At First Sight

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Authors Note: This story will not totally be based on the movies. Most of it will, but not all. I promise no bad, sad or tragic ending. If you want that watch the first Captain America. Lol. Anyway hope you enjoy and remember leave comments to let me know what you think or if you have any ideas. I love talking to you guys! And if you like it please vote! Oh and remember I ALWAYS follow back. Thx😘😘😘

And now officially presenting... A Steggy Fanficion, On Purpose!

Steve's POV.

Steve watched as all of his fellow recruits stood talking to one another. He had finally made it. He had joined the army. Steve felt like a real soldier, in his army uniform and helmet. The helmet was a little big, but he didn't care. He was a lot shorter than all the other men around him, who were at least 5'9. And he was a lot weaker than the other men who, compared to Steve, looked like body builders. Steve didn't let that bother him though. He finally had everything he had ever wanted.

Suddenly Steve was ripped out of his thoughts when a strong, young woman's voice was heard behind him. "Recruits! Attention!" She ordered. All the soldiers including Steve immediately stood at attention. The young woman walked up in front of all the soldiers. "Gentleman, I am Agent Carter...." She began.

Steve was quickly entranced by her beauty

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Steve was quickly entranced by her beauty. She was about 5'4, had dark reddish-brown hair and soft dark brown eyes. She walked with grace and composure, and talked with strength and purpose. He watched intently as she continued to speak.

"I supervise all operations for this devision

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"I supervise all operations for this devision." "What's with the accent, Queen Victoria?" A soldier asked. She turned to face him. Her face very annoyed, but then returned to a normal look of business. "What's your name, soldier?" She asked firmly. "Gilmore Hodge, Your Majesty." He answered in disrespect.

Steve hated men like this. He wished he could go over and teach the man a little thing or two about respect. Especially respect for a lady.

"Step forward Hodge." Agent Carter ordered. Hodge did as commanded. "Put your right foot forward." She demanded. He did as he was told. Steve was then handed a daily schedule. He looked at it quickly then looked back at the agent. "Are we gonna wrestle?" Hodge asked her. "Cuz I've got a few moves I know you'll like." He winked. Agent Carter quickly drew her arm back and punched the soldier in the face. He then fell down, holding his nose.

The agent proudly stepped back and put her hands on her hips. Steve felt himself grin. It wasn't everyday you saw a woman take care of herself like that. Hodge had definitely learned his lesson.

"Agent Carter!" A man shouted. She stood up straight and faced the man. "Colonel Philips." She saluted him. "I see your breaking in the new candidates. That's good! Get up outta that dirt and stand in the line at attention until somebody comes and tells you what to do." Colonel Philips ordered. "Yes sir." Hodge said. Steve looked over at Agent Carter who was smiling to herself.

While the Colonel began to talk Steve couldn't help, but get distracted by Agent Carter's presence. He would find himself staring at her while she was listening to the Colonel. One time when he looked over, she turned and saw him. They both locked eyes for a moment. Her eyes sweet and soft, she smiled gently, and gave him a kind nod. He blushed insanely. Steve swallowed hard and gave small gentle smile. She then turned back to the troops.

Peggy's POV.

She hated it when men acted like savages. She wanted respect not disrespect. And to gain that respect she would now have to show the soldier what she could do. She drew her arm back and quickly punched the recruit in the nose. He fell down, holding his now injured nose. She felt proud and strong. Now they all knew that she wasn't just some young, defenseless girl. She was a trained agent.

"Agent Carter!" Colonel Philips shouted. She quickly turned around and saluted him. "Colonel Philips." "I see your breaking in the new candidates. That's good! Get up outta that dirt and stand in the line at attention until somebody comes and tells you what to do." Colonel Philips ordered Hodge. "Yes sir." Hodge answered, wiping blood from his nose. Peggy felt herself smile slightly. She was glad that she taught Hodge a lesson. He was a mean bully and she hated bullies.

She stepped back and listened to the Colonel talk to the new recruits. He explained that they were being tested. One man was going to emerge from this devision and become the worlds first Super Soldier. It was very exciting and risky. Dr. Eirskin had told her that he wanted a man who had a good heart. Someone who only thought of others and not himself. Which she knew would be very hard to find.

As she listened she began to feel like she was being watched. She turned her head and caught one of the recruits staring at her.

He was small and very weak compared to all the other men. His face was slightly sunken in and he was mostly skin and bone. His helmet looked very big on him and his uniform looked baggy. She then noticed his eyes. They were different than the other men's eyes. They were a beautiful dark blue and sparkled. They also were full of hope, joy and strength. Something she wouldn't have expected from someone with his physique.

She noticed that he saw her catch him staring and began to blush like a mad man. She smiled gently at the young man and nodded in reassurance. She then turned back to the rest of the soldiers.

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