Cнapтer 18

547 10 2

I drop my duffel bag on the floor.

"What? What did you say?" I ask softly. The woman wipes her eyes on her apron. She sniffed, "I said, I'm you're mother." I stood there, registering the words she spoke. I took a step back, and looked up at her. I start shaking my head, "no. N-no! You're lying! My moms dead!" The woman's eyes widened. "Who told you that?" She said. She starts reaching for me, but I back away. "Don't. Don't get near me," I said. I grabbed my bag, and started running down the sidewalk.

"Alison! Wait!" She said.

I kept running, and when I was near my destination, I tripped and fell. "Ah!" I yelled. I scraped my knee and my hands. Rain started pouring slowly, and I sat there. What do I do?
My tears threatened to fall, but I couldn't hold them. I sobbed and, held my face in my hands. I clothes got wet, and they clung to my body. What do I do? I don't want to talk to Freddy. I don't want to see that woman. I don't know where anybody else lives.
I kept crying and sobbing.

My phone started buzzing, and I knew someone was calling me. I looked at the caller ID and held back a yelp of surprise.     I pressed the answer button. Silence. Until...
"Where the hell are you!?" He said. It was as if anger was radiating off of him. "Outside," I say, sniffing. When he spoke next, his voice much softer. "Are you okay?" He said.
I couldn't hold it in, and I sobbed. "No," I said. "Shit, whose house did you go to," he asked. I started crying again. "I don't want to tell you," I said. Freddy sighed. "Did he hit you?" He asked. "No."

"Then what?" He asked. "I'll tell you later. Just please pick me up. I'm scared," I said. He hummed in agreement, and hung up. I got up, but I fell to the floor again. My knees hurt. My hands hurt too. I gulped. I heard footsteps through the rain, and they ceased in front of me. I looked up. Freddy had a neutral expression. Does he not care? Freddy sighed, and took off his jacket, and he placed it on my shoulders. He helped me up, and I almost fall to the ground again. "I gotcha," he said. He wrapped my arm around his neck, and he put his hand on my waist. He bent down and grabbed the bag I was carrying. We walked in silence.

He sighed again. "Listen, I want to apologize. I was being such an asshole earlier. Do you forgive me?" He said. I stared straight ahead, and nod. He smiled softly. When we arrived home, he opened the door, and let me in first. He sat me on the couch, and he went upstairs. He came back with some clothes, and a first aid kit. He patched up my knees and hands. He handed me his clothes, and I changed upstairs. The shirt went a over my waist and reached my knees, and the baggy pants made me feel more comfortable. I went back downstairs, and Freddy had started looking through the kitchen.
I sat down, and sniffed. Freddy turned, and started heading towards me. He sat down, "mind telling me what happened?" I sighed. "My mom was there," I said. Freddy tensed. "But, you said..." he trailed off. I nodded, "I know."

Freddy held my hand, "don't worry. Everything will be fine! I promise." He smiled. I smiled too.

Freddy started leaning in. I started too. Our lips were close, and they brushed against each other. Then, our lips touched. It felt so wrong, but so right at the same time. Again, his lips were soft, and he placed his hand on the back of my neck. I brought my hands up to his head, and entangled my hands in his hair. He smiled, and pulled away. As cheesy as it sounds, it felt like fireworks.

His cheeks were tinged pink, and I was red. He chuckled, "your face could rival a tomato!" I yelled and started covering my face. "D-don't look!" I said. He laughed, and took my hands from my face. "Don't worry. It's adorable," he said.
I blushed even deeper. I nuzzled into his chest in embarrassment. He tensed, but relaxed.

"I love you, Alison"

"I love you too, Freddy."

Word count: 747

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