Private dance

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I flatten my ears, wincing when he ruffles my hair. Please don't notice I think, whimpering slightly. I'm not sure if he notices or not but he's quick to make his decision.

"Yup, you're officially the tallest one here Grey-ah. Here, hey you okay?"

I open one eye to see he's holding my hat out and I snatch it away, sliding it back onto my head, instantly feeling better. We eat and head to the dance studio where I get ready for the most embarrassing moment of my life. Kai is quick to take charge along with Lay.

"Okay, I'm going to play a few songs and see what you got, okay?"

I'm about to protest when I'm shoved to the center and the track starts to play.

Okay, I know how to dance, when I'm drunk. But sober? Nope. No chance. So I shuffle my feet, wishing I could hide from the nine pairs of eyes staring at me in shock. I finish my routine with jazz hands and the statement.

"Maybe I can, you know, be a back up dancer?"


Kai says, while walking up to me.


I say, crossing my arms. He smirks and pokes me in the chest.

"How can you suck so much?"

I shrug, smiling back and pointedly looking down at him.

"I guess it's a skill."

It's at this point that I realize why I have no friends.

"Okay. Everyone out!"

He yells clapping and shooing out the rest of the members.

"Wait what are you doing?"

I say when he stops me from leaving.

"You are going to get a private dance lesson. And it doesn't end until you can dance."

I swallow, suddenly feeling slightly intimidated.


And he smirks before giving me a rough shove.

"You ain't seen nothing yet, Noona."

It takes me a minute before I realize he's dissing me, and by then it doesn't even matter anymore. "Get over here!" He barks at me and I shuffle over.

"Take it off."

He says, while fiddling with the stereo.

"Excuse me?"

I say, my hand instinctively holding onto my hat.

"Your vest. You'll need to dance with it on when your performing but it's better not to if you don't have hurry up!"

I scowl before stalking off into the change room. Thankfully I have a small bag with me with a more feminine chest restraint. Once I'm back I notice the quick glance he gives me, muttering girl when he thinks I'm not listening. 

"Guess what asshole, I don't like you either."

I say, while stretching my legs. 

"Great, glad we both understand each other Noona.  So, I'm pretty sure you aren't that bad or they wouldn't have put you in our band.  So, what's the problem."

("Come on! *laughter* you can dance here it's okay."  Warm smells fill the dorm as we giggle, dancing to the music lazily looping through the speakers.  Everyone watches us with slight smiles, contented vibes filling the place and making me feel safe with these people.  These kind, honest, good people.)


I'm jolted back to the preset by Kai's snapping fingers in front of my face.

"Where'd you go?"

"Doesn't matter."

I say, shaking my head.

  "They're just memories, nothing real to go back to so its best not to dwell."

We spend the next few hours learning dance moves, nothing resembling a dance practice yet.  I'm finally getting used to his sudden touching, his hands grasping onto my waist as he mutters what I'm doing wrong in my ear.  It's hard work, but I feel myself learning, slowly.  I'm sitting on the floor, back against the mirror as I suck back water, trying to catch my breath. 

"Okay we're done."

He says, grabbing his bag and walking away.

"Get your stuff, we should head back to the dorms now."

I nod slightly, struggling to stand up.  It takes me five minutes to get changed, and by then the rest of the members are back to pick us up.  I'm bombarded with questions about how I'm doing and I just nod, exhausted beyond belief.  I have wolf D.N.A., so I should be fine again in an hour or so, right now I'm completely exhausted. 

"Guys!  He's tired, let's just get him back to the dorms."

I smile and nod slightly at Suho's wise statement.

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