Akashi x Reader IV (A Simple Confession)

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"(Y/n)." you hear a voice call out to while you were dozing off in the cooking club kitchen.

It's been a few hours since you've started looking into to recipe book for the best valentine cake possible but to no avail.

None seemed to appeal to you great enough for you to start working on it, and you're on the verge of giving up. It was then that you felt a flick on the side of your forehead.

You looked to your side and saw a smiling redhead with his school bag in his hand.
"Akashi-kun, sorry I didn't notice you." you apologized as you tried hiding the pile of books under your hands.

"No worries, I just arrived anyway." he said gently before noticing the books that you were so desperately trying to cover.

You knew he was quite dominant and demanding even as a friend but it hasn't sank into yet that he was back to his old, sweet self.

"I wasn't able to tell you that I won't be coming home with you today, I'm sorry." You were saying pleadingly but it stopped you when he sat next to you.
Akashi pulled one of the books from under your arms and flipped the pages open.

You were expecting him to go ballistic and ask you (coldly) who you are preparing the cake for and why are you doing it. But it didn't happen.

"(Y/n) strawberry shortcakes are easier to make and they don't require a lot of ingredients." He suggested as he picked all the books up and returned them to the shelves one by one.

Shocked yet relieved you smiled. "Really? But I think strawberry shortcake is to plain of a gift, especially if it's for someone you're confessing to." You said sadly.

Your statement shook Akashi and for a while you saw him frown regretfully. "So you're confessing, I see." He said with a sad smile.
Although you were not able to comprehend his reaction very well, you still went to defense mode almost instantly. It was due to the fact that he was verbally hurtful whenever he hears something he does not like.

"It's not for me, Akashi-kun! It's for my brother, (B/n)!" you said, alarmed. "He's confessing to his childhood friend."

You stopped for a while and realized something. You and Akashi are childhood friends as well. You met when his mother who was a good friend of you dad died and you attended the funeral.

He was always by your side no matter what happened. And all those years you felt something special for him but hid it when he became a heartless bully.

For a while, Akashi remained standing in front of you, confused as to why you're so jumpy. It's like you committed a crime and was frantically trying to hide it.

It made you sweat bullets to see your friend so quiet. Just when you were about to make a mad dash out of his sight he spoke ever so gently.

"You know (Y/n) there's something you don't understand about confessions." He started as he approached you.

"It doesn't have to be so grandiose or dazzling. As long as it is honest and straight from the heart." He then took your hand and tugged you to follow him.

A few minutes of navigating around the building lead you to the music room where a piano lie in wait of someone to play it.
Akashi sat down in front of the instrument and pulled you to sit next to him.

After settling you down, he played the sweetest, most relaxing piano music you ever heard him play. And that was actually the first time you heard that piece.

You closed your eyes and let the wonderful music envelop you. Sure it wasn't something you would hear in a piano recital or competition, since it was too soft, but it's enough to make anyone feel warm and happy.

"Do you understand my point now, (Y/n)?" he asked as he continued playing and you only gave him a smile as an answer.
He faced you before stopping, "I told myself I would play this piece to the person I love. And I know I found her. I love you, (Y/n). Do you feel the same?"

Your eyes blasted open and you stared at him with a shocked expression, face flushing like cherry. "A-Akashi-kun, I-I didn't--"

He cut you off with a kiss on your cheek. "See? I told you it doesn't have to be grandiose or dazzling." He stated with a victorious smile.
"If she loves (B/n) in return, a simple gift and a confession from the heart is enough... To make her react the same way you did." he finished as he held your hand tightly in his.

And you couldn't do anything to answer him back. All you could do was smile like a child and blush like crazy and he knew your answer is yes.

It's safe to say you made your brother strawberry shortcake as his confession gift.

I was listening to a piano instrumental of Eric Carmen's Love Is All That Matters while I was writing this story.
It made me feel so light.

Have a great day


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