Your My Brother.

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Steve's POV.

It had been a day since Peggy had told Steve she was pregnant again. Today was the day that they would explain it to their son. Steve sat in the living room waiting for Peggy to bring Michael in. He came running down the hall, into the living room and jumped up on Steve's lap. "Hey, buddy." Michael smiled widely at Steve. "Hey, Daddy. Mommy says that you want to tell me something. Peggy came in and smiled at Steve. She looked slightly nervous. He smiled back and nodded. Peggy sat down in a chair next to the couch. "Yes we do have something to tell you." "What?"

"Well...." he looked over to Peggy for help. She leaned over to Michael, cautiously. "Michael, dear." She paused. "Yes Mommy?" "You know how Aunt Angie will be having a baby soon?" He nodded. "Well...Mommy is going to have a baby as well." "Really?" He smiled. She smiled and nodded. "That's right, son. In a few months your going to have a little brother or sister." "Wow! Neat!" Peggy giggled. Steve smiled at his sons reaction. It was going a lot easier than he thought it would.

"But? Mommy, Daddy?" "Yes?" "If You are going to have a baby and...Aunt Angie is going to have a baby...then where is it right now?" "Umm...." Peggy gave Steve a look for help. Steve opened his mouth to answer, but couldn't think of one. "Uh...." Peggy glared at him. He shrugged nervously. "It's in Mommy's tummy." "You ate it!" Steve snorted a laugh. What else could the youngster think after that explanation. "Umm no dear. You see..."

"Then how did it get in there?" He poked her stomach. "It just happened. Mommy woke up one day and the bent was there." Steve answered. He prayed that the boy would just have faith in what they were saying. "Yes. We've been blessed with a child. It was a surprise to Mommy and Daddy as well." "Oohhh." He said nodding.

Steve and Peggy both looked at one another in relief. "Do understand?" Peggy asked their son. He nodded. "I think so." "Good." "I can't wait to have a baby brother or sister!" He said happily. Peggy and Steve both smiled. "We can't either." Steve said. "Now, you can go and play if you want." Peggy said. "Okay." He kissed Steve on the cheek and then his mother. "Love you Mommy and Daddy." Then he leaned down and poked Peggy's stomach. "Love you too, baby." Peggy smiled at him. Steve also smiled at his son. Michael ran off to his room.

Peggy's sighed and moved to sit with Steve. "Well, that was a lot easier than o though it would be." "Yeah it was." Steve answered. "'s time to fix our other problem." "What problem?" "You and Bucky-"

"Peggy. I don't know what to say to him." "Just talk to him. Say your sorry." "He probably doesn't even want to see me." "You'll never know until you go to him." Steve sighed. Peggy's eyes were so sincere. How could he say no to her. He didn't want to disappoint her. "Okay. Fine. I'll go and see him today." She smiled brightly. "Good."

"You know for a pregnant woman your pretty aggressive and pushy." She laughed. "I'm not even 4 months pregnant yet. I have a few more months left before I get emotional and hormonal." She said. Steve laughed. "I'll go over and see Bucky right now." "Okay. She kissed him. "Good luck. I love you." "I love you and thanks I'll need it." He walked to the door and left.

A little bit later he got to Bucky's house. He rang the doorbell and waited. Angie opened it. She smiled sadly. "Hi Steve. Bucky's in the backyard." "Thanks Angie." "On and Steve?" "Yeah?" "Be gentle." He nodded.

He walked around the back to see Bucky throwing a knife at a target. It was something he did to train. Steve looked down. "Buck?" Bucky threw his knife,hard at the target. It hit it dead center. He didn't bother to look at Steve and walked over to he target. "What are doing here Steve?" He pulled the knife out of the wooden target. It had gone pretty deep.

"I know you don't want to see me and I honestly can't blame you." Steve said. Bucky shook his head and aimed at the target. "No you can't." He threw it and it hit the target again. "Look, Bucky I came here to apologize." "Yeah? And what else is new?" He asked now walking back to the target again.

"Buck please. Just listen to me." "And why should I listen to you?" He asked, now trying to pull out the knife. "Bucky please I'm trying to apologize. And honestly you don't have any reason to listen to me, but-" "Your right I don't. And you know why? Because, my best friend who I thought was always honest with me, lied to me about something very, very important to me. That's why. So how can u trust him, when for all I know he could be lying to me again?"

"Buck. Just let me apologize!" "Fine." "Look. I get why your angry. I would be too, but you have to at least understand my reasons. I'm not trying to justify my lying to you, but I just wish you would try and understand why I did." "How can I?! My best friend lied to me!" "Yes, but I didn't because I care about you Buck! Your my brother! I didn't want to see you get hurt. And you know just as well as I do, that if you were in the same situation you would have done the exact same thing that I did." Steve said firmly.

Bucky opened his mouth to argue, but closed it and sighed. He looked down, seeming to contemplate what Steve had said. He shook his head slowly. "I guess your right. I just wish you would have told me." Steve walked over to Bucky. "I know. And if I could do it over I would tell you." "I know you would. Steve, I know you were just trying to protect me. And I'm sorry for getting angry at you." "Don't worry about it Buck. I would have been angry too."

"So what now?" "What do you mean?" Steve asked. "I kill Howard in the future." "You would have, but we saved you before you could." "But...what if they get ahold of me again?" "They won't. Your a good man Bucky. Your not going to kill anyone." "I hope your right."

"I know I'm right. Hey I have something to tell you." "Really? What?" "Peggy's pregnant." "What?!" "Yeah. She told me last night." "Steve that's great! Did you tell Mike?" "Yeah we did. He was happy." "Well that's just great Steve. I know how much you two wanted another kid." "Yeah. We've really been blessed." "So when is it due?" "Two months after Angie, I believe." "Oh wow. Okay. Angie will be thrilled!"

"Well...I've got to get back to the house." He patted his friend in the back. He began to walk away. "Okay. And Steve?" Steve turned around. "Yeah?" "Your my brother too." Steve smiled and nodded. "See you later." "See ya." Then he left.

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