Chapter 43: Gift!

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Lauren's POV:

"Please pick up, please pick up, please pick up... Camila! Hi!" I say pacing around my room. "Lauren is everything okay? What's up?" She says worriedly. "No, I got a text. He's here, outside my house." I say peeking through my window and I see a male figure standing on my yard. "He? What do you mean Lo? Are you sure?" Camila asks me. "Yeah, he's here and I don't know what the fuck to do." I say sitting on my bed. "I'll be right there, I'll take my dad's car." She says. "No, Camila don't get out of your house, its not safe." I tell her walking to my window again, but he's gone. "But Lauren I'm not leaving you there alone when..." "He's gone Camz, he left." I interrupt her and take a deep breath. "Are you sure? I'll be there in a second!" Camila tells me sweetly. "No baby, go to sleep! We'll talk in the morning okay?" I tell her laying down on my bed again. "Promise me you'll call me if anything happens." "I promise Camz, goodnight." I say sighing. "Goodnight Lo, I love you." She tells me and hangs up. Suddenly I hear steps approaching my room. Holy shit, did he get in? My door opens slowly and I grab my softball bat. "Lauren?" I hear a female voice. "Taylor what the fuck are you doing here? Why are you up?" I say catching my breath. "You where talking to your girlfriend on the phone a little too loud and you woke me up." She says grinning. "Don't joke with that Tay, you know its not funny." I say walking towards her. "I was kidding, I'm sorry." She says softly. "Now go to sleep, its late." I tell her and close my door. I almost had a fucking heart attack, but then I wonder, how the hell does he know where I live? I need to call the cops! But he warned us not to do that and I have no idea what he's capable of doing. And I couldn't tell who he was because it was extremely dark. Fuck, I'm scared as hell. What if he went to Camila's house and that's why he's gone? Suddenly I hear a pebble against my window. Shit, he's back. Maybe if I just ignore him he'll leave. And we leave to San Antonio tomorrow, so he has to follow us there if he wants to continue with this nonsense. Will he ever get tired? Who the fuck is he and why does he want to reveal our secret? It has to be Cole, I'm completely sure its him. But he seemed so nice in the bar though. Or maybe its Austin and Camila was right. I just hope this ends soon, I'm fucking tired of all of this shit.

I wake up early the next day, look at my phone, and I have a text from Camila.

From: Camzi<3

Goodmorning Lolo, call me when you see this. Love you<33

I dial her number yawning and after a couple of seconds she answers. "Lauren hey! How are you?" She asks anxiously. "I'm okay baby." I answer walking to the bathroom and turning on the shower. "Thank God, I was worried as hell." She tells me sighing. "He came back though." I say taking off my PJs. "What? Why didn't you call me? You promised!" She says worriedly. "I know, but nothing happened. After a while he left." I say staring at my naked self in the mirror, and I discover a hickey on my neck. "Thank God, but you should've called me anyway." She says. "No, because I know your stubborn little head, and you would've come over and something could've happened to you." I tell her pressing my fingertips on my neck and remembering about yesterday. "Anyway, I need to shower. Want to come over for lunch at my house later? And then we can go to the bus together." I say running my fingers through my hair. "Sure, I'll be there. Now go shower stinky, you need to." She says giggling. "Okay baby, I love you. See you later." I answer smiling and hang up.

Camila's POV:

"Bye mom, bye dad, I love you guys!" Lauren says hugging her parents. "We love you too baby, take care." Mike says waving goodbye and we leave. This was our last day in Miami, and after having lunch in Lauren's house we have to got back to the bus to go to San Antonio, Texas, Ally's hometown. Luckily the bus is parked just a couple of blocks away from Lauren's house so we can just walk here. "Thank you for lunch Lo, but I'm still mad at you for not calling me." I tell her softly brushing my hand against hers. "I'm sorry baby, I wanted to keep you safe." She answers staring into my eyes. "I know, but I wanted to help. We're in this together, aren't we?" I ask crossing my arms. "Of course we are, that's why I need you safe and alive." She says and I roll my eyes. "He wasn't going to kill me Lauren, if he wanted me dead then I wouldn't be here, with you, looking at those amazing green eyes." I tell her and she blushes. "Why are you so hard on my Camz?" She says looking at the ground. "Because I hate to think that you are going through this alone Lo, I want to be there for you." I tell her and she smiles at me. "That's why I'm so in love with you babe." She says touching my hand with her pinky finger. "Then let me in Lo, please." I say biting my lip. "Okay, I promise." She answers and intertwines out fingers. "What are you doing?" I ask trying to take my hand away, but she squeezes it even harder. "I just don't care anymore, besides we're already here." She says pointing at the bus. "Then I can finally do this." I say wrapping my arms around her neck and kissing her lips. "I guess you can." She says giggling. "Girls control your hormones, we have to go!" Normani says sticking her head from one of the bus's windows. "Lets go Lolo, maybe I'll let you sleep on my bunk tonight." I say winking at her and I hear her adorable laugh. "I love you Camzi!" She says following me into the bus. "I love you more." I answer turning around and pecking her lips. "There are my favorite Miami girls! How did you sleep at home?" Dinah asks us. "Great! Did you guys have fun last night?" Lauren says sitting next to Ally. "Yeah, your friends are awesome! What about you guys?" Normani asks and we look at each other giggling. "It was an interesting night, to say the least." I answer sitting on Lauren's lap. "I'm so sad the tour is about to end, I'm going to miss you." Ally says pouting. "Ally we live together in L.A." Lauren says and everyone laughs. I can't believe this is over either, we have a couple of shows in Texas, and then we finish in California. This has been an amazing experience, I wouldn't change it for the world. "So AllyCat, Mani, aren't you guys excited to go home?" Dinah asks them and they nod excitedly. "Are you ladies ready to go?" The bus driver asks us kindly. "Yeah!" We say in unison and laugh. "Lets finish strong girls, today Texas, tomorrow the world!" I say pulling them into a group hug. Of course this tour hasn't been perfect, I've been through ups and downs with Lauren, we've received a billion texts from a psychopath following us around the country and threatening us, but it has made me grow so much as a woman and I wouldn't change a single thing. Well, maybe Austin's visit, but other than that I'm so grateful for what every single second of this tour has taught me. "Ms. Camila, someone brought a present for you when you were gone. I left it in your bunk." The bus driver says suddenly. "Okay, thanks." I say looking around and I see Lauren smirking. "What did you do Jauregui?" I say and she laughs. "You'll see." She says winking. I walk over to my bunk and find a beautiful bouquet of roses, a box of chocolates and a letter. "Lauren! Oh my God, you're so sweet!" I say walking back to her with the letter in my hands. "I'm glad you liked it!" She says kissing my cheek and I sit on her lap again. "Wait, what's that?" She says pointing at the white envelope. "I don't know, you wrote it." I answer smiling and take out the letter. "No, I didn't!" She says confused and I start to read the letter out loud. "Howdy y'all, it has been a pleasure spending this time with you, it sucks this is about to end. Can't wait to see you again, remember everything is bigger in Texas, even the surprises." I read and Lauren's jaw drops. "Wait who sent you that Mila?" Dinah asks confused. "I have no fucking clue." I say re-reading the message written in woman's handwriting. "Everything is bigger in Texas, even the surprises." I read again to myself. How fucked up is this? I look out the window and see the palm trees disappear in the distance. We're going to Texas, either we want to or not.

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