Contract with SM?

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Grey's P.O.V. 12:24 A.M.

       The lights of Seoul blur before my eyes as I speed down the highway, weaving in and out of the traffic.  I forget my unwanted passenger as I enjoy the feeling of the wind hitting my face, the air feeling less congested the faster I go.  We're on the smaller streets now, and I'm looking for a back entrance to the SM building.  I feel him tap my right shoulder and I turn down the alley.  Another right and a left and I feel him hitting my back.  I stop and turn around, watching him stumble off the bike.  I take my helmet off, silently melting over his messy hair.  He gives me a lopsided smile and drunk wave before pushing open the door. 

       I shake my head, too tired to do what I was planning.  Starting the bike, I drive to a local bar, hoping to drown my sorrows for the night. It's the weekend tomorrow anyways.  I might as well do it then. 

"Miss Wolf I presume?"

Pausing midway lifting my drink I glance over at the stranger beside me.  He's wearing a suit, expensive and tailored from what I can tell.  I nod, taking a sip of the bitter drink. 

"What the fuck do you want, also, how do you know who I am?"

"You must be aware of your growing fame in the night clubs, especially your latest performance."

I glance over, trying to remember some of Seek's bullshit about analyzing people before returning to drinking myself to death.  I shrug and turn my chair to face him.

"What is it to you?"

I watch as he slides a paper over to me, filled with terms and gibberish.

"We would like to offer you a contract with SM. As an artist, without previous training, we will add you to a popular band that has lost some of its members."

I roll my eyes, taking the paper.  I set my drink down, realizing that this is a legitimate deal. I've never actively sought fame, but this seems like a sweet offer.  I also need to pay my rent this month and clubbing doesn't earn much.  We talk for another hour, finalizing the deal.  Soon enough I'm signing the papers, handing back the sleek black pen. 

"Welcome to the SM family, you start tomorrow."

He says, before walking out.  I sigh, leaving the rest of my drink.  I'd rather not start my new life hungover.

Grey's P.O.V.  Saturday morning 8:00 A.M.

           My alarm goes off and I roll out of bead, hitting the floor with a loud thump.  I grudgingly pull myself up, running my hands through my long hair.  My wolf ears twitch, picking up on the sounds of my neighbors doing some ungodly things for this hour.  I live in a cheap apartment, complete with thin walls and cockroaches.  Needless to say, I'm happy to leave it behind.

       I pack my measly belongings into a worn out leather suitcase, getting dressed as I go.  I pull on a pair of loose jeans and a t-shirt, not really caring about my appearance.  I tie my hair back, weaving a bandana through to hide my ears.  Soon I'm all packed, coffee in hand, as I walk out without a glance back, never planning a return.

S.M. building 8:50 A.M.  Appointment was at 8:30 A.M.  Grey was late.

"What the hell is this!??!"

I say, throwing down the contract.  I'm at the SM building, realizing I made a huge mistake.

"You seriously want to put me, me, in a band? This I believe but a boy band? What are you thinking?!"

They just stare at me calmly, hands clasped on the stained oak table.  The same man that met me at the bar explains their stupid plan.

"Wolf-shi,   No offense but your voice is at a lower register, no one will suspect you in that way kind of look like a guy."

I raise an eyebrow, crossing my arms. 

"Did you just say what I think you did?"

His eyes widen, realizing how pissed I am.

"It wasn't meant to take offense! You'll be a beautiful boy! The new favorite member of Exo!"

I blink

"Let me get this right, you want to put me in the band Exo?"


I shake my head, trying to take this all in.  If I do join Exo I not only have to cross dress, but I also have to live with a bunch of guys.  Not to mention the fact that I'm a werewolf. I need my space!  This is a big opportunity though, and the money I'll make is more than tempting. 

"I'll do it."

Lay's P.O.V.  10:45 A.M.

"What? What! We don't need a new member!"

Suho, who I was talking with a moment ago about my new album, is now screaming into his phone.  I blink, wondering what's wrong.  Soon every one has come into the living room, all of us wondering what has Suho so stressed this time.  He hangs up the phone taking a deep breath before saying,

"Guys, SM has decided we need another member in our group, they're arriving here tonight."
Wait what?

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