Cнapтer 15

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Alison took a step back. She felt something burning in her chest. She felt... guilty. Was it because she kissed Matthew? Was it her jealousy towards Summer? Although she would never admit it, she liked Matthew. He was protective, he was kind once you got to know him, and he was smart.
Although, she wasn't sure if kissing him was the right thing to do. After a moment of silence, Matthew spoke up.
"So... does this mean we're together?" He asked.

He fiddled with his thumbs while looking at the ground with a light blush. Alison thought for a moment. Maybe it was time to move on. She couldn't keep liking Freddy forever. There would always be other girls for him. She should move on. She gracefully smiled, "yea! Of course it does!"
Matthew smiled. She never paid attention to his smile (since he rarely does) but she finally noticed that he had dimples. He smiled, and looked at his watch.

"I gotta go! Curfew at 11:00!" He said. He hesitated, but kissed her temple gently. She smiled at waved. Once he left, she sighed. Maybe coming to this party wasn't a good idea. She decided to just stick around for a bit, maybe try to talk to some classmates, and then she would head home.
It was finally 12:00 when she decided to leave. Freddy seemed to have disappeared, so she decided to leave him. Her phone then buzzed.

FredIsCool: hey, go on home without me

Alison stared at her phone for a moment. Strange. Freddy would never let her wander around at night, especially at a time like this where anything could happen. She started walking outside, and walked down the sidewalk. She felt... depressed. Something inside her made her feel sad. She didn't know what though. As she walked down the sidewalk, she could hear the distinct chirping of crickets. Once she got home, she used the extra key her best friend lent her and she got inside.

She slammed the door. She was feeling many emotions at once. Anger, jealousy, sadness, guilt, all swarming around her like bees. She clicked her tongue and walked upstairs.
She took off her costume and took a shower. When she got out, it was already 1:00. 'I'll just pull an all-nighter' she thought. She sat on her bed, and thought for a moment. She thought about how and why Freddy disappeared earlier. And why he complimented Summer when he never told Alison he had feelings for her.

Then it clicked.

One of them asked the other out. As much as she hated to admit it, they were together. There was no other explanation. Rage swirled around Alison's brain, clouding her thoughts and surroundings. 'How could he!? He left me alone just to- to leave with some other girl doing God knows what!?' Alison thought. It was 1:30, and Alison was getting tired. The party should've ended right now.
She was feeling something. She felt let down.

(Warning: Umm, in the description I mentioned cutting. If you are too sensitive for this subject, do NOT continue reading, just end here. You have been warned.)

She felt as if she was being pulled towards something. She looked at the bathroom door. It was as if a voice was calling her. She stood up, and walked to the bathroom cautiously. She looked at herself in the mirror. She looked pale, and her brown wavy hair was in a messy bun with strands of hair hanging loosely on her face. She looked....pitiful. Disgusting. Putrid. Ugly. All these words kept her from stopping herself.
She reached for the razor blade that was on the sink, and prepared herself.

'Stop. Stop now! Don't! Don't do it! Stop! STOP!' She thought. But she didn't listen. She was swift, but the cut was still deep enough to draw blood. She winced, and held her blade tightly, causing more blood to draw from her finger. She heard the door downstairs close, and she was hasty. She grabbed a jacket, and pulled it on her, making sure to cover her sleeves.

"Alison, are you still up!?" Said Freddy as he made his way upstairs. He entered her room, and saw her drawing. "What're you doing up so late?" He said. Alison pierced him with her ice cold glare. Freddy flinched. "You're one to talk," she said coldly. Freddy sighed, "look, I'm sorry. I was just talking to Summer about something privately, and I lost track of time."

Her suspicions were correct.

She slammed her sketch book onto the nightstand, causing the lamp to shake a bit. Freddy knew he had said the wrong thing. "Sorry won't be able to help you through this one! Do you have any idea how scared I was alone, outside in the dark!? I was by myself! Anything could've happened!" She yelled. Freddy stayed silent. He knew he deserved this. "And I couldn't ask anybody else, because Zach, Tamika, and Lawrence all left before I did! And Matthew couldn't take me home, because he had curfew!" She continued.

"What does Matthew have anything to do with this? You hate him!" Freddy said. Alison glared at him, "I like him!"

After that, everything was silent. "You...what?" Freddy breathed out. Alison stared at the ground. "He's...he's my boyfriend now. I kissed him at the party," she said mumbled. "Oh," Freddy muttered. The two stood there for a minute, until Freddy decided to leave. Once he left, Alison quickly closed the door and locked it with a loud clicking noise. Freddy was aware of what she did.

The two spent the rest of the night alone.

Word count: 949

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