Lost Years

75 4 3

(I know this chapter isn't dealing directly with the Kpop world but we'll get back to that soon I promise.)

     "What I'd like to know is why the hell no one's fucking done anything!"


     Seek interjects, spider-like fingers tightly pinching her nose bridge while she sends me a warning glare.  The 'Team' of people on this 'case' aren't actually going to the crime scene, but instead we're all sitting around a table talking about who we think the killer is.  Seek is obviously in charge, but I doubt it was a popularity vote considering how few people in this room respect her.

     "Seek you're in charge, and she's your consultant so can you please get a handle on things!"

     The hot blond says, and I slap my paper on the table in indignation, glaring at her through my shaggy split ends.  Seek copies me in a more gentle manner, setting down her paperwork about what we profile the killer to be.

     "Agreed, I'll take Grey to the crime scene while you all work on the profile.  Grey is, she's more of a hands on consultant."

     "Take Reid with you."

     Seek grits her teeth, and I can guess that "take Reid with you" is something she's heard far too often.  Surprisingly Seek takes a deep breath, tight smile on her face as she grabs my jacket and tosses it to me.

     "Of course J.J., wouldn't want your Supervisory agent left unsupervised, no telling what I'd do."

     Her words have a very sharp edge to them, a lightly hidden warning that makes me shiver.  Seek still doesn't take well to any lack of respect.  I scrap my chair back into the table and run out after her, knocking into Reid's shoulder in my haste.  Once we're outside Seek makes Reid take a different car and we both hop into the heavily dated black police van, her disgust at the thing easy to see.  Seek does love her expensive cars.

     "Grey you need to stop pissing people off."

     She says, adjusting the mirrors while we fly down the high way a good thirty clicks over the speed limit.  I force myself to act normal, fiddling with the radio while she drives.

     "It's fine Seek, you of all people shouldn't give a shit about offending people.  If anything you should be standing up for me because I'm your 'consultant' for the day."

     "Is it fine?  Is it fine that you're putting my career on the line with your behavior?"

     "Holy shit you're tense, how long since you've gotten lai-"


     She shouts, blazing through a stop sign.  I clench my teeth and force out an apology, not meaning a word. 

     "Grey, you drop out of nowhere and expect me to integrate you into my life.  I have had no idea where exactly you were for the past two damned years of my hellish life and, on top of that, I had to deal with Vaden!"

     "What about Vaden!?"

     I shout, ignoring the fact that this argument can turn full blown way too fast if one of us doesn't stand down.

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