Cнapтer 1

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My alarm buzzed, and I groaned.
I unplugged it, and shifted. I felt a finger poke my back. "Wake up... It's the first day of seventh grade..." Said a voice. I groaned, and said, "five more hours."
"Wake up, you dumbass," said the voice again. I turned around, and smiled at Freddy. "I'm up," I said. I got up, and Freddy left, leaving me to changed my into my uniform. I put my hair into a ponytail, and sigh. I walk down the stairs, to see Freddy prepared. He smiled at me, and held out my lunch bag. I gladly took it, and we headed out the door.
We walked to school in silence, and we made no effort to break the silence.

I awaited everything that was going to happen at school.

We walked through the double doors, and I breathed in the familiar scent of cologne most of the boys in this school wear. We walked down the hallway, and pushed our way through the new batch of sixth graders. They were much shorter. Freddy pat my head, "listen. We may be in seventh grade now, but that still doesn't mean we won't be together. I promise you that."


"Remember when I said that we would be in the same classes together?" Freddy asked. "Yeah?" I said suspiciously. He held out his schedule, and I took mines out.
Let's see... Homeroom... Wait, that's it? My eyes widened. "You're kidding right? Just homeroom together?" I said. He placed a finger on his lips, and said, "shh, calm down. At least we have lunch together. And art."
I didn't even realize that. I had art with him.
"Boo!" Said a voice. I yelled out, and fell on the floor. "What the hell, Zach!" I said. Zach just laughed hysterically. "You should've seen your face!" He said. Freddy chuckled, and glared at him. "I'll get you back, idiot!" I said. Freddy chuckled some more, and I glanced at him and blushed. "Alison, pull your skirt down, I can see the whole package!" Freddy said. I blushed furiously, and flattened my skirt out. "Freddy, you're not supposed to look at that until high school!" Zach teased, and I couldn't help but laugh. Freddy turned redder than a tomato, and I laughed some more.
That is, until my new teacher walked through the door, giving us looks.

We all sat down. I took my seat next to Freddy, and Zach took a seat on my other side. The teacher took out piece of chalk, and started writing on the board. The chalk squeaked against the board, and I cringed.
I hate chalkboards, I thought. I read the board, and sighed, already board out of my mind. In homeroom!

It read: Welcome back to school! My name is Mrs. Fisher!

Hooray. What fun! Not.
"Psst. Alison," said a voice. I turned, and I'm met with a paper ball. It fell on my desk, and I picked it up. I started unraveling the paper, and read over it. 'I miss Mr. Finn. What about you? -F.' I took out a sticky note, and wrote my answer. I passed it back to him, and he opened it up. He smiled


We both jumped at the sudden noise. The teacher- Mrs. Fisher- walked over to Freddy's desk, and snatched the note from him. She pointed a finger at Freddy and me. "I expect to see you here during lunch," she says.
And with that, she walks up to the desk, and sets the rules for the beginning school year.

Second book is here :D yay! I am excited, and I can't wait for you guys to see what's in store for this book! Later! -sage

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