Izuki x Reader II (Pictures)

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WARNING: long story due to writer ingesting heavy dosage of coffee. XD

“Hey, Bestie!” you called Izuki when you saw him walking down the hallways of Seirin High.

However, the male didn’t seem to have heard you as he continued strolling down the hall and quickly took a turn to a classroom.

You frowned, scratching the back of your head. You knew it’s not his classroom, so what is he doing there?

Slowly, you walked towards the room and peeked inside. There you saw him, speaking happily with a girl you’ve never seen before, but darn was she pretty.

You felt a little bit betrayed. He has been your friend since grade school and you never kept a secret from him. Besides that, you have feelings for him.

They look like they’re having fun with whatever it is that they’re talking about, he’s even blushing! Too bad you couldn’t hear it.

Feeling dejected you went back to your homeroom. A few minutes before class began, you saw Izuki come in.

You brightened up when you saw your best friend, “Shun!” you called, but he only looked at you, still flushed from the earlier conversation with that girl.

“Oh, sorry (Y/n) I can’t talk to you right now.” He said and quickly went to his seat, away from you.
His actions were hurtful but you’re not prepared to give up easily.

Each time a subject ends, you take the time interval to approach him, only to be shoved away by the male, either verbally or through completely ignoring you.

Your classmates, especially nasty girls, snickered at the way you were being treated by your best friend.

Those girls possibly like him. You can’t deny the fact that Izuki is an attractive young man. If not because of his stupid fondness of puns, he’d be perfect.

Not wanting to embarrass yourself even more, you gave up. It’s obvious that he doesn’t want to talk to you. So why force your way through?

You went back to your seat and let the class end.

“I’m just a friend anyway.” you whispered after taking one final look at your best friend.


The day ended awfully. You had no one to seat with during lunch time. You had no partner during dance class. It’s darn annoying.

Gathering your things from the locker you were shocked when you saw Izuki standing beside after closing your locker.

“Hey, (Y/n) let’s taco bout your day!” he greeted like nothing happened.

You looked at him tiredly and answered “It was horrible.” You said before lazily slinging your bag over your shoulder.

You were about to head out the main entrance but he blocked your way. “Wanna come watch me practice?” he asked.

His face was pale and he was sweating. You wondered why but you couldn’t care less. You groaned and pushed him out of the way before saying a big “No.”

He rushed to you, grabbing your arm. “B-But I’d really appreciate it if you were there, (Y/n)!” he said.

“I’m tired and I’m hungry. I want to go home, Shun.” You said almost loudly.
If he wanted you to come so badly, he shouldn’t have treated you like dirt earlier.

Sensing that none of his begs with make you come with him, the young man had a bright idea. “Fine, just go home and finish your dumb stories that no one will ever read.”

Your eyes widened when you realized how he knew about your hobby, it was insulted just the same.

“What did you say?” you asked, tightly gripping the strap of your bag.

“Your. Dumb. Story. That no one will EVER read.” He stated again, with an annoying smile. “Who would read it? It’s lengthy and boring.”

You scowled and cracked your knuckles. “You just crossed the line, Shun.” You said.

The young man quickly took a mad dash away and you chased after him.

You ran all the way to the gym where you tackled him down. You sat on his stomach as he laid flat on the floor, “Alright you foul mouth—

“(Y/n), I’m sorry.” Izuki said with a blush. He then pointed at somewhere in the gym and you looked.

Plastered all over the wall were pictures of the two of you since you were in grade school. Some have the two of you together, some have your classmates and some only has you.

You stood up and approached the wall. “Shun, what is all this?” you asked, looking at the pictures.

“Nothing, I just want you to remember just how long we’ve been friends.” he said walking behind you, hands over your shoulder.

“I never forget that of course.” You said, blushing when you saw a picture of you kissing his cheek during sixth grade. “What’s the point of the effort?”

You then felt his arms hug you from behind. “It means that the ‘just friends’ chapter is done and this is the end credits.”

You felt his embrace tighten and your blush darken. “W-What are you talking about?”

“Heh, I’m no photographer, but I can picture us together.” He said.

You struggled free, “What about the girl earlier?” you asked.

“She helped me with all this! That’s the president of art club!” he defended.

Not seeing a reaction, he took your hand. “(Y/n) I love you… from my head tomatoes. Please be my girlfriend.”

You snickered and hugged him. “Sure of course!”

Izuki was about to lean in and kiss your lips when you heard the door open and an angry Riko scream, “WHAT IS ALL THIS MESS??”

Turns out your idiot of a best—boyfriend, forgot to ask the coach’s permission.

Dear True Love,

Find yourself. Find God. Then…

Come find me.



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