Cнapтer 23

492 6 2

3rd POV

Winter was starting to arrive, and the first round of exams was just around the corner.
It was finally December 16, and winter break was just a few days away. Everyone studied like crazy for exams, even Freddy. Freddy promised himself that he would work hard on his round of exams. He already had his future planned out, and he didn't want to ruin it with just four exams. And, it was probably already obvious what he wanted to be:
A drummer.

It seemed absurd to be studying just to be a drummer, but if this job backfired, he could always work on something else.
He could practice being a teacher like Mr. Finn.
Freddy was just walking into the school building when someone's shoulder collided with his, dropping his books and papers on the floor in the process. He grunted and turned. A girl with dirty blonde hair with a headband with flowers on it was smiling up at him. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! Let me help you!" She said. She bent down and started picking up papers of his.
Freddy sighed with impatience and bent down to help as well. Once they both had the papers in order, the girl gave his papers to him, and he ordered them.

"Again I'm really sorry," she said. Freddy shook his head. "It's alright. Thanks anyway," he said. He started walking the opposite direction, but the girl stood in place. For some reason, her heart was pounding and her hands were sweaty and clammy. "Wait!" She called out. Freddy turned around almost immediately. The girl grinned. "My name is Kale, and there's a meeting after school for helping out the environment! I was wondering if you'd like to stay," she said, grinning.
She could feel herself turning warm and bright red.
Freddy noticed. "Umm...sure. I guess. See ya," he said. He turned but stopped dead in his tracks. "Wait, I don't think I can. I have soccer practice after school today with some friends of mine," he said. Kale's smile faded. "O-oh! Oh, it's okay. We can just meet another time!"

Freddy didn't like where this was going. He wanted to say no, but he couldn't. He had band practice that day, and after that he was going to go straight home and study. He just had to come up with an excuse. He cleared his throat. "Uh...listen, I don't think I'll be able to go at all. I wanna study really hard this semester," he said. Kale frowned. "Okay, maybe-" but she didn't get to finish, because Alison came jogging up to him. "Freddy! I have some really bad news! Follow me!" She said. Freddy frowned and followed Alison to the library.

Kale stared at the brunettes as they left, a welling hole in her heart.

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