Himuro x Reader (Rehearsal)

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So I am a big fan of Notice me Senpai.

I thought I'd make this story...

And he reminds me of a friend of mine.

Anywaysss. Enjoy~!
It's been forever since you became friends with the lady killer that goes by the name of Himuro Tatsuya.

You know every single little thing about him. What he likes, what he wants and what he appreciates.

When he became friends with Taiga and Alex, you were the first one to find out.

You've studied at the same schools as him in America and even now in Japan.

Seeing yourself as his sister, you would constantly support him in every activity he takes interest in.

Because of those sweet little things you do for him, the raven-haired shooting guard developed feelings for you.

If you weren't the dense little darling you are, you could've created the f\perfect love story.

Girls of all ages envisioned him as a real life fairytale prince charming. Just without the fancy outfit and white horse. So why can't you?


It was a bright Monday midmorning and you were sitting pretty on a bench, enjoying the scenery while completing your project when your best friend approached you.

"(y/n), good morning." He said ever so sweetly. He's voice echoing in your ears like music.

"Oh Himuro hi!" you greeted as you gave him a space to sit on.

"Whatcha up to?" you asked with a smile that melted his heart.

"Nothing in particular." He answered with a little pout, "I told you to just call me Tatsuya."

You stopped writing and looked at him puzzled, "But that's what I called you." you complained childishly.

The young man chuckled and ruffled you neatly tied hair.

Causing you to flinch and slap his hand away mildly.

"What do you need anyway?" you asked, resuming your work.

Himuro looked around to make sure no one was around before he shifted his position and spin you sideways to face him.

Your breath hitched when you saw his expression change from casual, to a blushing yet sexy mess.

He took your free hand and placed it lightly on his chest, making you feel his quickening heat beat.

"Please tell me you love me. And that you'll run away with me." He began and you blushed so hard you felt dizzy.

"W-What!?" you asked wide-eyed.

"I know our parents will disprove of our love, but I could only care less." He continued.

"Life and everything else would be worth nothing without you."

By this time your heart felt like it would jump right out of your chest and dash away because you, yourself sure as heck couldn't.

Never in your life would you imagine you'd be confessed to like this. And by your drop-dead, handsome childhood friend, nonetheless!

Himuro tightened his grip on your hand then with his other hand pulled you to a hug.

"If it is a choice between all the riches in the world... and your love." He nuzzled your neck,

"Then it wouldn't be a choice at all." With that he pulled away.

Himuro had to use all of control he has just to stop himself from pouncing on your helpless condition.

You couldn't even utter a single word anymore.

"Please, my princess, my darling, my love, please say you'll run away with me. Say you love me."

He asked with a pleading and desperate look greatly evident in his beautiful eyes.

"I-I... I will." You answered slowly, surprising the raven-head. "I love you too, Tatsuya." You said louder.

He snickered and let your hands go, "(Y/n) it was a rehearsal for the play that I am going to star in. I was chosen as the prince." he said.

"I never thought you saw me like that though."

You blushed harder than you already had. Embarrassment and anger rushed to your mind.

"YOU SHOULD'VE TOLD ME BEFORE SUDDENLY ACTING LIKE THAT, IDIOT!" you exclaimed before grabbing your belongings and running away.
Well you tried.

The young man grabbed you by the waist, wrapping his arms firmly around your body as if not wanting to let go.

"I'm sorry, (Y/n). I just want to get a genuine reaction from you." he explained.

Realizing that you were still fuming because of what he did, Himuro continued.

"I thought the lines in the play, best fits my feelings for you." he trailed, "I didn't tell you because I don't want you to think of this as a joke."

"What in the world do you mean?" you asked struggling, but your best friend wouldn't let go.

"I want to make the rehearsal with the one I love memorable... To make it heartfelt, you know."

He then let you go.

He held your hands and you stared at him.

"When I recite these lines I will remember you... And how I felt saying them to you."

He squeezed your hand and kissed it gently

"Then at that one moment in the play... It wouldn't be acting at all."


Sooorrryy! I already said I am a fan of NMS..

And it's just so weird how I see Tokiya-senpai AKA Drama Club Senpai in Himuro Tatsuya.

I guess because of the fact that Himuro would be a perfect prince.

Thanks for reading.


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