Izuki x Reader (Puns)

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Here’s another story for you guys :)


Izuki Shun was a classmate of yours back in middle school and you had known each other quite well.

His introduction was quite hilarious for you. Izuki just went up to your side, “Have you ever tried eating a clock? It’s very time consuming.” He stated out of nowhere.

Blinking a few times, you realized he made a pun and you seriously laughed at it.

Since then young man stuck around with you like glue. //

You were probably one of the few individuals in this world to actually bear with his constant spouting of puns.

He would bring one up whenever he felt like doing so, whether it is the library, in the classroom or out the streets.

It was a mystery how you developed feelings for this ridiculous excuse for a joker.

A lot of boys have already confessed their feelings for you, but you couldn’t care less. All you wanted was the point guard.

“Last night mom made an egg pie.” He started and you only looked at him, knowing where the conversation was leading to.

“It was so good I was eggstatic!” he continued with a triumphant look in his eyes.

You scoffed and smacked him lightly. “You already told me all about that.” you sneered before walking faster.

Izuki frowned and rushed past you.

The whole walk to school ended up like a race between the two of you.

Before letting you enter your classroom, Izuki pulled your arm lightly, “(Y/n).” he whispered.

“What is it now, Shun?” you asked with a smirk. “Another lame pun?” you teased.

“No. Actually I was about to tell you chemistry joke.” He began.

“But then I know I wouldn’t get a reaction.” He finished with a smile.

You fake yawned, which literally ticked the point guard off.

“Next time, Izuki Shun-kun, if you plan to make a pun, make sure it’s worth it.” You coaxed the poor boy before sauntering away.

“Worth it, huh?” Izuki grinned as he thought of a remarkable pun that would totally shake you.


You were worried that you made Izuki angry with your remark.

He never showed himself to you during lunch break. You tried looking for him in the gym after class, but his teammates said he left early.

You tried contacting him, but your call won’t go through.

After an hour of overthinking, you decided to go home and relax.

‘I’ll just call him later, I guess.’
When you reached you front lawn, you saw a pile of logs and a stuffed cat blocking the door.

Looking for the possible culprit you noticed a note sticking on top of the logs. //Get it? Lol.

“Hey (Y/n) I came up with a good one, I’m sure you haven’t heard this before.” It said.

Your eyes widened as you realized that it was from Izuki. You groaned.

‘So that was the reason he left early?’ You seriously got worried over nothing.

You felt someone tap your shoulder and you spun like lightning, ready to smacked his face hard.

But you were stopped when you saw Izuki holding a box of pizza.

“(Y/n) when I first saw you, you immediately stole a pizza my heart.” He started.

He then picked up the stuffed cat, “So now I’m letting you know that I have felines for you.”

You blushed dark red when he gave you the cat and take the log, “Wood you please be mine?”

Without thinking, you pounced on him and gave him a powerful kiss on the lips.

“Yes! I’d love to stick with you like this forever!” you answered with a pun and you could swear his eyes glimmered in astonishment.

Done~ ugh this is so hard.

I suck at making puns.
I had to ask a friend to help me out with this one.

Sorry if it was not quite good.
Oh, well… I tried

Good day, folks!!


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