Himuro x Reader II

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You watched in the sidelines as he played basketball with his team.

Even when sweating and exhausted, he still managed to look so stunning. He has perfect physique and a smooth playing style that made the girls in the gymnasium squeal.

You don’t know what you’re feeling, you don’t even know him personally, but you do know that he was called ‘Himuro-kun’.

Being a person who knows how tragic love can be based on the relationship your parents had, you’ve decided you wouldn’t bother with love.

It’s not like you loathe it or anything, you weren’t bitter. You just learned to accept that love is not for everyone. If it’s not for your parents, then maybe it’s the same for you as well.

Yet, what is this feeling you were having with this stranger that keeps attracting your attention? He’s not even in the same class as you.

You first saw him when you were at the rooftop, standing by watching everyone around the campus.

An old teacher was carrying a load of bags to bring inside the building when suddenly he came out of nowhere and helped her carry the bags.

The second time was in the cafeteria. You were having your lunch at the far end of the room and he was standing in line to get his lunch when a group of girls went in.

They blushed and flocked over to him. He was not the snobbish type so he entertained all of them. But when it became too noisy, he was also the first one to reprimand them, albeit calmly.

The third time was outside the school vicinity. You were waiting for the bus when he arrived and waited with you.

Of course you didn’t bother speaking to him, and neither did he. He seemed too busy looking around the area.

When the bus came, he was the first one to board. You huffed in awkwardness as you followed behind him.

You saw a girl stand up to let him take a seat but all he did was shake his head and say “No, it’s fine.”, with a beautiful smile.

He then found an empty chair at the back but did not take a seat. He then looked at you and gestured you to take it.

You uttered a simple ‘Thank you’ before proceeding to sit down.


Now here you are, utterly confused as to why you’re feeling that way for him. Seeing him is like part of your daily routine, but you don’t mind it at all.

The game finished and his team ended up winning the practice game with an outstanding 85-12.
Girls squealed even louder when he managed to smile at them despite fatigue.

You know well not to try to get too close. It’s like a moth being attracted to fire. Get too close and you’ll burn.

You settled with returning to your classroom to rest a little before heading home. Today’s test day and all your friends already went home. But you decided to stay to finish your project.

“That boy seems to be a good person.” You said, staring out the window to watch the sun slowly sinking into the horizon.

“By chance were you referring to me?” you heard a smooth voice from behind you.

Turning your head, you saw Himuro standing at the door, still in his basketball jersey but now clean from sweat.

“Oh, sorry.” You smiled awkwardly. “Anyway, what can I do for you?” you asked.

He snickered and lifted his hand up showing your handkerchief, “You left this in the gym.” He said, walking towards you.
Your eyes widened and quickly went to search your things.

Realizing that it really was your handkerchief, you slumped down in embarrassment. “I’m sorry for troubling you.”

“No it’s fine.” He answered gently, like he always does.
You lifted your head up and asked him how he knew it was yours. The raven-head smile and said, he simply knows.

After that, the male asked you to wait for him and you could head home together. You rejected his offer first but he insisted that a girl shouldn’t be travelling home alone.


The entire travel time consisted of you being asked by Himuro about everything. As if he was really interested to know a lot about you.

Being the buoyant girl you are, you told him everything, including your parents’ broken marriage and how you’ve learned from their mistakes.

He listened intently with a smile. He was glad you’re not hiding anything, if anything; he thought it was a bit weird how you’re telling him everything.

“So is that the reason you have no boyfriend?” he asked.

You shake your head and explained how it was probably because you’re not pretty enough for anyone to pay court to you.

But it’s not like you wanted anyone to court you.
“We can stop from here. My house is just over that way.” You pointed behind you.

The raven-head bowed his nodded. “I see.”
You extended your hand out and he looked at you shocked. “It’s nice to meet you, Himuro-kun. Let’s be good friends.” you stated flatly but a little nervous.

The raven-head knows enough to recognize that when you said ‘friends’ you really do mean it. So he smiled and shook your hand before bidding farewell.

His smiled became a little brighter when he looked at the hand he used to shake yours.
“You just wait, (Y/n). I’ll figure out a way to be so much more than just a friend to you.”

When a man sees a woman who deserves all the love and respect he can offer, believe me, it doesn’t matter who the woman is.

My first boyfriend was literally the Himuro Tatsuya of our school. I don’t even know how he fell for me.

But of all the pretty girls out there, he confessed to me, saying “I want to be someone more than just a friend to you.”
I was like, “Are you serious? Because that’s a bad joke.” Hahaha XD

What brought us apart is the time. Time is so important in a relationship.

But he was a great man. A true gentleman.

I just thought I’d tell the story haha.

Good Night

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