Kagami x Reader (The Beginning)

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I forgot I didn’t eat lunch.
And now it’s 5:58pm.

Really what am I doing??

“Ne, ne, mommy.” Your sweet little daughter called.

“Yes, sweetheart?” you replied, looking into her beautiful red eyes.

“Tell me something about how you and daddy met~.” She gleefully asked.

You smirked and ruffled her hair, thinking to yourself that for a seven-year-old, your daughter is already interested in romantic things.

“Why do you want to know, (Daughter’s name)?” you asked.

The little (Hair/color) haired girl looked, “Because my friends know how their mommies and daddies met. But I don’t.” she answered shyly.

All you can do was smile, reminiscing the old times.


You were a very lonely girl.
Your parents were separated at a very young age, both marrying off and starting a new family.

For a few years you tried bearing with your half-sisters and half-brothers. But it was a miracle how both sides were mean to you.

So as soon as began middle school, you decided to start living by yourself.

Being alone actually made you happier. But you still couldn’t help but feel sad knowing that you no longer have a family to consider your own.

Every single day was the same.
You go to school, you go home, you do your homework, and you go to bed. The same every day.

You would’ve totally settled for a life in isolation but you can’t. Not when bullies are targeting you on a daily basis.

Slowly beginning to think that you were a born loser, you became miserable yet again.

You completely let yourself go.
You didn’t bothering tidying up.
You didn’t bother trying to look like a living person.

One day while you were eating lunch at the back of your school building, pathetic lowlifes AKA bullies came to you.

“Hey, ugly witch. Whatcha doing here?” a girl with a neatly combed long hair asked.

You scratched your forehead thinking ‘here we go again.’ Before standing up and walking past her.

Her three friends, more like minions, blocked your way and pushed you hard you fell on your back.

“Don’t you dare ignore me when I’m talking to you.” she snapped as she grabbed you by the collar, pulling you close.

You scowled at her.
Apparently the girls didn’t like your reaction and came attacking you. You received kicks and punches like a typical movie scene.

All you did was cover yourself. You didn’t know you can endure that much.

“That’ll teach you not to get us angry.”

Just when they thought you’ve had enough and are about to leave you alone. You stood up, grabbed one girl by the ankle and mopped the ground with her.

The other three were late in their reactions as you smacked the next one straight in the face knocking her out in one blow.

Her friend was about to help her, but you grabbed her arm, yanked her and threw her against the nearby wall. // Go reader-chan!

All that’s left was the leader. She was frozen in place and trembling hard in fear of what you might to do.

You attempted to punch her but stopped a few inches away from her face, “Run.” You whispered and the girl literally took a mad dash away.

Looking around, somewhat amazed by what you did, you saw Kagami nearby, watching you.

He carried a horrified look on his face. Making you jot from where you stood.

“I-I’m sorry! I-I didn’t mean to!” you apologized as you ran towards him in an attempt to explain what you did.

Kagami took a step back and looked at you from head to toe before taking a sigh of relief.

“You’re not hurt anywhere, are you?” he asked, which surprised you.

You looked down at yourself and sure enough you do look chaotic.

“Uh no. I’m fine.” You answered.

He then started walking off, you following him. “You really scared me for a second there.” The red-head started, a tint of blush on his face.

“What do you mean?” you asked, confused.

He looked at you and rubbed the back of his head. “I’ve noticed those girls bullying you for few days now.” He began. “And thought I should help you out.”

You tilted your head downwards, blushing at his remarks. This was the first time someone truly showed care for you. “Thank you then.”

“A-Anyway… I have basketball practice today.” He said changing the topic. “Do you wanna come and watch? Then maybe later we can go somewhere to eat.”

“Like a date?” you asked, to which Kagami’s eyes widened.

“Uh, sure… But I have a friend with me.”

“Then that’s not a date at all!”

“It’s not??”

You giggled and continued walking alongside the tall fellow. Smiling to yourself, ‘This could be the beginning of something wonderful.’

I watched Resident Evil Apocalypse for the 3rd time this month.

I admired Project Alice’s super strength. I thought, I want reader-chan to be this strong too~!

Still the best zombie movie I had ever watched.

Have a spectacular Day! (or night)


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