Kise x Reader (Love Potion)

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Sorry if this is another Kise. It’s because coming up with a story about him is so easy XD.

You and the blonde sweetheart have been best friends since grade school and you stick together like glue.

Wherever you went, he’s there. And wherever he went, you’re there. You can practically read each other’s thoughts.

You can easily see right through him. Whenever he’s lying or sad, you can point it out. There was however, one thing you did not see.

His no less than obvious feelings.

Being thick beyond imaginable, you failed to see how hard he tries to flirt with you. Maybe it was because you’re used to it.

“(Y/n)-cchi~! Good morning to you!” he sang happily as he jogged towards you. “Where were you? I’ve been waiting!”

You had forgotten about your promise to visit him during his morning practice in Kaijou.

“Ryota, I’m so sorry. I completely forgot!” you apologized with a bow. If you weren’t preoccupied earlier you would’ve remembered.

“That is so mean!” Kise slumped in disappointment for a few seconds but immediately regained his usual confident composure. “But I guess if it’s (Y/n)-cchi I can let it slide.

The two of you then began walking off to your building while conversing about the practice that you missed.

“Umm, Ryota I promise to come to your practice tonight.” You cut off the conversation when you saw your classroom. “I’ll see you later.” You said hurriedly before sprinting edto your classroom.

Pulling a deep sigh of dismay, Kise scratch the back of his head. “When will you ever see the way I see you?” he asked as he watched you.

The day quickly finished and again the blonde was excited to fetch you from your classroom.

“You didn’t show up earlier so you have to show up now!” He thought.

Unfortunately, when he arrived in your classroom, you had already left and a group of wild fangirls were left inside.

Kise was forced to entertain them for a few minutes. But boy, his disappointments never ceased. After being smothered by girls, he was also scolded by Kasamatsu for being late.

The hours easily passed and practice ended. Kise headed over the locker room to get dressed, distress was clearly seen on his face.

Moriyama saw him and sauntered over to his side. “Yo, Kise. Broken-hearted aren’t we?” he asked with a smile. “How sad.”

The young man frowned comically, “You should know.” He stated flatly. “I’m going home. Bye senpai.” He added before turning around.

“Kise wait. I think I have a solution to your problem.” He said with overwhelming confidence.

Interested in what his senpai has to say, Kise faced the man, “What are you talking about?” He asked.

The thought of Moriyama helping sent shivers down his spine, but he can’t afford to be picky.

“I know a formula for a perfect love potion.” Moriyama said with a smirk. “Just give that to her and happily ever after.”

Kise has to admit he was interested but he was also afraid for the idea to backfire. He might lose your friendship.

“Are you sure it will work?” he asked. “How come you never used it for yourself?”

“That’s a secret. But yes it works!” he said. “It was given to me by a mysterious old lady.”

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