Chapter 18: Splash!

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Camila's POV:
*One hour earlier.*

It's 9:30 pm and we just got home. I can't wait to see Lauren, I'm seriously dying to see her and tell her I want to be with her no matter what. I don't care what Ally thinks about what we are, I love Lauren and that's all that matters. I'm not going to lie though, what she said really hurt. Just knowing that she won't support us when we tell her is driving me crazy. But, my love for Lauren is so much stronger than anything anyone could ever say. I know we've only been together for two days, but truth be told, I've been in love with her since the day I first laid eyes on her beautiful self. "So Mila, do you want to watch a movie?" Dinah's voice pulls me out of my thoughts. "I thought you had a head ache and you'd want to go to sleep early." I tell her smiling, I have no time for movies, I need to be downstairs with Lauren in a little less than an hour. "I just said that so you guys shut the heck up! I don't even know why you were arguing about gays." She answers annoyed. I need her to go to sleep as soon as possible, like right away. "So, what do you think about that?" I ask Dinah slowly, what she might answer scares me. "About what?" She replies carelessly looking at her phone. "Oh, you know, gays and stuff." I tell her and she lifts her eyebrows. "I don't know, its their freaking business. As long as they don't rub it on my face, I don't mind." She answers with her eyes set on her phone, she really doesn't care. That's not the answer I was hoping for, but its better than what Ally thinks. Normani seems to be the only one who would truly support us and that sucks. I don't know if telling them is a good idea at all, but we can't hide it from them forever. I really need to talk to Lauren about this whole thing. I lay on my bed waiting for Dinah to get tired or something, I'm starting to get desperate. I start wandering around the room, I don't know what to do with Dinah. Suddenly I drop my phone. "Shoot!" I yell and pick it up. "Oh great, its not working! Just fucking great, this is exactly what I needed." I groan and Dinah looks at me. "It's okay Mila, just get a new one tomorrow, chill sister!" She doesn't get it, I need to get out of here really soon, I look at the clock, it's 10:00 pm already and Dinah is still up and my phone is being a bitch and I hate the world. "Aren't you like really tired D? Because I'm exhausted." I tell and she shakes her head. "Not really, I'm texting Siope." She answers giggling. Damn it, what do I do? "So, did you know sleep can make your hair grow two times faster? It's crazy, but it works." I tell her and she laughs. "Camila, did you just make that up?" She asks me. "No..." I totally did, but I had to give it a try. "I read it somewhere... Tumblr I guess." I answer and she giggles. "You should really get your head off Tumblr girl." Dinah tells me looking at her phone. "Well, I think I'm going to bed, maybe you should do the same, you look tired Dinah." I tell her taking out my PJs. I put them on, maybe this way she'll buy the whole act. "I'm not tired at all Mila, don't worry." She answers smiling, still sitting on the couch. "Are you sure? Are those bags under your eyes?" I ask her trying to convince to go to fucking sleep. "Mila what the heck is wrong with you? Is there something going on?" Dinah asks me getting off the couch. "What? No, I just care about your health because you're my friend and that's what friends do, when they care about each other and stuff. There's nothing going on other than me being a good friend. Nothing else, nothing at all." I tell her, I tend to speak too much when I'm nervous. "Okay... But, again, I'm not tired, thank you." She tells me laying on her bed. Fuck, I'm running out of ideas, and when I look at the clock I realize it's 10:20. I have ten minutes to find a way to get out. I'm seriously considering drugging Dinah and hiding her in the closet. Oh, and to top everything I don't have a phone, so I can't let Lauren know I'm going to run late. I can't believe I'm wearing PJs and tucking myself in bed when I should be putting on a bikini and getting ready to spend a great night with my girlfriend. I have to at least go to the pool for a second and let her know I'm going to be late, but what do I tell Dinah? It's 10:55, shit I'm screwed, Lauren's going to hate me. I look at Dinah and she's still texting Siope. Her eyes look sleepy though. "Hey D, I'm going to turn off the lights okay? I want to sleep." I say and she nods. "Me too, I'm kinda sleepy. Let me put my PJs on first. Be right back." She says and goes to the bathroom. Okay, so I'll just have to wait for a while until Dinah falls asleep and then I'll finally be able to leave. I hope Lauren is still waiting for me, it would be a miracle. What's taking Dinah so long? I need to go as soon as possible. After a couple of minutes she comes out of the bathroom. "Why are you still up Mila? I thought you were sleepy." She says getting into bed. "I am, so goodnight!" I answer and turn off the lights. After a couple more minutes I hear Dinah snore and I know my time has come. I get out of bed softly, take out a bikini and a towel and walk towards the door. "Mila? What are you doing?" Dinah says softly, fuck I woke her up. "This is a dream Dinah Jane, go back to sleep." I whisper and she starts snoring again. I can't believe that worked! I close the door behind me and run down the stairs until I get to the pool. I really hope Lauren hasn't left yet, I would die. I open the door to the swimming pool and bump into someone. My eyes meet Lauren's amazingly beautiful eyes and I can finally breathe again. "Oh my God Lauren I'm so glad you're still here!" I say hugging her and she laughs. "I was actually about to leave, I didn't think you would come." She says and I realize she's wearing a black bikini and she looks smoking hot. And I'm wearing PJs, fucking PJs. "I'm so glad you didn't Lo, you look amazing. And I look like hell." I say and she giggles. "No, you don't baby! You look amazing as usual." She replies and kisses my lips. God, I've been wanting to do this for such a long time. "Let me put my bikini on and I'll explain everything okay?" I tell her softly and peck her lips. "Okay baby, hurry!" She says and I wink at her walking to the bathroom. I'm so happy she didn't leave and everything worked out for us. I put on my pink bikini and go meet her again. "I got to admit, that bikini is way hotter than your PJs." She says as I walk towards her and I giggle. "I'm so sorry I made you wait for so long Lolo, let me explain what happened." I tell her and she grins. "We can talk about everything later baby, but right now I need to do this." She says seductively and starts kissing my lips. Her hands grab my waist pulling me closer and our bodies collide. Her tongue starts massaging mine. She moves her hands up and down my back, softly touching my butt every time she goes down. I softly bite her lip and she stares at me smiling. "Do you want to get in the water?" Lauren asks and I nod biting my lip. She's so beautiful, and I'm so happy she didn't give up on us, I hope she never does.

Lauren's POV:

Camila is finally here and I'm so happy! I slowly get into the pool and look at Camila, who's standing outside the pool with her arms crossed. I stare at her amazing body for a while. "Come on Camz, join me!" I tell her and she giggles. "Is it cold?" She asks softly. "No, its freaking amazing. Come on, I've been waiting like an idiot for you." I tell her and she nods. "You're right." She answers and jumps into the pool splashing water everywhere. "Way to make an entrance baby." I say laughing and I hold her close again. She wraps her legs around my waist, and I stare into her beautiful eyes. "You are beautiful." I whisper softly and she blushes. "Thank you Lauren, but you are way more beautiful." She answers and I kiss her lips again. Our bodies become one as I wrap my arms around her neck and our kiss becomes more passionate. Her tongue finds her way into my mouth, and starts playing with mine. After I softly bite her lip she starts kissing my neck, sucking on my collarbone while her hands move up and down my waist. She makes me moan, even when I try to hold it in. "Oh God, Camz..." I say softly and she keeps on kissing my neck, she's really turning me on right now. Her hands move down to my ass, and something stops me from going any further. I gently push her away and she looks at me confused. "Is everything okay?" She asks me staring deeply into my eyes. I don't know what stopped me, I was having a great time, but I don't want to rush things. "Yeah, I just got cold." I answer and she smiles. "Let's go out of the pool then." She says and I nod pecking her lips one more time. Camila hands me my towel and hugs me. "I had an amazing time Lo, thank you for not giving up on us." She whispers in my ear and I kiss her head. "Me too baby, I'm so happy you came." I tell her and kiss her softly on the lips. We lay in one of the arm chairs and we cuddle trying to get warm again. This feels so right. I can't believe I spent a year being just her friend when I could've had her like this to myself.

Camila's POV:

This has probably been the best night of my life. Lauren and I have been cuddling for a while, I feel her body against mine, my head rests on her chest and she's softly playing with my wet hair. "Hey Lo?" I ask her. "Sup Camz?" She replies and I giggle. "What are we going to do with Ally and Dinah? I want to tell them, but I know they won't be okay with us being together." I say and she runs her fingers through my hair. "I don't know baby." She sighs. "Maybe they won't be okay with this whole thing, but you know what? I don't give a fuck! I love you, you make me the happiest person in the world, and I couldn't care less what anyone has to say about us. It's none of their business. I want to be with you forever, and that's all I know, and all you need to know too baby. We are in this together Camz, through thick and thin, I want to be the one who's there for you to laugh and to wipe the tears off your face. I want to be you everything Camzi." Lauren tells me and a tear streams down my face, that was the most beautiful thing anyone has said to me. "I love you so much Lauren, I really do. Thank you for making me feel special." I tell her and kiss her hand. We lay there for a while in silence, processing everything, thinking about our future and trying to forget about parts of our past. "Can I tell you something?" I ask her. "Of course baby." She answers and kisses my head softly. I take a deep breath. "Lauren, you make me feel so many things, I really can't describe it. You make my heart rush, you make me nervous and happy and excited. Just one look and I lose myself in your eyes. You have this sort of power over me Lo, and sometimes I get scared I can't control myself around you." I tell her staring deep into her beautiful emerald eyes and she smiles. "You don't have to be scared baby, I'm here for you, you will always be my best friend, my first true love, and I will never be able to thank you enough for being such an amazing person. I love you with every inch of my body Camila, always have, always will." "I love you Lauren, always have always will."

Lauren's POV:

After having a nice moment cuddling we realize its actually really late. We walk together to the elevator and get in. "Hey Lo, do you remember what happened the last time we were alone in an elevator?" Camila asks me biting her lip. "Of course I do baby, how could I forget?" I answer smiling and kiss her lips softly. A "ding" interrupts our kiss and the elevator doors open. "I guess this is goodbye." Camila tells me and I hug her. "I'll see you tomorrow baby, sleep tight." I say and I kiss her lips one more time. "Goodnight Lolo, I had the time of my life, and I love you like I've never loved anyone." She says staring deeply into my eyes. "I love you more baby, sweet dreams." I say pecking her lips one more time and then we walk into our rooms. I wish we could spend the rest of the night together, tonight I realized she is the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with, there's no doubt about it. "Lets run away and don't ever look back, don't ever look back." I softly sing as I close my eyes and fall asleep thinking about her. Camila Cabello.

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