Toilet paper

252 11 2

Grey's P.O.V.

          After our brief session at the gym we head back for a late supper, thanks to our resident cook D.O.  I rub my bruised knuckles and stay quiet while we devour our reheated dishes, silently hoping to slink out later without a fuss. 

"Hey Baekhyun."

I glance up to see Baekhyun is slung over Chanyeol, nuzzling into his neck.  I scrunch my nose, briefly wondering if something is going on when he bites Chanyeol's ear.  Either way it's none of my business, and I busy myself finishing up the dishes left in the sink. 

"Hey Grey-ah!  How was your work out?"

I smile at the polite honorific Baekhyun uses, slapping my hands on the side of the sink till they're dry.

"Oh it was good, I socked Chanyeol in the jaw, but other than that-"

        I'm cut off by a dramatic gasp, Baekhyun proceeding to examine the damage I inflicted and sitting on Chanyeol's lap like its second nature.

"Does it hurt?"

He fusses, and Chanyeol produces a deep laugh.

"It's fine Baek, don't worry about it!  It was just a mistake."

         I shake my head at the two of them, slowly stepping around the table and inching towards the door.  I have another show tonight and the sooner I can leave the better.  I'm almost home free when my wrist is grabbed and I'm yanked backwards.

"Come one we're going to play twenty questions!!"

          I growl loudly before noticing that it's only Xuimin, and the entire dorm has gone dead silent.  He slowly releases my wrist and steps away, visibly trying to make himself smaller.  Guilt seeps into every cell of my being and I bow repeatedly.

"I'm so so sorry Xuimin I didn't mean to, um..."

         How do you explain growling at someone?!  I wince and end up screwing my eyes closed, standing near the doorway and expecting the worst.

"Whatever lets just play."

        Surprisingly Kai is the one who gives me a back handed save.  It seems like everyone's already forgotten about my slip up, and I'm dragged to the living room, shoved onto the floor, and crowded in by the rest of the group.

"Okay.  For this game we're all going to ask Grey two questions so we don't completely fail on the interviews."

I see a consensus of nodding happen after Suho's enthusiastic introduction and heave a great sigh, flopping backwards onto the not so clean carpet.


I protest, my forearm covering my eyes.

"Grey-ah what's your favorite color?"

I pause my dramatic sigh to think, and the answer quickly comes to mind.

"Green.  A deep forest green that can swallow you up with its different shades."

Various noises are emitted around me and I push myself up onto my elbows.

"Oh oh oh!! Who's your favorite member in the group??"

"No no Baek, who's the hottest member?"

I curse the partnership between those two and try to think up a peace keeping answer.

"Um, my favorite member?  I really don't know any of you well enough, and I try not to pick favorites in life..."

          This turn out to be the worst answer I could have picked, in that it starts an extensive fight over who's the best.  Chen grabs a cushion and slams it down onto Kai's head, Kai retaliates by tackling Baekhyun and shoving him onto the ground.  Soon it's fully blown out of proportion and only Lay and I have remained neutral.

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