Kagami x Reader II (Sunrise)

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You hastily ran up hill not minding the branches and leaves that smacked you straight in the face.

"Hey (Y/n), slow down!" Kagami shouted as he ran after you but avoiding the branches.

You did not listen to him, you were excited to see the sunrise so you can't waste time being careful and all that.

"We're almost there, Bakagami!" you screamed as you neared the peak of the mountain.

The red-head was panting like crazy when he stopped behind you. an irked expression painted all over his face.

"Don't run off like that again, sheesh!" he exclaimed.

"There it is! The sunrise!" you chirped, not paying attention to the annoyed fellow behind you. "Kagami, look!"

The red-head stared at the sky and watched as the sun makes a grand entrance. The dark sky slowly brightened in different colors.

You looked at him with a cheerful smirk. "See? I told you it would be worth it!" you said triumphantly annoying the red-head again.

"But you didn't have to run off without telling me first! You could've hurt yourself!" he exclaimed, ruffling your hair with force.

"OW! Look I'm sorry!" you defended as you took a step back.

"I just wanted you to see this."
Kagami scratched the back of his head, his frown slowly subsiding.

"Why me of all people?"

"You could've just asked Kuroko."

You stopped and the smirk on your face was replaced by a heavy shade of pink.  "It's because..."

The red-head noticed your change of attitude and looked at you. You probably looked horrible because his eyes widened.

"What?" he asked.

"I wanted to watch it with the person I like." You began, playing with the hem of your blouse.

"And it's definitely not Kuroko-kun."

Kagami choked on air when he heard your answer.

"Are you sure? You're always with him." he pointed out.

"I was asking him about you!" you defended, the blush never leaving you cute little face. "I like you, Taiga."

"Oh, I see."

The tall male then proceeded to descend the hill.

You pouted, not knowing what he meant by his answer.

"Hey, Bakagami! What does that mean??" you asked as you trailed behind him.

You heard the red-head snicker. "It means you have to work my answer, (Y/n)." he stated, looking back at you with a triumphant smirk.

You were annoyed by his arrogance but somehow got the feeling that he felt the same way.

"Then you just wait, Bakagami! I'm gonna make you say yes!"

The previous ones are quite long but this one is short.

Because I am sleepy.

And because I'm the only one left awake, it's kinda creepy here.

Is anyone actually reading this?
If there are... Thank you soooo much!

12:06am Good Mornight


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