Suddenly I open my eyes and see Camila running her fingers through my hair. The lights are on and she's sitting behind me. "Camz! You're here!" I say and hug her. "Of course I am, you just had a bad dream Lo." She says sweetly and pecks my lips. "What time is it?" I ask and she looks at her phone. "3:45 am. We have a few more hours to sleep. Are you okay?" She says and I nod. "Just don't you ever leave the group, okay?" I tell her and she giggles. "Of course I won't Lolo, lets go to sleep." She says turning off the light. I cuddle next to her and close my eyes. "I love you Camzi." I say sighing. "I love you too Lauren." She answers running her fingers through my hair. Fuck, that was a messed up dream. Maybe I need to talk to Normani about this. I close my eyes and try to get some sleep, I hope I dream about something nicer this time.

Camila's POV:

I woke up before Lauren's alarm. She's usually up before me, but I don't know why I couldn't really sleep last night. Lauren is laying next to me with her hair all over her face. She had a nightmare last night and it really scared me. Out of the blue she started screaming and kicking and I didn't know what the hell to do. I've been staring at her sleeping for a while now, she's so damn beautiful. Like I seriously don't know how she does it. She's perfect even with messy hair and PJs and no make up on and her morning voice is the sexiest thing in the world. I hear her alarm and turn it off as quickly as I can, I'd rather wake her up myself. I kiss her neck softly. "Lolo, wake up." I whisper in her ear and her nose scrunches. "Lauren, it's time to get up." I say again and she squints her eyes. "Good morning beautiful." I say smiling and kiss her cheek. "Oh my God Camzi I'm so happy its you!" She says with her husky morning voice that could drive me crazy. But, what's that supposed to mean? Who else would I've been? "What do you mean Lolo?" I ask playing with her hair. "This stupid nightmare I had. I woke with Normani next to me and she told me you had left the group." She tells me laying her head on my chest. Well, that explains a lot. "Maybe I should talk to her Lo." I say but she shakes her head. "I will, today. I'm not sure what I'll say yet, but I need to let her know I don't have feelings for her." She says staring at me with her beautiful eyes. Everything about her is beautiful actually. "Lets get ready, we have a long day today." I say kissing her forehead and getting out of bed. "What do you want to do tomorrow?" She asks me still in her bed and I smile. "You." I reply grinning and she laughs. For a second I had forgotten tomorrow is Valentine's Day, I need to plan something for Lo, I want her to have the best Valentine's Day ever! "But, seriously, what do you want to do?" She asks again stretching her arms. "Leave it up to me, I'm the queen of surprises." I answer lifting my eyebrow and she giggles. I put on some shorts, a sweater and black Converse, while Lauren is still laying down. "Lolo, come on! We need to leave in like ten minutes!" I say sitting in her bed and she groans. "I have no energy, I need one of your kisses." She says smiling. I get on top of her and softly kiss her lips. "Now go change." I say kissing her forehead and she nods. "Girls are you ready? We need to go!" Ally says knocking on our door. "Just a second!" Lauren screams putting on a a shirt and shorts and then we walk out of our room holding hands. "Are you guys ready to bring the bitch down?" I ask and everyone giggles. "Lets do this!" Lauren says and we walk to her car. When we finally get to the studio, Lauren and I get out of the car and the girls will wait for us here. "Lets go genius." Lauren whispers in my ear giggling and holds my hand. We get to Stephanie's office and we see her sipping a cup of coffee looking at her phone. Lauren clears her throat and she looks at us. "Hey girls, I was just about to publish this juicy new story I have, do you want to hear it?" She says smirking. "Cut the crap Stephanie, you aren't publishing shit." Lauren says, I love it when she's bitchy. "So you've decided to come out then? Just imagine what your Harmonizer's parents will think." She says lifting an eyebrow and we chuckle. "No, that's not happening either. I have some pictures I think you'd like to see." I say taking out my phone. I show her the pics and she gasps. "Where did you get those? Oh my God." She says putting her hand over her eyes. "That's not the point. You publish anything about us and we publish the pictures. Its as simple as that." Lauren says and I smile. "Maybe we can tweet them, or should we post them on Instagram?" I ask Lauren and she grins. "Okay, you win, I won't publish anything about you guys, I promise, just please delete the pictures." She tells us holding her head. "Oh honey you don't need to promise anything, we trust you're not that stupid." Lauren says smiling and starts walking out of her office. "A pleasure doing business with you Steph. It's such a shame, we could've been sisters in law if, you know, Lauren wasn't so beautiful." I say grinning and leave behind Lauren. We close the office door and she hugs me. "We did it Camz!" She says holding me tight. "Lets get out if this place, please." I say and she giggles. Everything went so much better than expected.

Ally's POV:

***Ten minutes earlier***

Camila and Lauren just left and I'm so nervous for them. I really do want them to be happy, and if its with each other then so be it. I'm not going to lie though, I'm not 100% comfortable with this whole thing, but Lauren and Camila are amazing girls and they deserve love. But, then Normani said she has feelings for Lauren too, and I have no idea how that's going to work. "I hope everything works out!" Dinah says shaking her legs. "Yeah, me too!" I reply and Mani gives us a weak smile. "What's up ManiBear? Is everything okay?" I ask sweetly and she nods. "Everything's fine." She says and her voice cracks. "Mani we need to talk about this whole thing." Dinah says hugging her and Nomani breaks down in tears. "I don't even know why I told her how I feel." She says sobbing. "Because you're human, and you have feelings." Dinah tells her rubbing her back. "But she's never going to love me." She says wiping the tears from her face. "You will find love Mani, you are an amazing girl, you're beautiful, smart and talented. You just have to be patient." I say and she smiles. "Thanks Ally. I need to talk to Lauren and tell her to forget about this whole thing. And apologize again for telling Stephanie about them." She says holding her head. "They have already forgiven you because they love you Normani. And I'm sure Lauren will understand." Dinah says smiling. "I hope they don't hate me, I'm sure Camila does." Mani adds and we hug her. "They don't hate you ManiBear, we all love you so much!" I say trying to make her feel better, but I don't know if its working. Suddenly we see Mila and Lauren holding hands walking to the car. "Guys how did everything go? Did it work?" I ask as soon as they get in the car. "Well, we should feel blessed we have a little evil genius in the group, her plan worked perfectly." Lauren says smiling and Camila blushes. "I'm so happy for you guys!" Dinah says clapping and we all cheer. "Hey Lauren, Mila, I wanted to apologize again, and please forget I ever said anything about my feelings. I was just really confused, but please lets leave this behind us." Normani says holding back her tears. "Of course Mani, don't worry about it, we love you!" Lauren answers smiling and Camila nods. "Ugh, I'm starving! Can we go have breakfast somewhere?" Camila says and Lauren starts driving. I'm so haply everything is okay now, I really am.

Camila's POV:

I am the happiest person on Earth! Oh my God, my plan worked! I can't believe everything worked out and we can finally be together, drama-free. Just thinking about what my family would've said if Stephanie had published her story makes me want to puke. They would've hated me, forever. After a long day in the studio we are finally back home. I have been thinking about Lauren's surprise for a while now, and I think I have the perfect date planned for us. I throw myself to my bed and burry my head on my pillow. "I'm so tired!" I groan and Lauren gently sits on my back. She starts massaging my neck, then my shoulders and my lower back. "Mmm that feels good." I say and she giggles. "You deserve this after everything we've been through this past few days." She says softly and I smile. "Thank you for always taking care of me." I turn around and kiss her lips passionately. Her tongue makes its way into my mouth, and she starts taking my sweater off, which I throw to the side of the bed. She starts kissing my collarbone, going down my chest and tummy, until she reaches my shorts. She unbuttons them and takes them off before throwing her shirt and shorts to the floor. Our lips crash again as her hand reaches for the back of my bra, and it comes off too. She grabs my boobs making me moan and my heart starts to rush. Suddenly someone knocks on our door. "Fuck, it must be the girls." I say breathing heavily and Lauren kisses my lips one more time. "Can you get it?" I say giving her my sweater and she nods putting it on. I can't find my bra anywhere, so I get in bed covering my body. Lauren walks to the door wearing only my sweater and underwear. "Nice timing girls." Lauren says opening the door. "Surprise!" I hear people screaming. I look at the door and see Lauren's mom, my mom and my little sister. Sofi runs to me and jumps to my bed. "Kaki I missed you!" She says hugging me and I'm practically naked. Lauren looks at me speechless. "Lauren why aren't you wearing pants?" Her mom says walking into our room. Shit, what are they doing here? "You girls are so messy, there are clothes everywhere." My mom says giggling and kisses my cheek. I cover myself as much as possible with the blankets, but even if I do, I know we're pretty much screwed.

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