Akashi x Reader V (Opposites Attract)

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This might be a little long. Brace yourselves.

You and the emperor never really got along. If there's such thing as love at first sight, yours was hate at first sight. He did not appreciate your personality and you hated his guts.

Whether it was the crazy heterochromatic Akashi or the gentleman Akashi you were dealing with, it was the same.

The only difference was that the real Akashi was more than a little calmer and milder in approaching you.

Still for him, you're a whimsical madcap who exaggerate on just about everything and it is not very ladylike.

And for you, he's a prideful coward who could never stand his ground when it comes to his father. The way he keeps on lying to himself bothered you.

The both of you were so eager to avoid each other but your efforts were always wasted. You always end up working together and it was bothersome.

It went like that for nearly eight years and sad to say, you became at ease with each other's presence, to your displeasures.

The both of you started becoming concerned for the well-being of one another and you unknowingly began to look after each other.

You were standing outside the school gates while waiting for your driver. It was raining heavily and the wind was making it worse.

It didn't really bother you that your chauffeur was running late. You were actually pretty chill about it. But it was so cold!

Just when you decided to walk home, a white car parked in front of you.

You knew exactly who owned that car since you've seen it more than a dozen times before.

The window rolled down and revealed a concerned Akashi. "(Y/n) what are you doing? A storm is coming. It will not be good for you to stay in the rain like this." The young man calmly stated as he opened the door. "Get in."

You were still annoyed with him but you don't show it as much and you try to be polite to him. "No thanks, I'm okay with walking. I appreciate the offer though." You said as you scratched your cheek.

Sighing, Akashi set one foot out and with one swift action, yanked you inside the car. He closed your umbrella before shutting the door beside you.

You were not quick to comprehend what he did and when you realized what has happened, the car had already began moving.

"The examination week is fast approaching. You cannot afford to fall sick. I shall escort you home." He said with a serious tone as he began flipping the pages of his book like nothing happened.

Crossing your arms you became quiet for a while "I didn't ask for your concern but thanks anyway." You said grumpily.

You heard a light chuckle from the redhead before silence once again befell the two of you. To him, he won against you, as expected.

That same night you couldn't sleep. You kept on thinking about how decent Akashi treats you despite the fact that he does not like you.

Then you realized that you stood up for him more than once in the past. You did not like him but for some reason, you always defend the redhead whenever people trash talks him.

After a few minutes of thinking, you suddenly heard your phone ringing. Grabbing it from your bedside table you flipped the phone open. "Yes, good evening?"

"Hello, (Y/n), good evening to you as well." A voice said from the other line. It was so gentle you knew he was smiling as he spoke.

"A-Akashi??" you asked in shock, your face blushing. "H-How did you get my number? Why are you calling??"

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