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Xumin's P.O.V.

"I'm NOT talking about it!!"

Grey yells, and I mean yells when he explodes into the dorms the next morning. And just for once could he not be so volatile like get some sleep, God.

"I hate EVERYONE!"

Is the next sentence that comes out of his mouth, and I'm struck with the resemblance to a teenage girl having a temper tantrum. I only stop reading my magazine and slide my new gold rimed glasses off when I hear things being chucked into a bag. My glance up from the couch proves that Grey is indeed stuffing his shit into a bag and using about every single curse I've heard and a few more...well that one's just nasty.


I attempt, because heck it's only me Baek and Chen in the dorms, and neither of those two have grown a pair yet. Grey has though, and I'm slightly terrified of him as he storms around the dorm collecting his things.

"I'm quitting! I'm fucking quitting this shitty ass job that I haven't gotten paid for! I'm moving back to fucking America! Maybe I'll team up with Seek and become an assassin like her! Maybe I'll write music and actually publish it under my own name! Hah!"

Grey shouts as I follow him around the dorm, watching him pick up random items of his and shove them into the duffel bag, his already destroyed cell getting trod on in the process.

"Okay, slow down, Grey-"

I say, rushing over when he starts shoving on his old runners. I grab the one not on his foot and throw it behind the couch, getting roughly shoved in the chest for it.

"What do I have to slow down for! I'm sure you're all going to enjoy having me out of here!"

Grey shouts as he pulls out the couch, obviously disgusted with the amount of trash back there.

"Grey just-"

I try again, he's now using a broom to try and pull his shoe out from the abyss.

"Xuimin I don't have time for this I've booked a flight back to America that leaves in an hour, it takes that long to get there when I speed!"

He shouts, Baekhyun and Chen having oh so mysteriously vanished. He gets his shoe back and jams it on his foot, picking up his bag and heading to the door.


I yell, his shoulders tensing as he finally pauses his rushed exit. My fists are balled up at my side, confusion and worry pushing me to grab his bag and throw it into my room, locking the door and closing it.


He yells at me, knowing Kai is the only one who knows how to pick locks and he's out at an interview.

"Cancel your fucking flight, because I'm your Hyung, and I say you need to sit down and explain what the hell is going on."


After a brief and intense shouting match Grey has finally sat down on the couch, glaring at me as I bring him a cup of tea. The flight had been canceled, or postponed according to Grey.


I demand after he takes a sip.

"What do you want to know Xu?"

He sighs, head in his hands.

"Why, no, how do you know BTS?"

"I, I was their manager when they first started out as a band. The company they're with threw them into the spotlight without any training, so I picked up the slack and took night classes. I lied when I said I can't dance, I just don't enjoy it. I took hip hop classes for Hoeseok, choreographed a few of their routines as well. I always had a talent for writing songs, I was able to write an album in one night. Everyone thinks Namjoon was the composer of the band, but I wrote a good half of the songs they sing."


I prompt the now silent, girl, in front of me. Was she in a relationship with one of them? Did it go bad?

"And then I left. Because I do that, I leave."

She says with a chuckle, wiping her eye with the back of her hand.

"I left because, because, things weren't going well. We were touring across the world, there wasn't any time to breathe between shows, and I was about to debut with them."


I shout, how the hell?

"Ever heard of the eighth member theory?"

     Holy SHIT my friends, holy shit.  I could just message her, but instead I would like to pUbLicLy ask the lovely ginaWolf_kiwi if, when she has the time in her busy world travels, if she would consider making up the questions for an author Q&A (SAY THE NAME), that is, if you think that's something y'all would be interested in. 

And we
And we
And we
And we
I love you guys!


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