Chapter 20: Not Exactly the Zoo

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Camila's POV:

"What do you want to talk about?" Austin asks me holding my hand and smiling, but his eyes start to get teary. This sucks, it really does, but I can't go on lying to him. I just want to be with Lauren, and she doesn't deserve this either. This is the best for all of us. "Look Austin, you're an amazing guy, and I've had a great time with you. You've taught me so much about myself, and I'll never be able to thank you enough. And your parents are the sweetest people on Earth, but..." My voice cracks, I hate this so much. Austin looks at me with puppy eyes and my heart breaks. "Mila please don't do this, I'll do anything for you and I've never loved anyone the way I love you! Please don't give up on me." He says kissing my hands. "Austin please don't think this is about you, you've done nothing but being an amazing boyfriend. I just need to sort things out, I'm really busy with the tour and the album, and you deserve to be with someone who's willing to give you all her time and love. I'm afraid that's not me." I say biting my lip and I feel a tear run down my face. "I need you Camila, you have no idea how much you mean to me. There's nothing I wouldn't do for us, I don't care if I won't see you as much, I really don't. All I need is your love..." He starts saying but I interrupt him. "That's the thing Austin, I don't think I can give you that either." I say holding back my tears. "Please Camila, I'm begging you, don't break my heart." He tells my wiping a tear away from his cheek. "This is for the best, I'm really sorry." I say giving him his ring back. He nods biting his lip. We get up and he kisses my forehead. "I'll really miss you." He whispers and force a smile. "Me too Mahomie." I say and he starts walking away. I feel like shit, I just broke his heart, but I really do think this is for the best, he deserves better. "Hey Camila!" I hear him yelling and I turn to look at him. "You love her, don't you? You always have." He says and I nod biting my lip. He forces a smile and walks to his car. He waves as he drives away and I break down in tears. That was so hard, I feel like a bitch and I just want to go home. I call Lauren as soon as Austin leaves. "Hey baby girl, what's up?" She answers her phone and I start crying my heart out. "Camz are you okay?" I take a deep breath and try to speak. "Can you pick me up Lolo? I did it." I say softly. "What did you do? Are you still at the pizza place?" She asks. "Yes. I broke up with him Lo, and I feel like hell." I say sobbing. "I'll be there in five minutes. I love you Camz!" She hangs up and I try to hold back my tears. Why did this affect me so much? I'll finally be able to be with the girl I love. But watching him cry sucked, I feel like a horrible person. After a couple of minutes Lauren's car appears. I'm so happy to see her, I could really use one of her hugs. "Hey baby, how are you doing?" She says I as I get in the car, and she hugs me tight. "That was awful Lauren. I feel like shit." I tell her burying my head in her chest. "I bet it did Camz, but its over now." She says comforting me, and it really works. "All of this is going to be worth it, I swear." She adds and kisses my head.

Lauren's POV:

I hate with all my guts to see Camila like this. There's actually nothing I hate more than to see her cry. "Hey Camz, did you have lunch?" I ask her brushing her hair with my fingers and driving with my other hand. "Nope, I kind of went straight to business. I wasn't going to make him pay for my food before dumping him, I'm not that big of a bitch." She tells me staring outside the window. "Hey, what are you talking about? You're not a bitch! You are the most considerate person in this world." I say and she looks at me smiling, her eyes are still kind of red, but I can tell she's already feeling a little better. "So, are you up for a lunch date? I'm starving." I say and she giggles. "Sure, I'd love that." She adds and puts her hand on my leg. "What are you craving?" I ask her and she looks at me with her beautiful sparkly brown eyes. "You." She grins squeezing my thigh. We arrive at this little sushi place and we sit down. "Do you know what I really hate? Like with every single inch of my body?" I ask her staring into her eyes. "Umm, I don't know, open doors?" She says smiling and I laugh. "Well, other than that... I hate not being able to kiss you right here, right now." I tell her and she smiles. "I know Lo, this whole secret thing sucks. But, you know my family would freak if they found out." Camila says playing with my fingers. "Yeah, but I still hate it." I reply and she laughs. "Me too! And later we have to go to the studio so I won't be able to kiss you until who knows when." She answers and I pout. "Don't say that Camz, we'll find a way. Maybe we should talk to the girls about the room swap today." I propose and she nods. "Sounds perfect." Camila says winking at me and our food arrives. We eat in silence for a while, I guess we were both really hungry. "Hey Lo, can I ask you something?" I hate it when people say stuff like that, I get all nervous and think about the worse possible scenario. "Sure Camz, what's up?" I reply trying to hide my nerves. She bites her lip and hesitates for a second. "Camila? What is it?" I ask her and she takes a sip from her Coke. "Promise you won't laugh and you'll be completely honest." She says and I nod. "I pinky promise!" I tell her and she giggles. "Okay." She says and takes a deep breath. "Do you remember about the time we were stuck?" She asks staring at my eyes. "Of course I do, silly! How could I forget?" I tell her and hold her hand, just two friends holding hands. "What do you think would've happened if, you know, the girls wouldn't had interrupted us?" She asks with this cute look on her face. "What do you mean Camz?" I tease her and she starts stuttering. Of course I know what she means, I just want her to say it. "Oh, you know... Do you think we would've...? I mean you were shirtless and... I don't know, one thing could've led to another and..." I start to laugh at how amazingly innocent and cute she is. She blushes and I wink at her. "Honestly, I don't know baby. We were both extremely vulnerable that day, anything could've happened. But, maybe we would regret everything. I just want to be ready and sure about my first time, and I want my partner to feel the same way about this whole thing." I answer and she nods biting her lip. "Is that the answer you were hoping for Camz? What do you think?" I ask and she smiles. "I don't know, I think the same way you do. There's no need to rush things, right?" Camila tells me and I nod smiling. "But, I won't lie, when it comes to you Camz everything is different, everything is special and exciting, and I'm so happy that we can live this experience together." I say with a huge smile on her face and her eyes light up. "I want you to be my first Lo, I really do." She tells me staring deeply into my eyes. "I want that too baby, you're the love of my life and I really can't stand not kissing you anymore. Can we get out of here?" I say and she laughs nodding. I pay for the check and then we get in the car. We have like ten minutes before we have to meet the girls at the studio. "What should we do meanwhile?" I ask and she lifts an eyebrow. "Oh, I don't know, maybe we should go to the zoo, but to a really crowded zoo where everyone knows us." She says ironically and I can't help but laugh. "Those kind of comments make me love you even more Camz." I tell her staring into her beautiful eyes. "Even though the zoo idea is pretty good, I got to admit, maybe we should, I don't know, make out or something?" I tell her and she giggles. "Or maybe we should make out in front of everyone we know, that would be badass." She adds laughing and she makes me laugh too, she can always make me laugh. I continue driving for a couple more minutes and then I park my car in the dark studio parking lot. "Do you like this spot for our make out session Ms. Cabello?" I ask getting on top of her. She puts her hands on my waist and bites her lip. "Well, this isn't as cool as the crowded zoo, but..." I shut her up with a kiss. I hold her face and play with her hair while she explores my upper body with her hands. "Wait Lo, there's something I need to tell you." She says breathing heavily. "What?" I ask confused and she stares deeply into my eyes. "He knows. Austin knows about us." Shit.

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