Chapter 25: Truth Be Told

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Hey guyss! What do you all think about the drama surrounding Lauren lately? I personally think everyone's overreacting and judging her for no reason. Sometimes we need to realize we are just fans, we can't control their personal lives. Now back to the story haha hope you like it:)

Lauren's POV:

Damn it, I hate my alarm clock. "Camzi, wake up!" I say softly running my fingers through her hair. I feel her bare body against mine and remember about last night. It was amazing to connect with her like that, I really love her to death. "Camz, come on, I know you're up, don't ignore me." I whisper and she grins. "I'm sorry, I'm so tired." Camila says yawning and stretching her arms. "So am I, but we need to get up baby." I answer and kiss her forehead. "But, I want to stay here forever." She tells me pouting and I peck her lips. "I know babe, me too. But we need to make it to this interview and the girls could come in here any second. Come on, do it for me." I say sweetly and hand her my shirt. "Alright, but we have to do that again sometime." She says giggling while putting my shirt on and getting off bed.

"Three hours of sleep should be illegal." Camila groans walking into the bathroom, and I walk up behind her and hug her. "I'm sorry about that, if it wasn't for me you could've slept all night." I say resting my chin on her shoulder. She turns around and kisses me passionately holding my body close to hers. "I wouldn't trade last night for nothing in the world Lo." She tells me staring into my eyes and smiles. Her smile is the most beautiful thing I've seen. "It was pretty magical, wasn't it?" I ask her wrapping my arms around her neck and she nods biting her bottom lip. "I need to shower." She says softly staring at the ground. I hold her chin and kiss her lips. "Okay baby, I'll be outside." I tell her and close the door behind me. I walk to my closet and start picking out clothes when the bathroom door opens again and Camila sticks out her head. "Are you seriously not going to join me Lauren?" She asks me lifting her eyebrows and I laugh. "I though you'd never ask." I reply walking towards her and getting in the bathroom. I think it would be an understatement to say that that was the best shower of my life.

"Girls hurry up, please! We can't wait any longer!" We hear Dinah yell from the other side of our door. "Just a second!" Camila says putting on her heels. I guess our shower was a little longer than expected. "Are you ready babe?" I ask and lean for our last kiss before coming back to the real world. "Ready." She answers and we walk out of our room. "Dude I've got the worst hang over ever and I was ready before you guys." Dinah groans walking in front of us. "Lets just say we had a long night too." Camila says grinning and I wink at her. "What the heck happened last night anyway? Why did we get home with the bartender and you weren't there Lo?" Ally asks confused. "I was there Ally, you were just too drunk to remember." I answer lying. "No, you weren't." Dinah says looking at me. "Yes, she was guys! You should stop drinking so much." Camila says and they shrug. "Thanks Camz." I say softly and she smiles. I really didn't feel like explaining what happened last night. We get to the parking lot and we hear Normani gasp. "Oh my God, someone stole my car!" She screams. "I'm pretty sure you parked it up front Mani." I say when I remember we forgot to leave the car where Normani had left it. "What? Are you sure? I could've sworn I parked it here." She says scratching her head. "I saw it up front." I answer and Camila nods. "Yeah, me too." She says backing me up. "Okay then." Normani says confused and we get in the van. The ride was pretty quiet, I guess we are all really tired from last night, specially me and Camz. We get to the set, go through hair and make-up and then walk to where the interviewer was waiting for us. I sit down next to Camila and the interview starts. I'm bored out of my mind. Every fucking interview has the exact same questions, "who's the messiest?" "who sleeps the most?" God are you fucking kidding me? Its like they copy the same questions on purpose. Besides I got distracted looking at Camila, she looks so cute when she's all serious answering questions. That's one of the things I love the most about her, she's super goofy all the time, but when it comes to singing and our career she takes it so seriously and she's so passionate about it. "So, Valentine's Day is in two days, what are your plans? Wait, who's single?" The interviewer says bringing me back to reality. Normani raises her hand, Camila does the same after giving me a glance, and so do I. We can't let people now that we are together just yet, or maybe ever, I don't know. "Right, so Camila I've been getting tons of tweets about all of these famous guys who want to meet you and maybe eventually date you. I know things didn't work out with Austin, but are you open to dating anyone new?" The host asks and Camila blushes. "I just got out of a relationship, and as we all know things didn't end like I wanted them to, so I don't know, I guess I just want to focus on our music right now. Besides living with these girls is like dating four people, we are together all the time." Camila says giggling and softly rests her hand on my leg for a second. "Yeah, I mean, we have our backs and we love spending time with each other. They're my rocks, I seriously would be nowhere without them." I add smiling, but the host looks like she's not buying what we're saying. "So, what about you Lauren? Is there anyone special you're spending Valentine's Day with?" She asks lifting an eyebrow. "These dorks right here!" I say hugging Camila and Ally. The interviewer gives us a fake smile, what's her deal? "It was so nice having you girls, thank you for coming." She says standing up. We wave and walk away, but she stops me and Camila. "Hey can I have a word from you two? It'll only take a second, no cameras." We look at each other and nod confused while the other girls walk backstage. "What's up?" I ask putting my hands on my waist. I really don't like where this is going. "Do you honestly think I don't know what's going on between you two?" She says crossing her arms. Shit, what the hell is going on? "Wh- what do you mean?" Camila stutters. "Austin told me about it, and I know for a fact he's not lying. So, you either come out by yourselves or I'll publish this story tomorrow." She answers lifting an eyebrow. "Hey you have no evidence of such thing, who's going to believe your lame ass story?" I say protectively and she chuckles. "Oh girls, I have plenty of evidence. See, your friend Normani and I had a little chit chat earlier and she told me all about it." She says and my heart starts to rush. That bitch! I can't believe she would tell her. "Lets go Camz, she's bluffing." I say and take her out of the studio. "You have until tomorrow morning ladies, I'll be waiting." We hear her say, but we don't even turn around. We get to where all of the girls are and I walk to Normani. "Dude, what the fuck? Are you serious?" I yell pushing her. "What's going on?" Ally asks walking towards us. "Back off Ally, this is non of your business." I say staring directly into Normani's eyes. "I'm sorry Lauren, let me explain..." She starts saying but I can't hold myself and I slap her. Camila runs behind me and holds me back. "Lauren oh my Gosh." Dinah gasps. "You bitch, we trusted you!" I yell trying to get away from Camila's grasp. "I'm sorry Lauren, please let me explain." She says crying. "Explain what? That you are a backstabbing little bitch?" I say angrily. "No!" She interrupts me. "That I'm in love with you."

Camila's POV:

"What?" Ally says gasping. "Dude can someone please explain what the heck is going on?" Dinah says angrily and I'm just as confused as them. Lauren is staring directly at Normani's teary eyes and I just let her go, I don't think she's going to hit her again. What the hell does this mean? Normani is in love with Lauren. Shit, what am I supposed to do now? Why isn't anyone saying anything? "Mani..." Lauren says softly staring at the ground. "I'm sorry Lauren, I was stupid, but I thought that maybe if everyone knew the truth you would consider me." She says wiping the tears away from her cheeks. "What truth? Could anyone please be gentle enough to explain what in the world is going on?" Dinah says. My head is turning, I don't know what to think, or what to do. "Normani told that bitch everything Camz, and she's going publish it tomorrow." Lauren tells me staring at me with those amazing green eyes. "Girls I'm seriously not understanding anything, please explain!" Ally demands. Lauren takes a deep breath and starts talking. "I know you guys won't like this, and you'll probably hate us for a long time, but please try to be understanding about this." She says and they nod. "Camila and I... We have been together for a while." She says staring at the ground and Ally and Dinah gasp. "What? And you hid this from us? Why!?" Dinah says. "Did Normani know? Why didn't you trust us?" Ally adds and I sigh. "Because we thought you weren't going to support us. You have really strong beliefs, and we didn't want to upset you. Normani accidentally walked in on us so we had to tell her. We were going to tell you soon though, I swear." I say holding back my tears, I can't believe we are actually telling them right now. "So, Austin wasn't lying?" Dinah says and we shake our heads. "Guys I have your backs, I really just want you to be happy." Ally says smiling and Dinah nods. "And I'm sorry I told her girls, I really am. I don't even know why I had these confusing feelings. I swear I won't get between you again." Normani says softly and Lauren hugs her. She's the sweetest person on Earth, it really amazes me. She has this hard bad ass girl cover, but she's literally the sweetest person I've met. "So, what do we do know? I'm not ready for everyone to know." Lauren says softly. "We're going to stop that stupid little bitch from talking. I have a plan, and I need all of your help." I say holding Lauren's hand.

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