Cнapтer 27

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I feel soooo bad for not publishing :((((

As Alison made her way down the main staircase, she felt herself being watched. She slowed down and turned. No one. She sighed. She must be paranoid. She reached the last step when she heard a quiet but firm 'psst.' Now Alison was aware that someone was following her and trying to get her attention. She turned, and saw Summer standing at the top of the stairs, twiddling her thumbs. Saying that she look nervous was an understatement. She was blushing madly and was sweating as if she'd just run 5 laps nonstop.
Allison huffed. Although she didn't like the girl, she figured that she needed help with something. "What is it Summer?" She asked. The bell rang.
Great, now she was late.
"U-umm....I...I need your help!" She stuttered. Alison seemed surprised. Summer didn't seem like the type of person to ask for ones help, especially from Alison. "Ok," Alison said hesitantly. "What do you need?" She asked. Summer sighed, and looked around.
"There's this girl. I don't like her- no, it's not you!" She said, noticing how Alison raised her brows. "It's someone else! She...umm. She's a bit weird-" "aren't we all?" Alison mumbled. Summer looked down at her. "What?" She asked. Alison shook her head. "Nothing. So who is it?" She asked.
Summer continued, "she's a bit of a....how do I put this? Nature freak?"
Alison thought for a moment.

She snapped her fingers as a though came to her. "Oh. Is it that girl who wears flowers in her hair sometimes?" She asked. Summer walked down the stairs, and the two girl started walking to class. Summer nodded. "Yea, her. Her name's Kale, I think." Alison stayed quiet for moment, but spoke again when she realized Summer was waiting for her to say something. "What about her?" She asked. Summer took a deep breath. "You know how I have a little crush on Freddy?" She said. Alison laughed, "little?" Summer blushed and smiled a bit. "Yea, whatever. I know you have a small crush on him too, and well, I feel like Kale gets a bit too close to him," Summer explained. "What do you mean?" Alison asked.
Summer put her foot down loudly, startling Alison for a moment. "I have a plan," Summer said. She got so close to Alison that she could practically read Summers thoughts. "U-umm...what is it?" She asked. Summer leaned in closer, and their noses were touching. Alison got a bit uncomfortable and cleared her throat. She took a step back, and fastened her uniformed tie. Summer must have noticed their proximity, because she too straitened her skirt, and fixed her sweater.
"I'll explain in class," she said defiantly, and started walking down the hallway.

"What a strange girl," Alison said to herself.

A/n: I APOLOGIZE SO MUCH!!!!! I am soooo sorry that I haven't updated this book in 1628463828364 eons!!! I got caught up in life, and since my bro lives in Houston, I had to help him out a bit!! I'll try my best to keep up this time!!! :(

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