Cнapтer 16

567 11 2

The weekend was spent with small conversation between the two. Alison was still furious, but forced herself to talk to him. Freddy was still upset about the fact that Alison was dating the boy he despised the most, but he went along with it. It was finally November, and the first semester would be ending off with exams.
The teachers at William B Travis were already stacking the students with homework, which gave Alison an excuse to actually not talk to Freddy.

Freddy, on the other hand, refused to do his homework until things patched up with his "friend."

Monday finally rolled around, and the morning walk to school was quiet. When they arrived, Summer greeted Freddy with a tight hug, and a kiss on the cheek, often glancing at Alison. But, Alison didn't pay attention. The cut from that night was taken care of, but many more were added to her forearm. When homeroom came around, Alison had to refrain herself from talking to Freddy.

Mrs. Fisher walked into the room, and all talking ceased almost immediately. She slammed a stack of papers on the table. This could only mean one thing....

"Alright class! Today, you'll be getting your report cards!" She said. Everyone groaned. Including Zach. "Oh shush! I'm passing them out, and please do not share your grades with other students! These are your grades, and only your grades!" She said.
When Mrs. Fisher handed out Alison's report card, she nearly stumbled out of her chair. "Eh!?" She said. She had an A- in math, a B+ in science, an A+ in ELA, another A+ in art, but she had a D+ in history. "Ah, shit," she mumbled. "What was that Ms. Jenson?" Said Mrs. Fisher. Alison gave her a cold stare. 'If only looks could kill,' everyone thought.
(Savage moment here)

Alison stood up, "I said, ah, shit!" Most of the students snickered loudly to themselves, while Zach stared up at her in awe. Mrs. Fisher wasn't exactly a very nice teacher. If you got on her bad side....you'd just be asking for a death sentence. Mrs. Fisher glared at her. "Detention, after school! Don't forget!" She said. Alison just sighed, and sat back down. The sleeve of her arm raised up a little, and to his horror, Freddy thought he saw a few scars on her skin.


At lunch, Zach was bombarding Alison with questions. "That was awesome! How did you work up the courage to do that!?" He said. Alison smiled, "I dunno." Freddy just stared at her, debating whether he should ask her about those scars or not. He came to a conclusion. "Alison. Let's talk for a moment," Freddy said seriously. Alison got up, trying not to look him in the eyes. They walked into the hallway, and made sure there were no wandering students.

Freddy sighed. "Take off your sweater," he said. Alison tensed. "What?" She stammered. Freddy was impatient. "I said take off your damn sweater!" He yelled. Alison flinched, and slowly took off her sweater. She slid it off, and Freddy's eyes widened. A bandage was covering her forearm, and a light scar was on her wrist.
"Why?" He asked. Alison shook her head, tears brimming her eyes. "I fell, alright?" She lied. Freddy scoffed, "stop lying. Tell me the truth."
Then, she started crying.

Freddy ceased his movement all at once.

"I-I'm scared!" She said. Freddy made no move to help. He just stared at her, too shocked to say anything. He sighed. "Sorry. I'll go now," he said. He started walking away, leaving her crying her heart out. And that's what he was thinking. They would just be friends. They were friends. That's all they would be. Nothing more. Not girlfriend and boyfriend. Not best friends. Just...friends.
She... she was just.

His friend. 

Word count: 643

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