Murasakibara x Reader II (Never Again)

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You looked at the picture you had with your best friend from childhood.

It has been nine years, so you actually don’t know if he still remembers you. But you were hoping that he would.

Even as a child, he was really big and you were really small. People would oftentimes think you were siblings, but no.

You could still recall how he cried softly as he clung on to you when you told him you’d be leaving to study in (Country).

Honestly you didn’t know you’d be gone for so long. You promised you’d come back after two years, but you didn’t.
And since your parents did not give you the freedom to use gadgets except for study purposes, you had no means to contact him.

Now, you are a fresh graduate from middle school and your parents allowed you to choose where you want to study, you decided to return home.

“Atsu-chan, I’m back.” You whispered as you stepped out of the car to look at you’re old home just a few blocks from the giant’s house.

The next day was the beginning of the second half of  school year and you went to study in Yosen, since it reminded you of your school in (Country).

You walked through the building hallway, reminiscing how you met. It was the beginning of the school year when you bumped on the purple-head who wasn’t looking at where he’s going.

Smiling to yourself like an idiot, you suddenly felt your phone vibrate, notifying you that your class begins in 5 minutes.

“Oh darn!” you whispered under your breath as you sped up. Turning to the right so suddenly, you bumped on what seemed like a soft wall.

“Eh? Gomen.” You heard a lazy voice spoke as the owner reached out his hand to you.

You looked up and were shocked out of your wits when you realized who that voice belonged to.

“Atsu-chan!” you yelped. He stood pulled you up and after he did tilted his head to the side, as if trying to remember if he knew you.

“Hm? Do I know you, lady?” he asked.

You heart shattered in a million pieces. ‘So he doesn’t remember me anymore.’ You frowned.

“Well~?” he asked lazily yet again.

You shook your head and smiled at him, “No, I thought you were someone I know.” You made a lame excuse. You then walked past him.

As luck would have it, the giant was your classmate and seatmate, and when you introduced yourself in front of the class, he didn’t appear to be bothered.

It was painful to think that your childhood best friend forgot about you, when you spent all these years waiting for the time to return to him.

Why did you even bother anyway? Why was he so special?
For the first half of the day, random thoughts about the purple-head ran through your mind.

You were snapped out of your thoughts when a bell rang, signaling lunch time.

You looked at his seat and the giant was already gone. ‘he doesn’t really remember me.’ You sighed.

When you stepped out of the room, a large hand tapped your shoulder and you immediately turned to look.

“Ne, (L/n), I think I know you.” he said, then began pulling you outside, to a less crowded place.

He held your hand on his right hand and a bag of snacks with the other.

You followed him, not like you have a choice and you stopped under a tree.

He then sat plopped down on the grass. Pulling out a chocolate bar from the bag he stared at you, as if telling you to sit.

“Murasakibara-kun, I think you were just mistaking.” You stated bashfully, looking away.

“Nope.” He stopped eating and reached to your cheeks, gently grabbing it. He moved closer, looking you directly in the eyes.

You felt your face heat up because of the closeness. “W-What do you mean?” you asked.

He kissed your forehead, “I know you’re (Y/n)-chin.” He said, “I remembered it from your sweet smile.” He continued flushing you even more.

“I thought you forgot.”

“You were gone long.” He stated monotonously after pulling away, “What happened?”

You pouted and explained to him everything, even how you missed him every single day.

Murasakibara looked at you then wrapped his arms around your shoulders, leaning his head against yours. “Then don’t leave ever again, (Y/n)-chin.” He asked childishly.

You smiled and nodded, “Never again.”

Really my eyes are burning.

I watched a movie before writing this. So I guess that’s to be expected.

Guys, don’t forget to brush your teeth before you go to bed.
I forgot last night and I woke up with a hellishly painful sore throat.

Good Evening

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