Chapter 17: Teenage Dream

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Heyy guys! So, I know Camila's song isn't their song, I just think it fits the story. Enjoy;)

Camila's POV:

Fuck, I'm nervous. Like, "seriously about to have a mental breakdown" nervous. "Come on Mila, we want to hear it!" Dinah says giggling. The girls are sitting in a couch in front of me waiting to hear my new song. Normally I would just sing the damn song, they'd tell me if they like it or not and we'd move on. But, this time is different, this song means a lot to me. I would write my other songs thinking about nothing really, just typical teenage situations. This song, however, is about Lauren, and I would die if she doesn't like it. I look at her beautiful green eyes and she smiles. "You can do it." She mouths and winks at me. "For you." I mouth back and she blushes. Okay, this is all or nothing, I hope she doesn't hate it.

"You think I'm pretty,
Without any make up on.
You think I'm funny,
When I tell the punchline wrong.
I know you get me,
So I let my walls come down, down.

Before you met me,
I was alright,
But things were kinda heavy,
You brought me to life,
Now every February,
You'll be my Valentine, Valentine.

Let's go all the way tonight,
No regrets, just love.
We can dance until we die,
You and I, will be young forever.

You make me
Feel like I'm living a
Teenage dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's run away, and don't ever look back
Don't ever look back.

My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
And baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance and don't ever look back
Don't ever look back."

I continue singing my song staring directly at Lauren. I can't really tell what she's thinking. I finally finish my song. Silence, complete silence. My heart is beating the hell out of my chest. Why aren't they saying anything? They hate it, oh my God they completely hate it. "Wow, Mila... That song is... amazing!" Dinah screams and they all start clapping and cheering. Lauren jumps and hugs me tight. "I love you, I love you, I love you! I love you so much baby, I really do!" She whispers in my ear and I smile like an idiot. "I love you too Lolo, I hope you liked it." I whisper back. "I loved it!" She screams and the other girls come and hug me too. "It's the best song you've written Mila, I'm really impressed!" Normani tells me smiling. "Yeah, Camila it's amazing! I guess Austin's inspiring you, isn't he?" Ally says giggling, and Lauren looks at me grinning. I wink at her and she sticks her tongue out. "I guess he is." I add smiling and everyone hugs me again. Lauren's hand grabs my waist, and I feel like I'm in heaven. Lauren liked my song, and we're are going to have an amazing night. I love life, thank you God! We stayed on the studio for a couple more hours recording some old song we had. Our manager told us we could record Teenage Dream next week after we decide who sings which part. "Okay ladies, that's a wrap! Great job today!" The producer says and we're finally free to go. I realize its already 7:30 pm and I didn't have lunch, I'm starving! "Hey girls, do you want to go to eat somewhere? I'm so hungry!" I say. "You're always hungry dude!" Dinah answers and we laugh. "Hey, I'm hungry too, I didn't have lunch because you guys left without me this morning." Lauren says backing me up. "Okay then, where you want to go?" Dinah asks smiling. "I don't care, I just need food!" I reply and everyone laughs. I love these girls with my heart, specially one of them. We leave the studio and I sit next to Lauren in the back of van, I need to be with her. "Hey you!" She says putting her hand on my leg. "Hey, wait a second." I answer softly. "Hey Dinah I love this song, turn it up!" I yell and the music covers up our conversation, I really don't want them to hear us. "Smart move!" Lauren tells me and I wink at her. "Are you excited about tonight?" She asks rubbing my thigh. "You have no idea." I whisper on her ear. I imagine having her all to myself, feeling her skin against mine, her lips on my lips, and my heart starts beating faster, thinking about her makes me excited. Her hand moves up and down my leg. "Thank you Lo." I whisper and she smiles. "Thank you for what baby?" She asks holding my hand and I sigh. "For showing me what love is."

Lauren's POV:

Dinner was really great, but I just want to get home as soon as possible. On our way back to our apartment Camila is sitting on the front row while I'm in the back with Ally. We are texting again, planning everything for tonight.

From: Camzi<3

So, we get home, wait until the girls are asleep and then we sneak out?

To: Camzi<3

Yup, that's pretty much the plan Camzi, are you up for it?

From: Camzi<3

Of course I am, I would do anything to be with you. Like, seriously, I'm about to jump back there with you and kill Ally or something.

I laugh really loudly at Camila's last text and Ally looks at me with her eyes wide open. "Gosh, Lauren are you okay?" She asks giggling. Camila turns her head and looks at me smirking. "Yeah, I'm fine, I just saw this really funny post on Tumblr." I reply laughing and Camila winks at me. "Oh, okay! Talking about Tumblr, I was going through our tag the other day. Doesn't the fact that everyone thinks you and Mila are together freak you out? There are so many pictures and stories about you guys." Ally asks me and I lift my eyebrow. Camila turns around again and looks at Ally and me biting her lip. "What do you mean AllyCat?" I ask her. "It's just, I don't know. I think it's disturbing." She answers softly. Camila and I look at each other and she frowns. "Well, I don't really care, they are just having fun, not harming anyone." Camila answers and I nod. "I don't know, I just don't want people to think this is some sort of lesbian group, that's disgusting to be honest." Ally adds. I see a tear appear on the corner of Camila's eye and my heart breaks. Now Normani's head is towards us too. "I don't think there's anything wrong about it." She adds smiling and resting her hand on Camila's shoulder. "Yeah, me neither. I mean love is love, it shouldn't matter if you love someone from your same gender." I say and Ally lifts her eyebrows. Camila fake yawns trying to hide her tears. Poor thing, I just want to hug her and kiss her. And I really want to punch Ally right now, she's being an ass. "That's not what the Bible says guys. If you love God then you shouldn't approve this kind of things." Ally says resting her head on the window. Now that was too much, I can't believe she just said that. "Ally, are you freaking kidding me? God is the most important thing in my life, and I'm sure He wouldn't discriminate gays or lesbians. He loves all of us, and He wants us to be happy." I tell her angrily, and Camila nods smiling softly at me. "Wow Lolo, chill! I was just giving out my opinion. It's not like you're a lesbian or something, so calm down." Ally replies with a fake smile on her face.
"But, what if I was Ally? Would you kick me out of the group or something?" I ask her and Camila gasps softly. "Why are you even asking me this Lauren?" Ally says, and I swear to God I almost tell her everything, but luckily Dinah, the queen of interruptions turns around. "Hey guys, can you just stop fighting? Please, we had a great day today, a great new song and I don't want you to ruin everything. So hug it out or something and stop fighting. My head hurts and I can't take anymore of your yelling." She says angrily and turns back around. Camila and Mani do the same and we stay quiet during the rest of the ride. We finally get to our apartment, and I can't wait for our date! Is it a date? I don't really know what it is, but I'm just happy to be with her. We walk into our room, and there's still tension flying around. I can't believe Ally is such a small minded bitch, like seriously, she's a bitch. "I'm going to sleep guys, I'm really, really tired." Ally announces. Great, when she's asleep I can just tell Normani and sneak out. And Dinah has a head ache, so she'll probably fall asleep early too. It's 9:30 pm, I have an hour to kill before I leave. "Hey Lolo, I wanted to apologize for being so rude before." Ally tells me walking out of her room with her PJs on. "It's okay Ally, don't worry about it." I lie, but I don't want anymore tension. "I have a hard time with this things because everyone in my family is pretty conservative, but I'll get used to it I guess." She says and hugs me. I get her point, it's not really her fault. "Everything's cool AllyCat, just go to sleep." I tell her smiling and she walks away. "Good night girls!" She finally says and closes her door. "Wow, that was intense." Normani whispers and I nod sighing. "I seriously don't know how the hell we're going to tell her." I say biting me lip and Normani smiles softly. "I got your back Lauren, remember that." Mani tells me and I smile. "Thanks Mani, I appreciate it, I really do. About that, I'm supposed to meet Camila in an hour. I didn't see the point in hiding in from you." I say softly and she nods. "Have fun and be careful." She tells me and leaves to her room too. I walk to my closet and take out a black bikini and put in on in the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror while fixing my hair. Will Camila like me? I'm so scared of losing her someday, that would be the end for me. I look at the time, 10:10 pm, I still have to wait for twenty more minutes. I take out my laptop, go through Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook and every other existent web page, and then it's finally time to leave. I grab an oversized shirt that belonged to me dad, put on some flip flops and grab a towel. I'm super excited, I can't wait to see my baby, to hold her and kiss her. I walk to elevator and get to the pool. It's a beautiful place with armchairs, a waterfall and of course the pool. I dip my foot in it and the water is amazing. I can't wait for Camila to arrive and enjoy this experience with her. I take my shirt off and lay in one of the chairs waiting for Camz, it's 10:50 already and she's not here. Fifteen more minutes pass by and I start to get worried.

To: Camzi<3

Hey baby, where are you? The water is really nice;) waiting for you!

I send the text, but she doesn't answer it. I call her, but she's not picking up her phone either. Maybe the whole Ally situation made her change her mind. Fuck, maybe she doesn't want to be with me anymore after what happened. Maybe I just lost her, and I can't do anything about it.

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