Chapter 16: Trust is Everything

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Camila's POV:

"Oh my God, Normani wait!" Lauren screams and runs out of the room. I can't believe she walked up on us, I'm so embarrassed. Damn it, this sucks, why can't things work out for like a second? She's going to tell Ally and Dinah, and then everyone's going to find out, and I'm so not ready for all this drama. I walk out of our room a couple of minutes after Lauren did and I see her speaking with Normani at the end of the hallway. Is Lolo crying? Damn, I have to go talk to them. As I approach them Lauren stares at me and shakes her head telling me not to come while wiping the tears off her face. I don't care, I need to hug her and support her, we are in this shit together. "Camila, please go back to my room." Lauren tells me holding back her tears. Normani looks pissed, that's scary, she's never angry. "No, I'm a part of this too Lo." I answer and hold her hand, but she lets it go. "Camz, please leave." She says staring deeply into my eyes. "Why? I want to hear what she has to say." Normani adds giving me a death glare and I look at the floor. "I can't believe you guys lied to me. We are supposed to be a group, not a bunch of stupid little liars." She says angrily crossing her arms. "We were going to tell you soon, I promise. This whole thing started yesterday and we wanted to sort things out before we told anyone." Lauren answers and I nod trying to hold her hand again, and this time our fingers intertwine. "Do the girls know? Was I the only stupid one who didn't know?" Mani asks us holding her head. "No, no one knows! You were the first one to find out, and I'm sorry you had to do it like that." I reply looking at the floor and Lauren squeezes my hand. "So, you're going to tell the others today, right?" Normani tells us and we look at each other. I wasn't planning on doing that yet, I'm not ready. "I don't know Mani, this isn't easy for us." Lauren answers for the both of us. "I seriously can't believe you want to keep lying. We are supposed to trust each other." Normani tells us. "I know, and that's why we trust you're not going to tell them until we are ready, please Mani. Don't do this to us. We are finally happy." I say softly and Lauren holds my waist and smiles. Her eyes are still teary, and I hate to see her like that. Normani stares at us for a while, and then she nods. "Okay guys, but promise me this won't be a secret for long. And I'm still kind of pissed you hid this from me, but if you're happy, then so am I." She says smiling and we hug her. "Oh my God, Manibear you're the best, I love you!" I scream and they giggle. "I missed seeing you guys like this, you were kind of down these past months." Normani tells us holding our hands. "Yeah, we were struggling with our feelings... But, we're happy now." Lauren adds smiling and I grab her waist. "But, Mila, what about Austin?" Normani asks me and I sigh. "That's a really long story, I'm going to break up with him soon." I answer and she nods. "This is all really confusing and complicated for us, we still haven't figured out what to do, but we are so happy we have your support Mani, we really are." Lauren adds smiling and lays her head on my shoulder. "I'm happy to help. So, are you guys moving in together again?" Normani asks us and we giggle. "Not right now, the girls would know something is up and..." Lauren gets interrupted by a knock on the door. "Mani, Lolo and Mila hurry up, we have to be in the studio in twenty minutes. We'll be in the car!" Dinah yells and then we hear her walk away. "Lets go then." Normani says and starts walking towards the door. Lauren and I walk behind her holding hands, like we always do. "You seriously have no idea how much I appreciate this Mani." I tell her and she smiles. "I'm glad I can help, you guys are my best friends and I know you'll make each other happy." She responds and then we all walk to the car. This is going to be a long day, I can feel it.

Normani's POV:

Wow, I'm shocked. I really don't know what to think right now. Camren is real? They were always really close and touchy-touchy with each other, but all of this time I thought they were just freaking friends. I guess the fans were right, Camren is real. I'm pissed at myself for not realizing this was going on before, but Camila was, well technically still is, dating Austin, so it would've made no sense that she liked Lauren. I'm completely open about this kind of things, but I don't know how Ally's going to react when she finds out, she's going to freak out. We are on the way to the studio on our mini van, Lauren, Ally and Dinah are sitting on the front row and Mila is in the back row with me. They're both texting and giggling, I bet I know what this is about. I really hope everyone knows about this soon and everything goes back to the way it was.

Lauren's POV:

I'm so glad Normani agreed to keep our secret. For a second I thought she was going to tell the girls and be really mad at us for a long time, but, even though she was pissed, she was extremely cool about it. I hate to not be sitting next to Camz, but if we keep being so close all the time the girls are going to suspect something is up, and Camila really doesn't want them to know yet. I don't know if I want to keep this a secret forever, I want to be able to kiss her, hug her, and tell her how much I love her all the time, not only in our room. What is she so afraid of? I need to talk to her about this. My phone buzzes, Camz and I have been texting all the way to the studio, I guess we really need to talk to each other all the time.

From: Camzi<3

FYI, the back of your head is really attractive... It's kinda turning me on.

I turn my head around and I see her smirking, she's so cute. I wink at her and then turn back around.

To: Camzi<3

Thank you baby! Everything about you is really attractive. I can't wait to kiss you again. Lets go out tonight, just the two of us!

From: Camzi<3

I don't know Lolo, what if anyone sees us? I'm really not ready to come out.

Why is she making such a big deal about us being together? Most people already thought we were more than friends. But, I have to be understanding and respect what she wants. I don't want to see her suffering.

To: Camzi<3

Yeah, you're right... Then meet me at the pool of our apartment at 10:30 pm, no one is going to be there at that time and I'll have you all to myself.

From: Camzi<3

Okay, it's a date then! Can't wait to hold you in my arms Lo, you are everything I can think about.

I'm about to reply when our van parks in front of the studio. "We are here girls, lets rock this mother trucker!" Dinah yells and we all clap and cheer! This is going to be a great day, I love recording songs and being part of the creative process. I've been trying to write tons of songs, but I have the worst writer's block ever. Camila is the best writer of the bunch, no doubt, she's really talented. I know she has been working on a new song lately, but she doesn't want me to hear it yet. I've begged her to let me check it out, we always listen to each other's songs and her critics mean the world to me. There's something really weird going on, that song's got to be awesome. We get off the van and walk towards the studio. Camila grabs my arm making me stop, and we start walking together behind the rest of the group. "I missed you." She whispers smiling and holds my hand softly. "I missed you too baby, I can't wait to be with you tonight." I answer and she giggles. "Neither can I..." Camila starts saying but Dinah's scream interrupts our cute little moment. Camila immediately lets go of my hand, and my heart breaks a little. "Chancho I'm dying to hear your new song, the day has finally come, and I'm so excited!" She says and hugs Camila. "But, I bet you already heard it, didn't you Lauren? You guys don't keep a thing from each other." Dinah asks me holding Camila's arm and a hint of jealousy spreads through my body. "Well, not really. Camila has been really mysterious about it. I can't wait to hear it either Camz." I say staring into her beautiful brown eyes and she smiles. "I can't wait for you to hear it, that's for sure." She adds biting her lip softly. We stare at each other for a second, my body is asking me to kiss her, I need to. "This is going to be a great day!" Dinah screams interrupting us as usual and then she joins the other girls. When we are finally alone again Camila intertwines are fingers making me smile like a freaking idiot. We walk down the hallway of the studio, the walls are covered in platinum records by so many amazing artists. I can't believe my dreams are finally coming true, it's just crazy. "You have no idea how badly I want to kiss you right now." She whispers in my ear sending shivers down my spine. "If you only knew how many things I want to do to you right now baby." I whisper back and she giggles softly. "You can show me tonight then." She adds grinning. "I will, don't worry." I respond winking at her and she giggles. Ally opens the door of the studio and we excitedly walk in. Camila reaches for her phone and frowns. "I'll be right there guys, just a second." She says and leaves the room, I follow her closing the door behind me. "Is everything okay?" I ask her softly. "Yeah, Austin is calling me and I got nervous, but I have to pick it up." She tells me staring at her phone. "Just do it Camz, it's going to be alright!" She looks at me nodding and then she answers. "Hello?... Oh hey, what's up?... Nothing really, in the studio, can I call you later?... Umm tonight? I'm sorry, I'm going to have dinner with the girls..." She winks at me and then keeps on talking. "Lunch tomorrow sounds perfect... Miss you too, bye." She hangs up and sighs. "Oh my God, I can't do this. I can't keep lying to him, Lo, it's so hard." Camila says laying her head on my shoulder. "No one said this was going to be easy baby, but I promise it will all be worth it when it's over and we can finally be together." I tell her holding her chin and staring into her beautiful brown eyes. Camila bites her lip, and the urge to kiss her is driving me crazy, but I can't, the girls are right behind that door, and if they find out Camila would die and the last thing I want to do is to hurt her, I can't be that selfish and... and then she kisses my lips softly interrupting my thoughts. Oh my God, I missed that so much. Her lips slowly move against mine, her hands grab my waist and I find myself lost in her, lost in the moment, just completely lost. Suddenly the door behind us opens. We pull apart quickly, we know we're screwed. "Guys, what the heck? Hurry up and be careful, the girls are right in there." We hear Normani's voice and we can finally breath again. "Did they see us?" I ask softly and she shakes her head. Camila sighs staring at my eyes. Oh my God that was close! "Thanks Mani." Camila says and we walk into the studio room. We need to be more careful, that was close, extremely close.

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